This is a quick'n'dirty gem to parse Quicken QFX format.
Given an input stream, or a file, this library will return Ruby structures representing the transactions, accounts and credit cards contained in the file / stream.
accounts = QuickenParser.parse(STDIN)
accounts.length #=> 3
account = accounts.first
#=> <QuickenParser::Account ...>
account.number #=> "123456789012"
account.currency #=> "CAD"
account.bank_id #=> "900000100"
account.transactions.length #=> 97
account.transactions.timespan #=> Sun Aug 31, 2008..Sat Sep 13
account.transactions.each do |transaction|
transaction.type #=> "DEBIT"
transaction.amount #=> <Money @cents=13209, @currency="CAD">
transaction.timestamp #=> Sun Aug 31, 2008 08:15 AM #=> "..."
transaction.memo #=> "..." #=> "932374"