This repo was imported (not forked) from . That repo came from Hyperledger fabric developer network on few clicks. This offer is meant to provide Hyperledger Fabric as a Service using ARM Templates to spin off resources inside an AKS cluster.
- Import this repo into Azure DevOps
- Import the Hlf_chaincode_deploy.yaml pipeline
- Import the Hlf_infra_and_channel_deploy pipeline
- Provision resources in Azure. Check the powershell script resourceprovision.ps1. This can be be easily modified to bash if needed
- Set a service connection to Azure at the subscripton level. The current pipeline used the name bcserviceconn
- Create a variable group (under library) - the current pipeline uses the name hlfvars
- Set the all the variables. Some of the names will come from resourceprovision.ps1. See bcvariables1.jpg and bcvariables2.jpg for example of what it looks like. Note that the passwords, keys in the screenshot are not valid!.
- Note with Blockchain and Azure case senstivity matters - as does sometimes having numbers, dashes etc. Stick to examples similar to screenshots
- Permissions might have been granted to the storage account and keyvault for the sp associated with the service connections
Notes There were some issues deploying on AKS 1.22+. Hlf_complete_template.yaml has a variable for AKS version currently pointing to 1.21.7.
Thank you to Dasith Wijes, David Hawkins and Hitesh Dutt for their assistance
This is an example how the same can be done in an automated way via an Azure DevOps Pipeline. The idea is to have two pipelines. One for deploying the infrastructure (Orderer, Peer and Consortium/Channel operation) and one for deploying the chaincode. We have a reusable template HLF_complete_template.yaml
and a script
to facilitate this.
We have an example using a single chaincode but you can easily extend this to support many chaincodes as all the required logic is reusable components.
# SPN and Subscription #
serviceConnection: comes-from-variable-group
hlfSubscription: comes-from-variable-group
# Blob Storage for temporary storage of build artefacts #
tempArtefactBlobName: comes-from-variable-group # note: this need to be created prior
tempArtefactBlobStorageKey: comes-from-variable-group
tempArtefactBlobContainerName: comes-from-variable-group # note: this need to be created prior
# Blob Storage for saving generated orderer and peer profile #
profileBlobStorageResourceGroup: comes-from-variable-group # note: this need to be created prior
profileBlobName: comes-from-variable-group # note: this need to be created prior
profileBlobStorageFileShare: comes-from-variable-group
# ACR #
dockerId: comes-from-variable-group
dockerUsername: comes-from-variable-group
dockerPwd: comes-from-variable-group
dockerImage: comes-from-variable-group
# Key Vault #
# adminProfileKeyVaultName: comes-from-variable-group. This is where the connection profile will be saved so apps can use it.
# chaincodePackageIdStorageKeyVaultName: comes-from-variable-group. This is where the deployed packaged id will be stored.
# HLF specific #
hlfRegion: comes-from-variable-group
hlfUserName: comes-from-variable-group
hlfCaPassword: comes-from-variable-group
hlfAksClusterPeer: comes-from-variable-group
hlfAksClusterOrderer: comes-from-variable-group
hlfOrdererResourceGroup: comes-from-variable-group
hlfPeerResourceGroup: comes-from-variable-group
hlfOrdererOrganization: comes-from-variable-group
hlfPeerOrganization: comes-from-variable-group
hlfChannelName: comes-from-variable-group
hlfNetworkName: comes-from-variable-group
hlfContextName: comes-from-variable-group
hlfTDeployToolingRootFolder: comes-from-parent-pipepine
# shared chaincode settings #
chaincodeRootFolder: comes-from-parent-pipepine
chaincodeSupportEmail: comes-from-parent-pipepine
chaincodeCertificateCountry: comes-from-parent-pipepine
chaincodeCertificateState: comes-from-parent-pipepine
chaincodeCertificateLocality: comes-from-parent-pipepine
chaincodeCertificateOrganisation: comes-from-parent-pipepine
chaincodeCertificateName: comes-from-parent-pipepine
chaincodeCertificateKeyName: comes-from-parent-pipepine
adminProfileSecretName: comes-from-parent-pipepine
chaincodeSecretNamePrefix: comes-from-parent-pipepine
# Individual chaincode settings #
testChainCodeFolder: comes-from-parent-pipepine
testChainCodeUniqueName: comes-from-parent-pipepine
testChainCodeUniqueLabel: comes-from-parent-pipepine
testChainCodeVersion: comes-from-variable-group
testChainCodeSequence: comes-from-variable-group
testChainCodeComponentName: comes-from-parent-pipepine
testChainCodeUniqueNamespace: comes-from-parent-pipepine
testChainCodePort: comes-from-parent-pipepine