PCB visualization tools for Node.js and the browser
tracespace is an open-source collection of tools to make looking at circuit boards on the internet easier.
Renders of the Arduino Uno produced by pcb-stackup and gerber-to-svg:
Arduino Uno design files used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license.
- tracespace.io/view - A Gerber viewer powered by the tracespace libraries
- kitspace.org - An electronics project sharing site with links to easily buy the required parts
- OpenHardware.io - A social site around open source hardware. Enables authors to sell and manufacture their boards.
This repository has one web-app that is published to https://tracespace.io
Probably the best printed circuit board viewer on the internet
A Gerber viewer powered by the tracespace libraries. Available at https://tracespace.io/view.
This repository also contains several packages that are published to npm. See them all below!
Render PCBs as beautiful, precise SVGs from Gerber / NC drill files
Render PCBs as SVGs from the comfort of your own terminal
Layer stacking core logic for pcb-stackup
Render individual Gerber / NC drill files as SVGs
Streaming layer image plotter (consumer of
Streaming Gerber/drill file parser
Identify Gerber and drill files by filename
XML ID generation and sanitation utilities for tracespace projects
Test fixtures for tracespace projects
We could use your help maintaining and growing the tracespace ecosystem! Issues and pull requests are greatly appreciated.
The tracespace tools live here in this monorepo. We use lerna to manage this setup.
Node v8 (lts/carbon) or later is recommended.
# clone repository and install dependencies
git clone [email protected]:tracespace/tracespace.git
cd tracespace
npm install
This repository adheres to the Conventional Changelog commit specification for automatic changelog generation. We recommend installing commitizen to ensure your commit messages are properly formatted:
npm install -g commitizen
# later, when you're ready to commit
git add some/files/*
git cz
All development scripts below should be run from the root of the repository. Lerna handles delegating scripts downwards to the individual projects as necessary.
Automated tests consist of unit tests along with integration snapshot tests of SVG and data outputs.
# run unit and integration tests tests with coverage
npm test
# set SNAPSHOT_UPDATE=1 to update integration test snapshots
# run unit tests in watch mode (no coverage)
npm run test:watch
# set INTEGRATION=1 to also include integration tests
INTEGRATION=1 npm run test:watch
, pcb-stackup-core
, gerber-to-svg
, and @tracespace/view
have development servers. The first three serve a set of reference renders for manual visual inspection, and the @tracespace/view
development server builds and serves the web-app locally.
# run all dev servers
npm run start
# run server for a specific project
npm run start -- --scope @tracespace/view
There are two production asset types that you can build:
- Full web-app bundles
- Standalone library bundles
To build them:
# build production bundles
npm run build
# build:all
# builds all production bundles, example files, and documentation
npm run build:all
# build all bundles and serve them for testing/validation
npm run serve
# as with the dev server, these commands may be scoped by name
npm run build -- --scope gerber-parser
npm run serve -- --scope @tracespace/view
# format the code for styling
npm run format
# lint the code for potential errors
npm run lint
# typecheck any typescript code
npm run check
Packages are published to npm by the CI server. To publish a release, you must have write access to the repository. There is a bump
script in the package.json
that will:
- Run all tests
- Write new version to
in updated packages - Generate / update the changelogs
- Commit, tag, and push to git
First, checkout and pull down the latest commits on master
git checkout master
get pull origin master
Then, bump the version:
# by default, bump to the next version as determined by conventional commits
npm run bump
# you may specify a bump level or exact version
# prerelease bumps will be prefixed with "next", e.g. 4.0.0 -> 4.0.1-next.0
# https://github.com/lerna/lerna/tree/master/commands/version#readme
npm run bump -- ${major|minor|patch|premajor|preminor|prepatch|prerelease}
npm run bump -- v42.0.0
# to do a "dry run", you can stop before commit and tag
npm run bump -- --no-git-tag-version
After you bump, push the commit and tag:
git push origin master --follow-tags
The release will be published to the latest
npm tag for bare versions (e.g. 4.0.0
) and to next
for pre-release versions (e.g. 4.0.0-next.0