Free OpenSource IntelliJ plugin for Clojure REPL development.
Checkout all available features
After installing the plugin in IntelliJ, you can add a REPL to your Run configurations.
- Go to
>Edit Configurations
- If you don't have any existing configurations, click
Add new...
orAdd new run configuration
. Otherwise, click the+
("Add New Configuration"). - Select
Clojure REPL
- Optional: Name your Configuration (e.g. "Local REPL")
- Click
- Ensure you have an existing nREPL process running outside IntelliJ
- Within Intellij, go to
>Edit Configurations
- If you don't have any existing configurations, click
Add new...
orAdd new run configuration
. Otherwise, click the+
("Add New Configuration"). - Select
Clojure REPL
- In the boxes for
copy and paste the values from your existing nREPL process - Optional: Name your Configuration (e.g. "Remote REPL")
- Click
- Start a nREPL server from IntelliJ
- Connect to an existing nREPL process
- Load file to REPL (
alt/opt + shift + L
) - Eval code at point (
alt/opt + shift + E
) - Eval defun at point (
alt/opt + shift + D
) - Run ns tests (
alt/opt + shift + T
alt/opt + shift + N
) - Run test at cursor (
alt/opt + shift + T
alt/opt + shift + T
) - Re-run last test (
alt/opt + shift + T
alt/opt + shift + A
) - Switch to file namespace (
alt/opt + shift + N
) - Clear REPL output (
alt/opt + shift + R
alt/opt + shift + C
) - Refresh all ns (
alt/opt + shift + R
alt/opt + shift + A
) - Refresh changed ns (
alt/opt + shift + R
alt/opt + shift + R
) - Stop (interrupt) evaluation of REPL session (
alt/opt + shift + R
alt/opt + shift + S
) - Entry history navigation in REPL (
ctrl + PAGE_UP
orctrl + PAGE_DOWN
) - Isolate REPL window and file editors namespace. Read more about evaluation and namespace
Contributions are very welcome, check the issues page for more information about what are good first issues or open an issue describing the desired support.
install babashka from
bb run-ide
to spawn a new IntelliJ session with the plugin.
bb install-plugin
to build the plugin, and install it from disk in IntelliJ automatically. You need to pass the IntelliJ plugins path:
e.g: bb install-plugin /home/youruser/.local/share/JetBrains/IdeaIC2024.3
bb build-plugin
to build the plugin, then install it manually from disk in IntelliJ, the zip should be on ./build/distributions/*.zip
bb tag x.y.z
to tag and push the new tagbb publish-plugin
to publish to Jetbrains Marketplace (requires JETBRAINS_TOKEN on env).