An android lib to test validations by easy way (support both [java, kotlin])
Validate-Me well tested using jUnit.
Step 1. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Step 2. Add the dependency
Hint :
replace Tag with latest verion here
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.Eng-AhmedShehata:Validate-Me:Tag'
yourNum: Int,
minValue: Int,
maxValue: Int,
maxNumDigit: Int)
yourNum: String,
maxValue: Int
validateEmail(email: String)
validatePasswordAndConfirm(pass: String, confirmPass: String, minChar: Int)
validateCustom(pattern: String, yourField: String)
In kotlin:
ValidateME.validateEmail("[email protected]"),
ValidateME.validateRegularNumber(5, 0, 10, 1),
ValidateME.validatePhoneNumber("01064261149", 11),
ValidateME.validatePasswordAndConfirm("01064261149", "01064261149", 4),
ValidateME.validatePasswordAndConfirm("01064261149", "0101414", 4),
ValidateME.validateEmail("[email protected]"),
* add more validation types here
onValidationResult = object : ValidateME.OnValidationResult {
override fun onSuccess() {
// so, continue your flow after a successfully validation
override fun onError(validateErrorType: ValidateErrorType?, validatePosition: Int) {
// handle your error here after validation has failed
val value = when (validateErrorType) {
ValidateErrorType.PhoneNumber -> "phone"
ValidateErrorType.RegularNumber -> "num"
ValidateErrorType.Email -> "email"
ValidateErrorType.TextNumber -> "text"
ValidateErrorType.Password -> "pass"
ValidateErrorType.PasswordConfirm -> "confirm"
ValidateErrorType.Custom -> "custom"
null -> ""
In java:
List<ValidateModel> validateModels = new ArrayList<>();
validateModels.add(ValidateME.validatePassword("1241", 5));
validateModels.add(ValidateME.validatePhoneNumber("1071927410", 12));
* add more validation types here
// So now check all fields
new ValidateME.OnValidationResult() {
public void onSuccess() {
// so, continue your flow after a successfully validation
public void onError(@Nullable ValidateErrorType validateErrorType, int validatePosition) {
// handle your error here after validation has failed
switch (validateErrorType) {
case Email :
case PhoneNumber :
* And so on
Use -> ValidateME.validateCustom(yourRegexPattern, yourText)
ValidateME.validateCustom("[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}", "m2")
yourRegexPattern: Pass your Regex Pattern.
yourText: Pass your text the you wanna validate it.
Pass the ValidateME.validateCustom(yourRegexPattern, yourText) to validtor class like this
ValidateME.validateEmail("[email protected]"),
ValidateME.validateCustom("[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}", "m2")
* add more validation types here
onValidationResult = object : ValidateME.OnValidationResult {
override fun onSuccess() {
// so, continue your flow after a successfully validation
override fun onError(validateErrorType: ValidateErrorType?, validatePosition: Int) {
// handle your error here after validation has failed
val value = when (validateErrorType) {
ValidateErrorType.Custom -> "Custom error"
// add other types here
Make your own validtor method and make it return a ValidateModel corresponding to your bussiness logic
for example if I want to make a validator method to check if some field check or not so:
private ValidateModel checkIfChecked(boolean isChecked) {
if (isChecked) return new ValidateModel(true, null);
else return new ValidateModel(false, Custom);
Pass it to to validtor class.
You can handle error message if field not valid like this.
List<ValidateModel> validateModels = new ArrayList<>();
validateModels.add(ValidateME.validatePhoneNumber("1071927410", 12));
* add more validation types here
// So now check all fields
new ValidateME.OnValidationResult() {
public void onSuccess() {
// so, continue your flow after a successfully validation
public void onError(@Nullable ValidateErrorType validateErrorType, int validatePosition) {
// handle your error here after validation has failed
switch (validateErrorType) {
case Custom :
* And so on
You need to override onError Method and check validateErrorType to handle error.
In java:
public void onError(@Nullable ValidateErrorType validateErrorType, int validatePosition) {
// handle your error here after validation has failed
switch (validateErrorType) {
case RegularNumber:
case Email:
case PhoneNumber:
case TextNumber:
case Password:
case PasswordConfirm:
case Custom:
In kotlin:
override fun onError(validateErrorType: ValidateErrorType?, validatePosition: Int) {
// handle your error here after validation has failed
val value = when (validateErrorType) {
ValidateErrorType.PhoneNumber -> "phone"
ValidateErrorType.RegularNumber -> "num"
ValidateErrorType.Email -> "email"
ValidateErrorType.TextNumber -> "text"
ValidateErrorType.Password -> "pass"
ValidateErrorType.PasswordConfirm -> "confirm"
ValidateErrorType.Custom -> "custom"
If you validate 2 things or more than two of the same type you need to check the position of it in the list like this:
List<ValidateModel> validateModels = new ArrayList<>();
// here you validate 2 elements of the same type.
validateModels.add(ValidateME.validateEmail("[email protected]"));
* add more validation types here
// So now check all fields
new ValidateME.OnValidationResult() {
public void onSuccess() {
// so, continue your flow after a successfully validation
public void onError(@Nullable ValidateErrorType validateErrorType, int validatePosition) {
// handle your error here after validation has failed
switch (validateErrorType) {
case Email :
if (validatePosition == 0) {
showToast("First email not valid");
} else if (validatePosition == 1) {
showToast("Second email not valid");
* Continue handling other validations error if found
-keep class com.ashehata.mylibrary.ValidateModel
-keep class com.ashehata.mylibrary.ValidateErrorType