The kWicket project provides Kotlin idiomatic extensions for the Apache Wicket web framework (versions 8 and up).
- Becauseobject
is a reserved word in Kotlin, anIModel
property has to be escaped with backticks. To avoid this, the read/write extension propertyvalue
may be used instead (e.g.,val x = myModel.value
). -
<T: Serializable?> T.model()
- Creates aModel<T>
where the value is theT
object (e.g.,val myModel: IModel<String> = "Hello".model()
). -
<L: List<T>> L.listModel()
- Creates aListModel<T>
where the value is theL
object (e.g.,val myModel: IModel<List<String>> = listOf("here", "there")
). -
(() -> Unit).ldm()
- Creates aLoadableDetachableModel
where the value is provided by the lambda (e.g.,val nowModel: IModel<LocalDateTime> = { }.ldm()
) -
IModel<M> + ((M) -> N))
- Creates aLoadableDetachableModel<N>
where the value is provided by applying the lambda to the value of the model (e.g.,val firstNameModel: IModel<String> = personModel + { it.firstName }
) -
IModel<M> + KProperty<M, N>
- Creates anIModel<N>
where the value is provided by getting the value of the property from the value of the model (e.g.,val ageModel: IModel<Int> = personModel + Person::age
) -
IModel<*> + PropChain<M>
- Creates anIModel<M>
where the value is provided by applying the chain of properties to the value of the model (e.g.,val motherName = childModel + PropChain { Person::mother + Person::name }
). -
- uses Kotlin coroutines to asynchronously load model values (use with eitherAsyncModelLoadBehavior
the child component in the parent component and returns the child component (e.g.,val nameField: FormComponent<String> = q(TextField("name", nameModel))
). -
- Refreshes the component via ajax; if the target is null, looks up the current one in the request (e.g.,nameField.refresh(target)
<C: Component> C.onConfig(handler: (C) -> Unit)
KLabel(id = "firstName",
model = personModel + Person::firstName)
.onConfig({ it.setVisible = false })
VisibleWhen(val isVisible: () -> Boolean)
KTextField(id = "firstName",
model = model + Person::firstName,
behaviors = VisibleWhen( { model.value.type == PersonType.INDIVIDUAL } ))
EnabledWhen(val isEnabled: () -> Boolean)
KTextField(id = "firstName",
model = model + Person::firstName,
behaviors = EnabledWhen( { user.role.contains(Roles.EDITOR) } ))
A number of components across several projects have been enhanced for use with Kotlin.
By default, the name of the enhanced component is the name of the "regular" Wicket component (e.g., Label
) with a
capital "K" prepended to it (e.g., KLabel
The package name is the package name of the "regular" Wicket component (e.g., org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic
with the top-most one or two package removed and replaced with org.kwicket
All enhanced components make it possible to configure common functionality from the component's constructor, via named parameters with sensible defaults. The named parameters match the property they affect.
Null parameters do not affect the component. The following are named parameters that are common to every component.
* id: String
* model: IModel<*>? = null
* outputMarkupId: Boolean? = null
* outputMarkupPlaceholderTag: Boolean? = null
* visible: Boolean? = null
* enabled: Boolean? = null
* renderBodyOnly: Boolean? = null
* escapeModelStrings: Boolean? = null
* behaviors: List<Behavior>? = null
For example:
val greeting = KLabel(id = "greeting",
model = "Hello".model(),
outputPlaceholderTag = true,
visible = false)`
Classes that extend from FormComponent
have a couple of other named parameters as well:
* required: Boolean? = null
* label: IModel<String>? = null
For example:
val firstNameField = KTextField(id = "firstName",
model = personModel + Person::firstName,
label = "First Name".model(),
required = true)
In addition to the common named and default parameters that all of the enhanced components share, some classes
also have additional class-specific named parameters (e.g., KTextField(type: Class<T>? = null)
KAjaxButton(defaultFormProcessing: Boolean? = null)
- KWebMarkupContainer
- KPanel
- KGenericPanel
- KFeedbackPanel
- KListView
- LinkPanel
- ButtonPanel
- KLink
- KAjaxLink
- KBookmarkablePageLink
- KBootstrapAjaxLink
- KButton
- KAjaxButton
- KBootstrapAjaxButton
- KLabel
- KMultiLineLabel
- KForm
- KBootstrapForm
- KFormGroup
- KCheckbox
- KTextField
- KTextArea
- InputFormGroup
- SelectFormGroup
- DropDownChoice
- BootstrapSelect
- KDataTable
- KAjaxFallbackDefaultDataTable
- KAbstractColumn
- KLambdaColumn
- KFilterToolbar
- KNoRecordsToolbar
- LinkColumn
- KTableBehavior
- KSortableDataProvider
- KAbstractTab
- KAjaxBootstrapTabbedPanel
- PanelModal
- ModalInfo
- HasModalInfo
- KSelect2Choice
- KSelect2MultiChoice
- KChoiceProvider
- SimpleChoiceProvider
- KAjaxEventBehavior
- KThrottleSettings
- KAjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior
- KWebApplication
- KWicketFilter
The kWicket libraries do not declare run-time dependencies on any Wicket libraries. To use the kWicket libraries, declare your dependencies on the appropriate Wicket libraries and also add the kWicket dependencies.
repositories {
maven {
url ''
ext {
wicketVersion = '8.0.0-M7'
kWicketVersion = '0.0.1'
dependencies {
compile ("org.kwicket:kwicket-core:${kWicketVersion}")
<name>kWicket Repo</name>
To get started using kWicket, see the kWicket Starter project for a simple, working example.
For examples of kWicket usage, see the kwicket-sample module.
To build the project, from the root of the project type gradlew clean build
To run the sample project, from the root of the project type gradlew bootRun
Asynchronous model support (
) uses Kotlin coroutines to asynchronously load model values -
wicket-webjars support
Integration with kotlinx.html
Added kwicket-bootstrap-extensions module