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DEPRECATED: Notes on testing metanorma

Jo Cook edited this page Jan 16, 2023 · 1 revision

Initial setup

Installed pandoc and cloned this repo:

apt install pandoc
git clone [email protected]:agiorguk/gemini.git
cd gemini/pending/june2021
pandoc datasets.htm -f html -t asciidoc -o datasets.adoc

Grabbed the metanorma docker image and ran with required options

docker pull metanorma/metanorma
docker run -v "$(pwd)":/metanorma/ -w /metanorma metanorma/metanorma metanorma compile -t {flavor} -x {output-formats} {my-document-path}


So our command line becomes:

docker run -v "$(pwd)":/metanorma/ -w /metanorma metanorma/metanorma metanorma compile -t iso -x html *.adoc --agree-to-terms

On first run (?) I had to add —agree-to-terms so that it would download the necessary iso fonts

Output generates the following:

  • datasets.err
  • datasets.html
  • datasets.presentation.xml

Let's try with a custom flavor!

Get generic metanorma.yml from

Edit metanorma.yml to set org short name, long name and logo. I left the name of the flavor as generic so that I didn't have to faff around with ruby

First run generates a lot of errors. Errors reference the xml file that's generated. I can't seem to get it to pick up metanorma.yml- what's generated shows the default values for everything despite adding a :customize: metanorma.yml element under the title line in the asciidoc.

Testing reverse_adoc for conversion

gem install reverse_adoc
gem pristine ffi --version 1.12.2 # to get around an error
reverse_adoc datasets.htm > datasets.adoc

Ah ha! The space before :customize: metanorma.yml is important!


See for working approach. The information below is kept for reference only.

But compilation still fails with errors relating to

Using the iso flavour works but generic does not. It also doesn't seem to matter which metanorma container I use.

We can get to the command line of the running container using the following:

docker run -it --entrypoint bash -v "$(pwd)":/metanorma/ metanorma/mn-ubuntu

However, nothing I tried inside the container to install the sassc gem worked at all so I submitted this GitHub issue: