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WFRC Bike Map

Mockups & Design

Architecture Diagram


Development Environment

Set Up

  1. Install Node.js
  2. Clone this repository git clone
  3. Change to the directory cd wfrc-bike-map
  4. Install the dependencies npm install
  5. Switch to dev branch git switch dev
  6. Create a new branch git switch -c feature/your-feature-name or git switch -c fix/your-bug-name


Execute npm start to start a web server and view the website

Run npm test to run the unit tests

Run npm run format to format the code

Run npm run lint to lint the code

Pull Request

Make commits following the Angular Conventional Commits Format. This will allow the automated change log to work correctly.

Once you have committed your updates, push your branch to GitHub and create a pull request against the dev branch. This will trigger a GitHub Action to run the tests and linting and deploy your version to a firebase preview channel for review.


One-time tasks:

  • Update the analytics code in index.html

This website is tested and deployed with GitHub Actions.