Colemak key mappings for Vim. Heavily trimmed and modified version of Shai Coleman's configuration.
Use vim-plug.
Add to
:Plug 'jooize/vim-colemak'
vim +PlugInstall
You probably want to load vim-colemak last. Reload the plugin at the bottom of your Vim configuration.
" Reload vim-colemak to remap any overridden keys silent! source "$HOME/.vim/bundle/vim-colemak/plugin/colemak.vim"
Note: You might be using
. -
See issues for conflicts with other plugins.
Colemak layout: | QWERTY layout:
`12345 67890-= Move around: | (instead of) `12345 67890-=
qwfpg jluy;[]\ e | k qwert yuiop[]\
arstd HNEIo' h i | h l asdfg HJKL;'
zxcvb km,./ n | j zxcvb nm,./
( novx) h = h (Left) i = l (Right) e = k (Up) n = j (Down)
( novx) l = b (Back word) L = B (Back WORD)
( novx) y = w (Forward word) Y = W (Forward WORD)
( novx) u = e (Forward end of word) U = E (Forward end of WORD)
(c ) <C-L> = <C-Left> (Back WORD)
(c ) <C-Y> = <C-Right> (Seems to equal forward WORD minus 1 character)
( n x) a = v (Visual) A = V (Visual line) <C-v> (Visual block)
( n ) r = r (Replace) R = R (Replace)
( n ) s = i (Insert) S = I (Insert before first non-blank of line)
( n ) t = a (Append) T = A (Append at end of line)
( n ) w = c (Change) W = C (Change to end of line) ww = cc (Change line)
( n x) z = u (Undo) Z = <C-R> (Redo) gz = U (Undo all latest changes on line)
( n x) x = x (Cut) X = dd (Cut line)
( n x) c = y (Copy) C = yy (Copy line)
( n x) v = p (Paste) V = P (Paste)
( n x) gv = gp (Paste) gV = gP (Paste)
( o ) r = i (Example: dip -> drp (Delete inner paragraph))
( no x) p = t{char} (Before next {char}) P = T{char} (After previous {char})
( no x) b = ; (Repeat latest f or t) B = , (Repeat latest f or t reversed)
( no x) k = n (Repeat latest / or ?) K = N (Repeat latest / or ? reversed)
( n x) j = z
( n x) jn = zj (Next fold) [Also jj = zj]
( n x) je = zk (Previous fold) [Also jk = zk]
( n ) ga = gv (Reselect last visual selection)
( n x) gK = K (Lookup)
( n x) gL = L (To line [count] from bottom of window)
( n x) <C-W>h = <C-W>h (Window left)
( n x) <C-W>n = <C-W>j (Window down)
( n x) <C-W>e = <C-W>k (Window up)
( n x) <C-W>i = <C-W>l (Window right)
( n x) H (To line [count] from top of window)
( n x) s (Substitute [count] characters) [Use wi = cl]
( n x) S (Substitute [count] lines) [Use ww = cc]
( n x) X (Cut [count] characters backwards) [Use dh = dh]
( n ) Z (Quit)
( n x) <C-W>n (Window down) [Use <C-W><C-N> = <C-W><C-N>]
( n x) <C-W>i (Window down) [Use <C-W><C-I> = <C-W><C-I>]
<C-X> Ctrl-X
(c ) Command-line mode
( i ) Insert mode
( n ) Normal mode
( o ) Operator pending
( v ) Visual+Select mode
( x) Visual mode
tpope/vim-fugitive keymap collision
" Fix for colemak.vim keymap collision. tpope/vim-fugitive's maps y<C-G>
" and colemak.vim maps 'y' to 'w' (word). In combination this stalls 'y'
" because Vim must wait to see if the user wants to press <C-G> as well.
augroup RemoveFugitiveMappingForColemak
autocmd BufEnter * silent! execute "nunmap <buffer> <silent> y<C-G>"
augroup END
- Restore wrapped line behavior to Vim default (e.g. n = gj is now n = j)
- Remove turbo navigation (HNEI are now unmapped)
- Add missing mapping for reselecting last visual selection (ga = gv)
Add the following to your .vimrc
" Turbo navigation (Colemak) {{{
" Works with counts, see ":help complex-repeat"
nnoremap <silent> H @='5h'<CR>|xnoremap <silent> H @='5h'<CR>|onoremap <silent> H @='5h'<CR>|
nnoremap <silent> N @='5gj'<CR>|xnoremap <silent> N @='5gj'<CR>|onoremap <silent> N @='5gj'<CR>|
nnoremap <silent> E @='5gk'<CR>|xnoremap <silent> E @='5gk'<CR>|onoremap <silent> E @='5gk'<CR>|
nnoremap <silent> I @='5l'<CR>|xnoremap <silent> I @='5l'<CR>|onoremap <silent> I @='5l'<CR>|
" }}}
I removed turbo navigation since I felt it doesn't suit as default Vim mappings, which also frees up the keys for custom uses. I'm considering making it an option. Discuss!