Nuget package here
This project will be useful if you need to do integrations based in fixed layout strings.
An example of kind of integration that use fixed layout strings, it's some Mainframe integrations.
If you need to integrate your c# project with some mainframe api, probably you will do it sending and receiving strings with fixed lenghts.
This library will help you to do it in easy way without you having to beating your brains out with substrings.
Some integrations, instead of using xml or json, use big strings, each string piece contains information from a field.
For Example:
Suppose that we have to send a product data to a legacy system and the legacy integration documentation contains the follow instructions:
Field Name Lenght Start Position
ProductName 50 01
Price 10 51
IdCategory 05 61
CategoryDescription 25 66
Based in the previous layout definition, to do the product data integration we have to send the follow string:
"Name of Product 13,5 51 Category Description "
To build this string without a library for help us, we would need to get the field values, to apply some PadRights, substrings, so on, If some day, some layout field were updated, we will need to beating our brains to update all algorithm.
The Idea to build and shared this library, came up after I have often encountered integrations like it.
To create the concatenated string mentioned earlier using AGPC.FixedLayout, we just need follow these steps:
Add this Nuget Package in your project
using AGPC.FixedLayout;
namespace MyProjectTest
public class ProductDTO : FixedLayout
[FieldDefinition(Length = 50)]
public string Name{get;set;}
[FieldDefinition(Length = 10)]
public decimal Price { get; set; }
[FieldDefinition(Length = 5)]
public int IdCategory { get; set; }
[FieldDefinition(Length = 25)]
public string CategoryDescription { get; set; }
Some points are interesting to have attention, firstly, we have to add the follow using for have access all nuget classes, methods and functions
using AGPC.FixedLayout;
Our DTO Class should inherit the FixedLayout class, it will give us access to ToConcatString() method and .ToLoadThisObject() method that will be explained later
public class ProductDTO : FixedLayout
We use the Attribute "FieldDefinition" to decorate the properties dto class with the layout settings, bellow we set that the string created, will have 50 characters lenght respecting the order of properties disposition.
In our example above, the first field of ProductDTO is the name, second is the price and so on.
[FieldDefinition(Length = 50)]
public string Name{get;set;}
The .ToConcatString() method is responsible to get DTO properties values and build a concatenated string with all settings set in DTO class
string _anyVariable = _dtoObjectVariable.ToConcatString();
Finally, bellow we have a complete example for generate a concatenated string, with the DTO properties values
var _prd = new ProductDTO();
_prd.Name = "Name of Product";
_prd.Price = 13.5M;
_prd.IdCategory = 51;
_prd.CategoryDescription = "Category Description";
var _actual = _prd.ToConcatString();
Output Window generated string
"Name of Product 13,5 51 Category Description "
The .ToLoadThisObject() method is responsible to load the all caller dto properties getting and converting the string passed in parameter, so, in this case, if you want to do the reverse, to map the concatenated string to the dto object, use the .ToLoadThis Object() method as shown bellow
string _concatedValue = "Name of Product 13,5 51 Category Description ";
var _prd = new ProductDTO();
Suppose that you have a need to do an integration with other system but, there are a requirement, you should integrate DateTime fields with "yyyymmdd" formatation and you should integrate monetary fields with left zeros and without decimal separators. (e. g. $150,00 = "000000000015000")
Bellow there is an example how to do it:
Field Name Lenght Start Position Format
StartDate 08 01 YYYYMMDD
EstimatedTotalSale 15 09 000000000000000
SaleName 20 24
//Applying DTO fixed layout Settings
public class SaleDTO : FixedLayout
[FieldDefinition(Length = 4)]
public string StartDateYear { get; set; }
[FieldDefinition(Length = 2)]
public string StartDateMonth { get; set; }
[FieldDefinition(Length = 2)]
public string StartDateDay { get; set; }
[FieldDefinition(Length = 15)]
public string EstimatedTotalSale { get; set; }
[FieldDefinition(Length = 20)]
public string SaleName { get; set; }
//Creating an example entity with some values
var _2019_saleEntity = Domain.Entity.SaleEntity.Create("Black Friday 2019", new DateTime(2019, 11, 29), 804259.99M);
//Attributing entity values in the DTO with custom formats
var _saleDTO = new SaleDTO();
_saleDTO.SaleName = _2019_saleEntity.SaleName;
_saleDTO.EstimatedTotalSale = (_2019_saleEntity.EstimatedTotalSale * 100).ToString("000000000000000");
_saleDTO.StartDateYear = _2019_saleEntity.StartDate.ToString("yyyy");
_saleDTO.StartDateMonth = _2019_saleEntity.StartDate.ToString("MM");
_saleDTO.StartDateDay = _2019_saleEntity.StartDate.ToString("dd");
var _concatenatedString2019 = _saleDTO.ToConcatString();
Output Window generated string
"20191129000000080425999Black Friday 2019 "
If you want to do the reverse, to map the concatenated string to the SaleDto object, it's simple, use the ToLoadThisObject method to do it
string _2019_concatenatedstring = "20191129000000080425999Black Friday 2019 ";
var _saleDTO2019 = new SaleDTO();
//Set some variables with integrated Dto Values
string _saleName = _saleDTO2019.SaleName;
DateTime _startDate = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt16(_saleDTO2019.StartDateYear),
decimal _estimatedTotalSale = Convert.ToDecimal(_saleDTO2019.EstimatedTotalSale) / 100);
By default, if content value not reach the max length, the remaining, will filled with white spaces in right side, but the filled side can be customized by setting WhiteSpaces attribute as shown bellow:
public class ProductLeftWhiteSpacesDTO : FixedLayout
[FieldDefinition(Length = 50, WhiteSpaces = FieldDefinition.Side.Left)]
public string Name { get; set; }
[FieldDefinition(Length = 10, WhiteSpaces = FieldDefinition.Side.Left)]
public decimal Price { get; set; }
[FieldDefinition(Length = 5, WhiteSpaces = FieldDefinition.Side.Left)]
public int IdCategory { get; set; }
[FieldDefinition(Length = 25, WhiteSpaces = FieldDefinition.Side.Left)]
public string CategoryDescription { get; set; }
var _prd = new DTO.WithWhiteSpaces.ProductLeftWhiteSpacesDTO();
_prd.Name = "Name of Product";
_prd.Price = 13.5M;
_prd.IdCategory = 51;
_prd.CategoryDescription = "Category Description";
var _actual = _prd.ToConcatString();
Output Window generated string
" Name of Product 13,5 51 Category Description"
public class ProductLeftAndRightWhiteSpacesDTO : FixedLayout
[FieldDefinition(Length = 50, WhiteSpaces = FieldDefinition.Side.Left)]
public string Name { get; set; }
[FieldDefinition(Length = 10, WhiteSpaces = FieldDefinition.Side.Right)]
public decimal Price { get; set; }
[FieldDefinition(Length = 5, WhiteSpaces = FieldDefinition.Side.Left)]
public int IdCategory { get; set; }
[FieldDefinition(Length = 25, WhiteSpaces = FieldDefinition.Side.Right)]
public string CategoryDescription { get; set; }
var _prd = new DTO.WithWhiteSpaces.ProductLeftAndRightWhiteSpacesDTO();
_prd.Name = "Name of Product";
_prd.Price = 13.5M;
_prd.IdCategory = 51;
_prd.CategoryDescription = "Category Description";
var _actual = _prd.ToConcatString();
Output Window generated string
" Name of Product13,5 51Category Description "
Some integrations have the need to include a delimiter string between each field, to do it, we will have to setting the FieldDelimiter attribute with the delimiter string required
public class ProductLeftWhiteSpacesDTO : FixedLayout
public class ProductRightWhiteSpacesDTO : FixedLayout
Bellow we have two complete examples for generate a concatenated string, with each DTO property values separated by delimiter string
public class ProductLeftWhiteSpacesDTO : FixedLayout
[FieldDefinition(Length = 50, WhiteSpaces = FieldDefinition.Side.Left)]
public string Name { get; set; }
[FieldDefinition(Length = 10, WhiteSpaces = FieldDefinition.Side.Left)]
public decimal Price { get; set; }
[FieldDefinition(Length = 5, WhiteSpaces = FieldDefinition.Side.Left)]
public int IdCategory { get; set; }
[FieldDefinition(Length = 25, WhiteSpaces = FieldDefinition.Side.Left)]
public string CategoryDescription { get; set; }
var _prd = new DTO.WithWhiteSpaces.WithDelimiter.ProductLeftWhiteSpacesDTO();
_prd.Name = "Name of Product";
_prd.Price = 13.5M;
_prd.IdCategory = 51;
_prd.CategoryDescription = "Category Description";
var _actual = _prd.ToConcatString();
Output Window generated string
" Name of Product; 13,5; 51; Category Description;"
public class ProductRightWhiteSpacesDTO : FixedLayout
[FieldDefinition(Length = 50, WhiteSpaces = FieldDefinition.Side.Right)]
public string Name { get; set; }
[FieldDefinition(Length = 10, WhiteSpaces = FieldDefinition.Side.Right)]
public decimal Price { get; set; }
[FieldDefinition(Length = 5, WhiteSpaces = FieldDefinition.Side.Right)]
public int IdCategory { get; set; }
[FieldDefinition(Length = 25, WhiteSpaces = FieldDefinition.Side.Right)]
public string CategoryDescription { get; set; }
var _prd = new DTO.WithWhiteSpaces.WithDelimiter.ProductRightWhiteSpacesDTO();
_prd.Name = "Name of Product";
_prd.Price = 13.5M;
_prd.IdCategory = 51;
_prd.CategoryDescription = "Category Description";
var _actual = _prd.ToConcatString();
Output Window generated string
"Name of Product -->13,5 -->51 -->Category Description -->"
In the next example, will demonstrated how to map a DTO with an object property doing reference another DTO.
Main DTO object
public class OrderDTO : FixedLayout
[FieldDefinition(Length = 8)]
public int OrderId { get; set; }
[FieldDefinition(Length = 10)]
public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; }
public ProductDTO Product { get; set; } = new ProductDTO();
[FieldDefinition(Length = 75)]
public string Notes { get; set; }
First of all notice the [FieldObjType] attribute defined above product property.
public ProductDTO Product { get; set; } = new ProductDTO();
Product property it's an object type property , so, when we have this kind of property, we should define [FieldObjType] attribute
var _order = new DTO.OrderDTO();
string _expectedDate = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
_order.OrderId = 123;
_order.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
_order.Notes = "Any note";
var _prd1 = new DTO.ProductDTO();
_prd1.Name = "Product number 1";
_prd1.Price = 1.12M;
_prd1.IdCategory = 51;
_prd1.CategoryDescription = "Category Description 1";
_order.Product = _prd1;
var _actual = _order.ToConcatString();
Output Window generated string
"123 19/06/2020Product number 1 1,12 51 Category Description 1 Any note "
We can do inverse as well, map a concatenated string to an object with a property object type, provided the all layout definition was correct.
var _actual = new DTO.OrderDTO();
string _concatedValue = "123 31/08/2019Product number 1 1,12 51 Category Description 1 Any note ";
To Map objects with IEnumerable object properties in a single concatenated string, we also define it property with [FieldObjType] attribute
Dto Classes
public class ReportOrdersDTO : FixedLayout
[FieldDefinition(Length = 15)]
public string Name { get; set;}
[FieldDefinition(Length = 25)]
public string Sponsor { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<OrderDTO> OrderList { get; set; } = new List<OrderDTO>();
[FieldDefinition(Length = 8)]
public int Code { get; set; }
[FieldDefinition(Length =10)]
public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; }
public class OrderDTO : FixedLayout
[FieldDefinition(Length = 8)]
public int OrderId { get; set; }
[FieldDefinition(Length = 10)]
public DateTime CreateDate { get; set; }
public ProductDTO Product { get; set; } = new ProductDTO();
[FieldDefinition(Length = 75)]
public string Notes { get; set; }
var _reportOrdersDTO = new ReportOrdersDTO();
var _ordersList = new List<OrderDTO>();
var _product_1_DTO = new ProductDTO();
var _order_1_DTO = new OrderDTO();
var _product_2_DTO = new ProductDTO();
var _order_2_DTO = new OrderDTO();
var _product_3_DTO = new ProductDTO();
var _order_3_DTO = new OrderDTO();
_reportOrdersDTO.Name = "Report's Name";
_reportOrdersDTO.Sponsor = "Alexandre Cardoso";
_order_1_DTO.OrderId = 2887;
_order_1_DTO.CreateDate = Convert.ToDateTime("25/05/2019");
_product_1_DTO.Name = "Rice 1kg";
_product_1_DTO.IdCategory = 298;
_product_1_DTO.CategoryDescription = "Foods";
_product_1_DTO.Price = 9.85M;
_order_1_DTO.Product = _product_1_DTO;
_order_1_DTO.Notes = "Order to delivery";
_order_2_DTO.OrderId = 29877;
_order_2_DTO.CreateDate = Convert.ToDateTime("24/05/2019");
_product_2_DTO.Name = "Protex Soap";
_product_2_DTO.IdCategory = 296;
_product_2_DTO.CategoryDescription = "Body Wash";
_product_2_DTO.Price = 3.45M;
_order_2_DTO.Product = _product_2_DTO;
_order_2_DTO.Notes = "Some Note";
_order_3_DTO.OrderId = 2887;
_order_3_DTO.CreateDate = Convert.ToDateTime("23/05/2019");
_product_3_DTO.Name = "Beer";
_product_3_DTO.IdCategory = 298;
_product_3_DTO.CategoryDescription = "Drinks";
_product_3_DTO.Price = 9.85M;
_order_3_DTO.Product = _product_3_DTO;
_order_3_DTO.Notes = "Order to delivery";
_reportOrdersDTO.Code = 8728;
_reportOrdersDTO.CreateDate = Convert.ToDateTime("21/09/2019");
_reportOrdersDTO.OrderList = _ordersList;
var _actual = _reportOrdersDTO.ToConcatString();
Output Window generated string
"Report's Name Alexandre Cardoso 2887 25/05/2019Rice 1kg 9,85 298 Foods Order to delivery 29877 24/05/2019Protex Soap 3,45 296 Body Wash Some Note 2887 23/05/2019Beer 9,85 298 Drinks Order to delivery 8728 21/09/2019"
We can do inverse as well, map a concatenated string to an object with an IEnumerable property object type, provided the all layout definition was correct.
Declaring Object Type
var _actual = new DTO.ReportOrdersDTO();
Declare All Qty Array Ocurrences you are expecting In this example, will be sent a concatenated string with 3 orders
List<OrderDTO> _orderList = new List<OrderDTO>();
_orderList.Add(new OrderDTO());
_orderList.Add(new OrderDTO());
_orderList.Add(new OrderDTO());
_actual.OrderList = _orderList;
Now we set a variable with content we will map to the object
string _concatedValue = "Report's Name Alexandre Cardoso 2887 25/05/2019Rice 1kg 9,85 298 Foods Order to delivery 29877 24/05/2019Protex Soap 3,45 296 Body Wash Some Note 2887 23/05/2019Beer 9,85 298 Drinks Order to delivery 8728 21/09/2019";
...And bellow, is where the magic happens, the content " _concatedValue" variable will mapped to the object instance _actual, who was declared in the start
After that, we can get the values property by property "_actual" instance