SAFRS: Python OpenAPI & JSON:API Framework
SAFRS is an acronym for SqlAlchemy Flask-Restful Swagger. The purpose of this framework is to help python developers create a self-documenting JSON API for sqlalchemy database objects and relationships. These objects can be serialized to JSON and can be created, retrieved, updated and deleted through the JSON API. Optionally, custom resource object methods can be exposed and invoked using JSON. Class and method descriptions and examples can be provided in yaml syntax in the code comments. The description is parsed and shown in the swagger web interface. The result is an easy-to-use swagger/OpenAPI and JSON:API compliant API implementation
Transaction Rules for SQLAlchemy Object Models
Use Logic Bank to govern SQLAlchemy update transaction logic - multi-table derivations, constraints, and actions such as sending mail or messages. Logic consists of both:
Rules - 40X more concise using a spreadsheet-like paradigm, and
Python - control and extensibility, using standard tools and techniques
Logic Bank is based on SQLAlchemy - it handles before_flush
events to enforce your logic.
Open API (Swagger) localhost:5000/api
Quick Admin localhost:5000/admin
Rules: /logic/
Enhanced Json Decoder: api/
SQLAlchemy Models: /models (StoreModel: Custom endpoint)
Custom Column Types: models/types
Flask App: /app
Enhanced Flask-Admin View: /admin/ (Display Validation Errors/ LogicBank Constraints)
Flask Admin Custom Types:/admin/
Rules Exception Handler: /logic/
User Email Validation:
if "@" not in value: raise ValidationError("Email Validation Error {}".format(value))
Rule.constraint(validate=StoreModel,as_condition=lambda row: 'X' not in, error_msg="Store Names({}) should not contain X") Rule.count(StoreModel.item_count, as_count_of=ItemModel) Rule.parent_check(validate=ItemModel, error_msg="no parent", enable=True)