This package provides JSON Web Token Authentication support for
Express. It conveniently sets req.user
for authenticated requests. The authorization header is in the from of:
Authorization JWT < jwt token >
New to using JSON Web Tokens? Take a look at these resources:
npm install express-jwt-token
var express = require('express')
, auth = require('express-jwt-token')
, app = express()
, router = express.Router()
// Require jwt authorization on all routes
router.all('*', auth.jwtAuthProtected)
// Require jwt authorization on only api routes
router.all('/api/*', auth.jwtAuthProtected)
// Require jwt auth on a specific route
router.get('/auth-protected', auth.jwtAuthProtected, function(req, res){
res.send({'msg': 'Im jwt auth protected!'})
app.use('/', router)
Now your route(s) are protected and require an authorization header in the form of:
Authorization JWT < jwt token >
Configure your JWT Secret. This must be changed for production. Default value is 'secret'
process.env.JWT_SECRET_KEY = 'Your Secret'
Configure the authorization header prefix. this is optional. Default is 'JWT'
An Express.js middleware that ensures that a request has supplied an authorization header.
- @param {object} req
- @param {object} res
- @param {function} next
An Express.js middleware validates a JWT token.
- @param {object} req
- @param {object} res
- @param {function} next
An Express.js middleware that ensures that a request has supplied an authorization header.
- @param {object} req
- @param {object} res
- @param {function} next
The grouped middleware needed to enforce jwt Auth. Mounts the same as a single middleware.
When authorization fails express-jwt-token
will return an UnauthorizedError
with some helpful details about what went wrong.
This implementation was based on the excellent django-rest-framework-jwt library.