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Some properties of connected spaces #1202

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261 changes: 249 additions & 12 deletions Cubical/Homotopy/Connected.agda
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Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ open import Cubical.Foundations.GroupoidLaws
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.Univalence
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure

open import Cubical.Functions.Fibration
open import Cubical.Functions.FunExtEquiv
Expand All @@ -34,13 +35,14 @@ open import Cubical.HITs.Sn.Base
open import Cubical.HITs.S1 hiding (elim)
open import Cubical.HITs.Truncation as Trunc
renaming (rec to trRec) hiding (elim)
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT using (∥_∥₁)

open import Cubical.Homotopy.Loopspace

ℓ : Level
X₀ X₁ X₂ Y₀ Y₁ Y₂ : Type ℓ
A B X₀ X₁ X₂ Y₀ Y₁ Y₂ : Type ℓ

-- Note that relative to most sources, this notation is off by +2
isConnected : ∀ {ℓ} (n : HLevel) (A : Type ℓ) → Type ℓ
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,21 +91,52 @@ private
typeToFiber : ∀ {ℓ} (A : Type ℓ) → A ≡ fiber (λ (x : A) → tt) tt
typeToFiber A = isoToPath (typeToFiberIso A)

truncTypeToFiberIso : (n : HLevel) (X : Type ℓ) → Iso (∥ X ∥ n) (∥ fiber (λ x → tt) tt ∥ n)
truncTypeToFiberIso n X = mapCompIso {n = n} (typeToFiberIso X)

isConnectedFun→isConnected : {X : Type ℓ} (n : HLevel)
→ isConnectedFun n (λ (_ : X) → tt) → isConnected n X
isConnectedFun→isConnected n h =
subst (isConnected n) (sym (typeToFiber _)) (h tt)
isConnectedFun→isConnected {X = X} zero _ = isConnectedZero X
isConnectedFun→isConnected {X = X} n@(suc _) h =
isOfHLevelRetractFromIso 0 (truncTypeToFiberIso n X) is-contr-fiber
is-contr-fiber : isContr (∥ fiber (λ (_ : X) → tt) tt ∥ n)
is-contr-fiber = h tt

isConnected→isConnectedFun : {X : Type ℓ} (n : HLevel)
→ isConnected n X → isConnectedFun n (λ (_ : X) → tt)
isConnected→isConnectedFun n h = λ { tt → subst (isConnected n) (typeToFiber _) h }
isConnected→isConnectedFun {X = X} zero h = isConnectedZero ∘ fiber {A = X} (λ _ → tt)
isConnected→isConnectedFun {X = X} n@(suc _) h tt = isOfHLevelRetractFromIso 0 (invIso (truncTypeToFiberIso n X)) h

-- Being a connected type is a proposition.
isPropIsConnected : ∀ {n : ℕ} → isProp (isConnected n A)
isPropIsConnected {A = A} {n = n} = isPropIsContr {A = hLevelTrunc n A}

-- Being a connected function is a proposition.
isPropIsConnectedFun : ∀ {n : HLevel} {f : A → B} → isProp (isConnectedFun n f)
isPropIsConnectedFun = isPropΠ λ _ → isPropIsConnected

isOfHLevelIsConnectedStable : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} (n : ℕ)
→ isOfHLevel n (isConnected n A)
isOfHLevelIsConnectedStable {A = A} zero =
(tt* , (λ _ → refl)) , λ _ → refl
isOfHLevelIsConnectedStable {A = A} (suc n) =
isProp→isOfHLevelSuc n isPropIsContr
isProp→isOfHLevelSuc n isPropIsConnected

-- A k-connected k-type is contractible.
isOfHLevel×isConnected→isContr : ∀ {ℓ} (k : HLevel)
→ (A : Type ℓ)
→ (isOfHLevel k A)
→ (isConnected k A)
→ isContr A
isOfHLevel×isConnected→isContr zero A is-contr-A _ = is-contr-A
isOfHLevel×isConnected→isContr (suc k) A is-trunc-A is-conn-A = is-contr-A where
universal-property-trunc : ∥ A ∥ suc k ≃ A
universal-property-trunc = truncIdempotent≃ (suc k) is-trunc-A

is-contr-A : isContr A
is-contr-A = isOfHLevelRespectEquiv 0 universal-property-trunc is-conn-A

module elim {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'} (f : A → B) where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -210,17 +243,74 @@ isOfHLevelPrecomposeConnected (suc k) n P f fConn t =
f fConn
(funExt⁻ (p₀ ∙∙ refl ∙∙ sym p₁)))))}

-- A type A is n-connected if the map `λ b a → b : B → (A → B)` has a section for any n-type B.
indMapHasSection→conType : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} (n : HLevel)
→ ((B : TypeOfHLevel ℓ n) → hasSection (λ (b : (fst B)) → λ (a : A) → b))
→ isConnected n A
indMapHasSection→conType {A = A} zero _ = isConnectedZero A
indMapHasSection→conType {A = A} (suc n) ind-map-has-section =
isConnectedFun→isConnected (suc n) is-conn-fun-const
module _ (P : Unit → TypeOfHLevel _ (suc n)) where
B' : Type _
B' = ⟨ P tt ⟩

has-section : hasSection λ (b : B') (a : A) → b
has-section = ind-map-has-section (P tt)

point : (A → B') → B'
point = has-section .fst

precomp-section : ((a : A) → B') → (b : Unit) → B'
precomp-section = (λ b (_ : Unit) → b) ∘ point

precomp-has-section : hasSection (λ s → s ∘ (λ (a : A) → tt))
precomp-has-section .fst = precomp-section
precomp-has-section .snd = has-section .snd

is-conn-fun-const : isConnectedFun (suc n) (λ (a : A) → tt)
is-conn-fun-const = elim.isConnectedPrecompose _ _ precomp-has-section

-- Corollary: A is n-connected if the constant map `B → (A → B)` is an equivalence for any n-type B.
indMapEquiv→conType : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} (n : HLevel)
→ ((B : TypeOfHLevel ℓ n)
→ isEquiv (λ (b : (fst B)) → λ (a : A) → b))
→ isConnected n A
indMapEquiv→conType {A = A} zero BEq = isContrUnit*
indMapEquiv→conType {A = A} (suc n) BEq =
isOfHLevelRetractFromIso 0 (mapCompIso {n = (suc n)} (typeToFiberIso A))
(elim.isConnectedPrecompose (λ _ → tt) (suc n)
(λ P → ((λ a _ → a) ∘ invIsEq (BEq (P tt)))
, λ a → equiv-proof (BEq (P tt)) a .fst .snd)
indMapEquiv→conType n is-equiv-ind = indMapHasSection→conType n λ B → _ , secIsEq (is-equiv-ind B)

conType→indMapEquiv : ∀ (n : HLevel)
→ isConnected n A
→ isOfHLevel n B
→ isEquiv (λ (b : B) → λ (a : A) → b)
conType→indMapEquiv {A = A} {B = B} 0 _ is-contr-B = isoToIsEquiv (isContr→Iso' is-contr-B (isContrΠ λ _ → is-contr-B) (λ b a → b))
conType→indMapEquiv {A = A} {B = B} n@(suc _) conn-A is-of-hlevel-B = subst isEquiv fun-equiv≡const (equivIsEquiv fun-equiv) where
fun-equiv : B ≃ (A → B)
fun-equiv =
B ≃⟨ invEquiv $ Π-contractDom conn-A ⟩
(∥ A ∥ n → B) ≃⟨ isoToEquiv (univTrunc n {B = B , is-of-hlevel-B}) ⟩
(A → B) ■

fun-equiv≡const : equivFun fun-equiv ≡ (λ b a → b)
fun-equiv≡const = funExt λ b → funExt λ a → transportRefl b

-- Corollary 7.5.9 of the HoTT book:
-- A type is n-connected if and only every map into an n-type is constant.
indMapEquiv≃conType : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} (n : HLevel)
→ ((B : TypeOfHLevel ℓ n) → isEquiv (λ (b : ⟨ B ⟩) → λ (a : A) → b))
isConnected n A
indMapEquiv≃conType n = propBiimpl→Equiv
(isPropΠ λ B → isPropIsEquiv (λ b a → b))
(indMapEquiv→conType n)
(λ conn-A (B , is-of-hlevel-B) → conType→indMapEquiv n conn-A is-of-hlevel-B)

isConnected→constEquiv : ∀ (n : HLevel)
→ isConnected n A
→ isOfHLevel n B
→ B ≃ (A → B)
isConnected→constEquiv n conn-A is-of-hlevel-B .fst = λ b a → b
isConnected→constEquiv n conn-A is-of-hlevel-B .snd = conType→indMapEquiv n conn-A is-of-hlevel-B

isConnectedComp : ∀ {ℓ ℓ' ℓ''} {A : Type ℓ} {B : Type ℓ'} {C : Type ℓ''}
(f : B → C) (g : A → B) (n : ℕ)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -439,6 +529,153 @@ isConnectedRetractFromIso n e =
(Iso.inv e)
(Iso.leftInv e)

-- Any (k+1)-connected type is (merely) inhabited.
isConnectedSuc→merelyInh : ∀ (k : HLevel) → isConnected (suc k) A → ∥ A ∥₁
isConnectedSuc→merelyInh {A = A} k conn-A = propTruncTrunc1Iso .Iso.inv (is-1-conn-A .fst) where
is-1-conn-A : isConnected 1 A
is-1-conn-A = isConnectedSubtr' k 1 conn-A

-- A pointed type with k-connected path space is (k+1)-connected.
pointed×isConnectedPath→isConnectedSuc : ∀ (k : HLevel) → (a : A) → ((a b : A) → isConnected k (a ≡ b)) → isConnected (suc k) A
pointed×isConnectedPath→isConnectedSuc {A = A} k a conn-path = conn where
is-of-hlevel-trunc : isOfHLevel (2 + k) (∥ A ∥ (suc k))
is-of-hlevel-trunc = isOfHLevelSuc (1 + k) (isOfHLevelTrunc (1 + k))

conn : isConnected (suc k) A
conn .fst = ∣ a ∣ₕ
conn .snd = Trunc.elim
(λ y → is-of-hlevel-trunc ∣ a ∣ y)
(λ b → PathIdTruncIso k .Iso.inv (conn-path a b .fst))

-- A merely inhabited type with k-connected path space is (k+1)-connected.
merelyInh×isConnectedPath→isConnectedSuc : ∀ (k : HLevel)
→ ∥ A ∥₁
→ ((a b : A) → isConnected k (a ≡ b))
→ isConnected (suc k) A
merelyInh×isConnectedPath→isConnectedSuc k = PT.rec
(isProp→ isPropIsConnected)
(pointed×isConnectedPath→isConnectedSuc k)

-- The converse: A (k+1)-connected type is merely inhabited and has k-connected paths.
isConnectedSuc→merelyInh×isConnectedPath : (k : HLevel)
→ isConnected (suc k) A
→ ∥ A ∥₁ × ((a b : A) → isConnected k (a ≡ b))
isConnectedSuc→merelyInh×isConnectedPath k suc-conn-A .fst = isConnectedSuc→merelyInh k suc-conn-A
isConnectedSuc→merelyInh×isConnectedPath k suc-conn-A .snd = isConnectedPath k suc-conn-A

-- HoTT book, Exercise 7.6:
-- A type is k+1-connected whenever it is merely inhabited and has k-connected paths.
merelyInh×isConnectedPath≃isConnectedSuc : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} (k : HLevel)
→ (∥ A ∥₁ × ((a b : A) → isConnected k (a ≡ b))) ≃ (isConnected (suc k) A)
merelyInh×isConnectedPath≃isConnectedSuc k = propBiimpl→Equiv
(isProp× PT.isPropPropTrunc $ isPropΠ2 λ a b → isPropIsConnected)
(uncurry $ merelyInh×isConnectedPath→isConnectedSuc k)
(isConnectedSuc→merelyInh×isConnectedPath k)

module Pointed {ℓ} (A : Pointed ℓ) where
a₀ : ⟨ A ⟩
a₀ = str A

-- A pointed type has k-connected path space iff it is (k+1)-connected.
isConnectedPath≃isConnectedSuc : ∀ (k : HLevel)
→ ((a b : ⟨ A ⟩) → isConnected k (a ≡ b)) ≃ (isConnected (suc k) ⟨ A ⟩)
isConnectedPath≃isConnectedSuc k = propBiimpl→Equiv
(isPropΠ2 λ a b → isPropIsConnected)
(pointed×isConnectedPath→isConnectedSuc k a₀)
(isConnectedPath k)

merePathToBase→isConnectedPath : (∀ x → ∥ x ≡ a₀ ∥₁) → ∀ (a b : ⟨ A ⟩) → isConnected 1 (a ≡ b)
merePathToBase→isConnectedPath to-base a b =
inhProp→isContr (propTruncTrunc1Iso mere-path) (isOfHLevelTrunc 1) where
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Monad

mere-path : ∥ a ≡ b ∥₁
mere-path = do
a≡a₀ ← to-base a
b≡a₀ ← to-base b
return (a≡a₀ ∙ sym b≡a₀)

isConnectedPath→merePathToBase : (∀ (a b : ⟨ A ⟩) → isConnected 1 (a ≡ b)) → (∀ x → ∥ x ≡ a₀ ∥₁)
isConnectedPath→merePathToBase is-conn-path x = isConnectedSuc→merelyInh 0 (is-conn-path x a₀)

merePathToBase≃isConnectedPath : (∀ x → ∥ x ≡ a₀ ∥₁) ≃ (∀ (a b : ⟨ A ⟩) → isConnected 1 (a ≡ b))
merePathToBase≃isConnectedPath = propBiimpl→Equiv
(isPropΠ λ x → PT.isPropPropTrunc)
(isPropΠ2 λ a b → isPropIsConnected)

-- In a pointed type, each point merely has a path to the base point iff the type is 2-connected.
merePathToBase≃is2Connected : (∀ x → ∥ x ≡ a₀ ∥₁) ≃ isConnected 2 ⟨ A ⟩
merePathToBase≃is2Connected = merePathToBase≃isConnectedPath ∙ₑ isConnectedPath≃isConnectedSuc 1

-- If a type is (k+1)-inhabited and has k-connected paths, then it is (k+1)-connected.
inhTruncSuc×isConnectedPath→isConnectedSuc : ∀ (k : HLevel)
→ ∥ A ∥ (suc k)
→ ((a b : A) → isConnected k (a ≡ b))
→ isConnected (suc k) A
inhTruncSuc×isConnectedPath→isConnectedSuc k = Trunc.rec
(isOfHLevelΠ (suc k) λ _ → isProp→isOfHLevelSuc k isPropIsConnected)
(pointed×isConnectedPath→isConnectedSuc k)

-- A type is (k+1)-inhabited and has k-connected paths if and only if it is (k+1)-connected.
-- Note that the left hand side of the equivalence is not a priori a proposition.
inhTruncSuc×isConnectedPath≃isConnectedSuc : ∀ (k : HLevel)
→ (∥ A ∥ (suc k) × ((a b : A) → isConnected k (a ≡ b))) ≃ (isConnected (suc k) A)
inhTruncSuc×isConnectedPath≃isConnectedSuc {A = A} k = equiv where
-- The left-to-right implication has been established above.
impl : (∥ A ∥ (suc k) × ((a b : A) → isConnected k (a ≡ b))) → (isConnected (suc k) A)
impl = uncurry (inhTruncSuc×isConnectedPath→isConnectedSuc k)

-- Even though ∥ A ∥ₖ₊₁ is not a proposition in general, we know that this is the
-- case whenever A is (k+1)-connected. We can thus prove that fibers of the above
-- implication are contractible, since we get to assume (k+1)-connectedness of A:
is-contr-fiber-impl : (suc-conn-A : isConnected (suc k) A) → isContr (fiber impl suc-conn-A)
is-contr-fiber-impl suc-conn-A = goal where
-- (1). By assumption, having k-connected paths is an inhabited proposition, i.e. contractible.
is-contr-is-conn-path : isContr (∀ (a b : A) → isConnected k (a ≡ b))
is-contr-is-conn-path = inhProp→isContr (isConnectedPath k suc-conn-A) (isPropΠ2 λ _ _ → isPropIsConnected)

-- (2). Being (k+1)-connected means that ∥ A ∥ₖ₊₁ is contractible.
-- Together with (1), it follows that the domain of the implication is contractible.
is-contr-trunc×conn-path : isContr (∥ A ∥ (suc k) × ∀ (a b : A) → isConnected k (a ≡ b))
is-contr-trunc×conn-path = isContrΣ suc-conn-A λ _ → is-contr-is-conn-path

-- (3). The codomain is a proposition, so its paths are contractible. As such, there is a unique homotopy
-- connecting points in the image of `impl` to our assumption of connectedness of A.
is-contr-impl-conn-path : (trunc×conn : (∥ A ∥ suc k) × (∀ a b → isConnected k (a ≡ b))) → isContr (impl trunc×conn ≡ suc-conn-A)
is-contr-impl-conn-path trunc×conn = isProp→isContrPath isPropIsConnected (impl trunc×conn) suc-conn-A

-- Together, (2) and (3) say that `impl` has contractible fibers.
goal : isContr (fiber impl suc-conn-A)
goal = isContrΣ is-contr-trunc×conn-path is-contr-impl-conn-path

equiv : _ ≃ _
equiv .fst = impl
equiv .snd .equiv-proof = is-contr-fiber-impl

isConnectedSuc→inhTruncSuc×isConnectedPath : ∀ (k : HLevel)
→ (isConnected (suc k) A)
→ (∥ A ∥ (suc k) × ((a b : A) → isConnected k (a ≡ b)))
isConnectedSuc→inhTruncSuc×isConnectedPath k = invEq $ inhTruncSuc×isConnectedPath≃isConnectedSuc k

-- In a (k+2)-connected space, all loop spaces are merely equivalent
isConnected→mereLoopSpaceEquiv : (k : HLevel) → isConnected (2 + k) A → (a b : A) → ∥ (a ≡ a) ≃ (b ≡ b) ∥₁
isConnected→mereLoopSpaceEquiv {A = A} k conn-A a b = do
-- Paths in A are (k+1)-connected:
let conn-path-A : (a b : A) → isConnected (suc k) (a ≡ b)
conn-path-A = isConnectedPath (suc k) conn-A
-- Therefore, there merely exists a path a ≡ b:
a≡b ← isConnectedSuc→merelyInh k (conn-path-A a b)
-- Conjugation by this path induces an equivance of loop spaces
return (conjugatePathEquiv a≡b)
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Monad

isConnectedPoint : ∀ {ℓ} (n : HLevel) {A : Type ℓ}
→ isConnected (suc n) A
→ (a : A) → isConnectedFun n (λ(_ : Unit) → a)
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