Run arbitrary commands when GPIO buttons are pressed on Raspberry PI. Buttons can differentiate multiple actions by how many seconds one button is pressed. Actions can be configured to repeat at an interval defined in seconds. Used and tested with Adafruit 2.8" screen with four buttons.
Install with the Python package manager. Example below installs version 0.9.0 for the current user.
pip3 install --user
usage: [-h] [-v] [--log-format FORMAT] [-k] -c FILE
Run arbitrary commands when GPIO buttons are pressed on Raspberry PI. Buttons
can differentiate multiple actions by how many seconds one button is pressed.
Actions can be configured to repeat at an interval defined in seconds. Used and
tested with Adafruit 2.8" screen with four buttons.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose verbosity level increased with each to WARN, INFO and
DEBUG - ERROR and CRITICAL is always visible
--log-format FORMAT customize log format, see python logging package for
information on the format
-k, --kill-running kill running command before running new command
required arguments:
-c FILE, --config FILE YAML configuration file
Example YAML configuration file used with the -c option. Configure channels
(GPIO pins in BCM mode) and add commands that will be executed when buttons are
pressed. Add multiple commands for each button. Command runs immediately or
after how many seconds the button was pressed. Repeat the last command every
repeat second until the next command is executed. Background command will not
interrupt the running command, and will not be killed even if -k is specified.
This example only executes echo examples.
- run: echo button 1 pressed
- run: echo button 1 pressed for 1 second
pressed_for: 1
- run: echo button 1 pressed for 2 seconds
pressed_for: 2
repeat_every: 1
- run: echo button 2 pressed
repeat_every: 3
- run: echo button 3 pressed
background: true
- run: echo button 4 pressed
repeat_every: 1