Project 4 for CS50’s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript.
A design of Twitter-like social network website for making posts and following users.
This project fulfills the following requirements:
- New Post: Users who are signed in will be able to write a new text-based post by filling in text into a text area and then clicking a button to submit the post.
- The screenshot at the top of this specification shows the “New Post” box at the top of the “All Posts” page.
- All Posts: The “All Posts” link in the navigation bar takes the user to a page where they can see all posts from all users, with the most recent posts first.
- Each post includes the username of the poster, the post content itself, the date and time at which the post was made, and the number of “likes” the post has.
- Profile Page: Clicking on a username loads that user’s profile page. This page:
- Displays the number of followers the user has, as well as the number of people that the user follows.
- Displays all the posts for that user, in reverse chronological order.
- For any other user who is signed in, this page also displays a “Follow” or “Unfollow” button that will let the current user toggle whether they are following this user’s posts. Notice that this only applies to any “other” user: a user can not be able to follow themselves.
- Following: The “Following” link in the navigation bar takes the user to a page where they see all posts made by users that the current user follows.
- This page behaves just as the “All Posts” page does, just with a more limited set of posts.
- This page is only be available to users who are signed in.
- Pagination: On any page that displays posts, posts are only displayed 10 on a page. If there are more than ten posts, a “Next” button is appeared to take the user to the next page of posts (which is older than the current page of posts). If not on the first page, a “Previous” button appears to take the user to the previous page of posts as well.
- Edit Post: Users are able to click an “Edit” button or link on any of their own posts to edit that post.
- When a user clicks “Edit” for one of their own posts, the content of their post should be replaced with a
where the user can edit the content of their post. - The user should then be able to “Save” the edited post, without reloading the page, using JavaScript.
- For security, this application is designed such that it is not possible for a user, via any route, to edit another user’s posts.
- When a user clicks “Edit” for one of their own posts, the content of their post should be replaced with a
- “Like” and “Unlike”: Users are able to click a button or link on any post to toggle whether they “like” that post.
- Using JavaScript, asynchronously I let the server know to update the like count (as via a call to
) and then update the post’s like count displayed on the page, without requiring a reload of the entire page.
- Using JavaScript, asynchronously I let the server know to update the like count (as via a call to
Requires Python3 and the package installer for Python (pip) to run:
- Install requirements (Django4):
pip install -r requirements.txt
- After cloning the repository, head/refer to the project folder and:
- Create new migrations based on the changes in models:
python3 makemigrations network
- Apply the migrations to the database:
python3 migrate
- Create a superuser to be able to use Django Admin Interface:
python3 createsuperuser
- Run the app locally:
python3 runserver
- Visit the site:
- Enjoy!
- Create new migrations based on the changes in models:
Built with Python
, Django
, JavaScript
, and HTML/CSS..