- You will only need docker installed on your computer to run this app
- Fork Branch
- Open terminal and clone forked branch:
git clone<YOUR USERNAME>/search.git
- Go inside search directory:
cd search
- Add upstream repo:
git remote add upstream
- Confirm that you have an origin and upstream repos:
git remote -v
This build should work for both macOS and Linux
- Download docker for your operating system
- From project root run the following command (this will build containers for service and db): docker-compose up --build
- See for initial setup with terraform and environment variables such as AWS_ACCESS_KEY.
- Setup CircleCI account and repository with desired branch (master)
- Commit a change
- CircleCI should build docker image and upload to ECR
- And then deploy to a AWS Fargate Container in ECS
Confirm everything was ran correctly by going to the following endpoint:
Elastic Search info endpoint: http://localhost:9200 Elastic Search health endpoint: http://localhost:9200/_cat/health Kibana: http://localhost:5601
Note: Might have to increase the memory in your Docker preferences in order to get Elastic Search, and as a result the app, to work. Works properly on 4.5GB of memory but could work on lower.
Create Index Api: * Can do it through typical http request (curl, postman) * Or, http://localhost:5601/app/kibana#/dev_tools/console
- To populate data into the database and elasticsearch make an api request to the following endpoint: