The ECMWF GRIB API is an application program interface accessible from C, FORTRAN and Python programs developed for encoding and decoding WMO FM-92 GRIB edition 1 and edition 2 messages. A useful set of command line tools is also provided to give quick access to GRIB messages.
Official documentation about ECWMF GRIB-API can be found at here
There are a number of command line tools that come with the GRIB-API. These include:
- grib_compare : Compare grib messages contained in two files. If some differences are found it fails returning an error code. Floating-point values are compared exactly by default, different tolerances can be defined see switches -P, -A and -R. Default behaviour: absolute error=0, bit-by-bit compare, same order in files. Full reference:
- grib_copy : Copies the content of GRIB files printing values of some keys. Full reference:
- grib_count : Print the total number of GRIB messages in the given files. Full reference:
- grib_dump : Dump the content of a GRIB file in different formats. Full reference:
- grib_filter : Apply the rules defined in rules_file to each GRIB message in the GRIB files provided as arguments. If you specify '-' (a single dash) for the rules_file, the rules will be read from standard input. Full reference:
- grib_get : Get values of some keys from a GRIB file. It is similar to grib_ls, but fails returning an error code when an error occurs (e.g. key not found). Full reference:
- grib_get_data : Print a latitude, longitude, data values list. Full reference:
- grib_index_build : Build an index file for a set of input GRIB files. Full reference:
- grib_info : Print information about the version of GRIB API, the default definitions and samples path. If the environment variables GRIB_DEFINITION_PATH and/or GRIB_SAMPLES_PATH are defined, then their values will be printed. Full reference:
- grib_ls : List content of GRIB files printing values of some keys. It does not fail when a key is not found. Full reference:
- grib_set: Sets key/value pairs in the input GRIB file and writes each message to the output_grib_file. It fails when an error occurs (e.g. key not found). Full reference:
- grib_to_netcdf : Convert a GRIB file to NetCDF format. Note: The GRIB geometry should be a regular lat/lon grid or a regular Gaussian grid (the key "typeOfGrid" should be "regular_ll" or "regular_gg"). Full reference:
All are located in /usr/local/bin
There are two volumes mapped that can be used for interaction with GRIB command line tools These are /input and /output
the following are are some examples
docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/input ecmwf-grib-api /usr/local/bin/grib_ls /input/gfs.t00z.pgrb2.1p00.f006
The above example maps the current directory to /input and runs grib_ls on a local file called gfs.t00z.pgrb2.1p00.f006 and will produce output like the following:
edition centre date dataType gridType stepRange typeOfLevel level shortName packingType
2 kwbc 20160309 fc regular_ll 6 unknown 0 u grid_complex_spatial_differencing
2 kwbc 20160309 fc regular_ll 6 unknown 0 v grid_complex_spatial_differencing
2 kwbc 20160309 fc regular_ll 6 unknown 0 unknown grid_complex_spatial_differencing
2 kwbc 20160309 fc regular_ll 6 surface 0 gust grid_complex_spatial_differencing