This program is an introduction into 3D graphics in WebGL and builds upon this codebase. The program consists of four 3D objects upon which we perform various actions such as translations, rotation, scaling.
Shows the four different models used in the program
Run the program with a live server.
By default the program is in Axes mode. The drop down box on the left of the screen can be used to change the modes.
Note: The user can switch between any mode.
The different modes are:
Axes: Shows the world coordinates
Triangle Corner: Places the three objects drawn at the Corners of a triangle positioned at the origin of the scene. World Coordinate Axes placed at the screen corner.
Triangle Side: Objects translated to the mid-points of the sides of the triangle.
Scale: Scales -
Cube by 0.5
Random by 2
Torus by 3
Object Rotate: Rotates the Cube about Y axis by 90 degrees
Rotates the torus about the X axis by 90 degrees
Rotates the Random about the Z axis by 90 degrees
Press "r" key to keep rotating the objects about the specified axis by 90 degrees.
Camera Rotate: Rotates the camera about the Y axis.
Press the left mouse button and drag to rotate.
Alternatively, use left and right arrow keys to rotate.
Obj: Selects the Object when clicked on it.
Face: Selects a specific face of the object when clicked.
Torus Selected
One face of Cube selected
- Source
- 3DMesh.js
- Arrow.js
- fragment.js
- index.js
- renderer.js
- shader.js
- SuperMesh.js
- transform.js
- Triangle.js
- vertex.js
- index.html
- globalStyle.css
- models
- Arrow.obj
- Cube
- Side1.obj
- Side2.obj
- Side3.obj
- Side4.obj
- Side5.obj
- Side6.obj
- Torus
- TQuater1.obj
- TQuater2.obj
- TQuater3.obj
- TQuater4.obj
- Surprise
- RandomPart1.obj
- RandomPart2.obj
- RandomPart3.obj
- RandomPart4.obj
- Report.pdf
- Images
- VideoReport.mp4