Platform Architect, DevOps lead and International DevOps Mentor With more than 17 years of experience in software development, high performance, distributed systems, big data infrastructure, and Cutting edge orchestrates.
Expertise: Team Mentor, Micro Service Management, CI/CD automation, Build/Release Management, Infrastructure as Code, Configuration Management, Cloud Architecture, Data warehousing, Data Pipelines, ETL, Application Containerize and Orchestrates with Kubernetes and Python.
- Bash - Python
- Ansible - Puppet
- Terraform - Cloud Formation - CDKTF (Typescript)
- Docker - DockerCompose
- Kubernetes - CKA - CKAD - CKS
- Helm Package manager
- Istio - Kiali - Jeager
- Kong API management - Traefik - ALB controller
- Jenkins - ArgoCD - Gitlab CI/CD - Jenkins-X(GitOps) - Spinnaker - Teamcity - GitHub action - Azure DevOps
- EKS - ECS - Lambda - RDS - VPC - Beanstalk - Autoscaling - SSM - KMS - ACM
- Hashicorp Consul - Hashicorp Vault
- Redis - Kafka
- Grafana - Prometheus - ELK - EFK - CloudWatch - DataDog - InfluxDB
- Keycloak - Velero
- Airflow
- MSK - MSK plugins - MSK connector - S3bucket
- ETL DataFlow - Data Pipeline
- Redshift - Hadoop cluster