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This project implements multiple methods for shortest distance computation in directed weighted graphs that leverage preprocessing of the graph to provide fast shortest distance queries. The implemented methods are Contraction Hierarchies, Transit Node Routing (based on Contraction Hierarchies), Transit Node Routing with Arc Flags (extension of Transit Node Routing) and Distance Matrix computation. Besides that, the API also contains standard algrithms for providing shortest distance queries without preprocessing the graph: Dijkstra and A*. Below, you can see a comparison of the speed and memory requirements of the implemented methods on two real-world graphs.

Memory/time comparison of various methods on the graph of Washington, D.C. Memory/time comparison of various methods on the graph of Chicago

The project is split into two major components. One component is the preprocessor (an executable called shortestPathsPreprocessor) which takes an arbitrary graph in a supported format (described later) and prepares the graph, creating structures for fast distance computation. Additionally, the preprocessor allows running a set of queries and benchmark the time required to answer them. This way, the user can easily evaluate whether the performance is sufficient for their use case.

The second component is the library (a shared library called in Linux or shortestPaths.dll in Windows), which can load the structures prepared by the preprocessor to answer shortest distance queries. The library can be used in a C++ application, but it can also be integrated into a Java application. A simple example application written in Java which uses the library can be found in the javatests subdirectory. This application also serves as a testing tool to check whether the project is working correctly on a given machine.


Prebuilt Packages

The ./prebuilt directory contains precompiled shortestPaths library and shortestPathsPreprocessor executable for Linux and Windows for the x86-64 CPU architecture.

From Source


  • Java (optional, JNI is required for Java bindings)
  • Doxygen for documentation (optional)

Required libraries

  • boost-config
  • boost-graph
  • boost-numeric-conversion
  • boost-program-options
  • p-ranav-csv2
  • indicators
  • hdf5[cpp]
  • proj at least 9.3

Building the project

  1. mkdir build && cd build
  2. cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="<vcpkg dir>/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
  3. cmake --build . --target shortestPathsPreprocessor --config Release

There are also additional build targets:

  • shortestPaths: the library
  • doc: for generating Doxygen documentation (requires Doxygen to be installed)
  • func_test_runner: for running functional tests


To use the project, first build the desired data structures using the preprocessor and then use the library to answer queries.

To test the usage, you can use the test data located in the data/functest directory.

The Preprocessor

The preprocessor has a simple command line interface. Let us now assume that you have a directed weighted graph in one of the supported formats (see Input/Output File Formats). The command line interface requires you to use specific arguments. The first argument determines whether you want to preprocess a graph file or benchmark a preprocessed graph using some method. The arguments following the first one are specific to each of the usages.

General usage:

./shortestPathsPreprocessor -m <method name> -f <input format> -i <input path> -o <output path> [--precision-loss <precision loss>] <method specific arguments>


  • <input format> is one of xengraph, dimacs, adj, csv
  • <input path> is path to the input file (including file extension) or folder (for CSV input format)
  • <output path> is path to the output file (excluding file extension - the appropriate extension based will be added automatically)
  • <precision loss> (optional) is a positive integer denoting how much weight precision to lose. Each loaded weight will be divided by this value before rounding. (default: 1)

Graph Preprocessing using Contraction Hierarchies

To preprocess a graph using Contraction Hierarchies, call the preprocessor with the the method argument set to ch:

Example Usage:

./shortestPathsPreprocessor -m ch -f xengraph -i my_graph.xeng -o my_graph

Graph Preprocessing for Transit Node Routing

To preprocess a graph for Transit Node Routing, call the preprocessor with the method argument set to tnr.

Method specific arguments:

  • --tnodes-cnt is a positive integer that determines the size of the transit nodes (less than or equal to the number of nodes in the graph)
  • int-size (optional) is integer size to be used in the distance matrix during preprocessing (can be set to 16 or 32, default: native); effective only if preprocessing-mode is set to dm

Example Usage:

./shortestPathsPreprocessor -m tnr -f xengraph -i my_graph.xeng -o my_graph --preprocessing-mode dm --tnodes-cnt 1000

Preprocessing Mode

The --preprocessing-mode argument determines which of the three available preprocessing modes will be used. The fast mode will precompute the structures in the smallest time out of the three, but the performance of the resulting data structure will be significantly lower. The modes slow and dm will produce exactly the same result, but the dm mode uses distance matrix to speed up the precomputation and therefore, it is faster than the slow mode, but it requires a lot of memory.

Transit node count

This argument determines the size of the transit nodes set. It must be an integer between 1 and the number of nodes in the graph. Less transit nodes usually mean lower memory requirements, but also worse query times. By choosing the appropriate size of the transit node set, you can find a great balance between memory requirements and performance.

Graph Preprocessing for Transit Node Routing with Arc Flags

To preprocess a graph for Transit Node Routing with Arc Flags, call the preprocessor with the method argument set to tnraf.

Method specific arguments:

  • --preprocessing-mode is one of slow, dm (for more info, see Preprocessing Mode)
  • --tnodes-cnt is a positive integer that determines the size of the transit nodes (less than or equal to the numbr of nodes in the graph)
  • --int-size (optional) is integer size to be used in the distance matrix during preprocessing (can be set to 16 or 32, default: native); effective only if --preprocessing-mode is set to dm

Example Usage:

./shortestPathsPreprocessor -m tnraf -f xengraph -i my_graph.xeng -o my_graph --preprocessing-mode dm --tnodes-cnt 1000

Generation of Distance Matrix

To generate a distance matrix, call the preprocessor with the method argument set to dm.

Method specific arguments:

  • --preprocessing-mode is one of slow, fast
  • --output-format is one of xdm, csv, hdf
  • --int-size (optional) is integer size to be used in the distance matrix during preprocessing (can be set to 16 or 32, default: native). Note that this is not the output size (in case of a binary output format), the output integer size is set automatically based on the maximum distance in the graph.

Example Usage:

./shortestPathsPreprocessor -m dm -f csv -i my_graph.csv -o my_graph --preprocessing-mode fast --output-format csv

Preprocessing Mode

The fast mode provides a significant computational speed advantage over the slow mode, at an expense of much larger memory usage.

The Library

The library can be used to load the data structures precomputed by the preprocessor and then answer queries quickly using those structures.


Compile the library by:

cmake --build . --target shortestPaths --config Release

The Library Interface

The library provides a query manager for each of the three methods (Contraction Hierarchies, Transit Node Routing and Transit Node Routing with Arc Flags), these query managers serve as an interface that can be used from other applications. There is no query manager for distance matrix as there is no computation involved, the distance matrix can be used as it is. The query managers are called CHDistanceQueryManagerAPI, TNRDistanceQueryManagerAPI and TNRAFDistanceQueryManagerAPI.

Each manager provides three functions. The first function is called initializeCH (or initializeTNR or initializeTNRAF respectively). This function can load the data structure prepared by the preprocessor along with the mapping file and initialize the query manager for queries. The second function is distanceQuery and it's purpose is to answer queries. It expects the original IDs of the start and the goal nodes as arguments, then returns the shortest distance from start to goal. The third function is called clearStructures. It function deallocates all the memory required for the data structure. This function should be always explicitly called from your application when you will not need to use the query manager anymore.

Javatests Example and Unit Tests

A simple Java application that uses the library to answer queries can be found in the javatests subdirectory. This application was used to test that the API is functional and everything works as intended. You can however use this application as an example of how to use the library from Java. You can consult the readme for this simple application here.

Create a JAVA_HOME system property with the absolute path to the JDK, e.g., C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-15.0.1

For more information about how to integrate this project with other programming languages, please consult the readme in the src/API subdirectory.


The project contains Functional tests that tests the correctness of the whole application. Target: func_test_runner.


The project has a benchmark target that can be used to benchmark the performance of the implemented methods. Genneral usage:

./benchmark -m <method> --input-structure <input_data_structure> --query-set <query_set> [--mapping-file <mapping_file>] [-o <output_path>]


  • <method> is one of dijkstra, astar, ch, tnr, tnraf, dm - the method being benchmarked
  • <input_data_structure> is path to the data structure preprocessed using the preprocessor for the selected method. For dijkstra and Astar, use the CSV format (path to folder that contains nodes.csv and edges.csv input_data_structure argument.
  • <query_set> is path to the query set (file format described in the File Formats section below)
  • <mapping_file> (optional) is path to the mapping file (file format described in the File Formats section below), which will be used to transform node IDs from the query set to the corresponding node IDs used by the query algorithms
  • <output_path> (optional) is path to the output file for the computed distances

For benchmarking, you will need a set of queries which can either use IDs in the range from 0 to n-1 (where n is the number of the nodes in the graph) or you can use arbitrary integer node IDs. In the second case, you also need to provide a mapping file (see next section). The formats of the query set file and the mapping file are described in the Input/Output File Formats section below.

During benchmarking, all of your queries are answered using a chosen method. Afterwards, the total time need to answer all the queries in seconds is printed alongside the average time needed to answer one query in milliseconds. Additionally, you can specify an output file, where the computed distances will be stored. Those distances can then be used for verification of the correctness of the more complex methods.

A* Benchmarking

Having the PROJ utility installed is required for A* benchmarking. Path to PROJ directory needs to be provided in an environment variable PROJ_DATA, eg. like this:

PROJ_DATA=/usr/share/proj ./shortestPathsPreprocessor benchmark -m astar [options]

You can also copy the proj.db file into the working directory instead.

Computed Distances

If you provide the output_path argument, the application will output a plain text file that will contain the name of the query set file used for the benchmark on the first line, and then on each following line, the result of each query. You can use these files to validate that various methods return the same results.

Input/Output File Formats

In this part, we will describe all the input formats that can be used with the preprocessor application. The first three formats are input formats for directed weighted graphs that can be used as input for the creation of data structures for one of the methods or for the benchmarking of the dijkstra algorithm. The other two formats are related only to benchmarking.

If you need to get information about output file formats, please look here for a description of all file formats used by the library.

XenGraph Input Format

Probably the simplest format for directed weighted graphs. Graphs are represented as plain text files in this format. The graph file looks as follows:

  • It begins with a line XGI n e where XGI is a fixed string which serves as a magic constant. n and e are positive integers denoting the number of nodes and edges, respectively.
  • After that, exactly e lines follow in the format s t w f, where each line represents one edge. Here:
    • s is the source node of the edge and
    • t is the target node of the edge. Both these values must be in the range from 0 to n-1 (nodes are indexed from 0).
    • w is the weight of the edge, in our case a positive integer and
    • f is a flag denoting whether the edge is a one way edge. It must be either 1 or 0. If f is equal to 1, the edge is a one way edge and only an edge from s to t is added to the graph. If f is 0, we treat the edge as a bidirectional edge and therefore two edges are added into the graph, an edge from s to t and an edge from t to s, both with the weight w.

The expected suffix for XenGraph files is .xeng although it is not enforced.

DIMACS input format

This input format was used during the 9th DIMACS Implementation Challenge on shortest paths. The graph file is a plain text file and it looks as follows:

  • Lines beginning with the character c can occur anywhere in the file. Those lines are comment lines and are skipped during loading.
  • First line of the file not starting with the character c must be in the format p sp <nodes> <edges>, where:
    • p sp is a fixed string which serves as a magic constant,
    • <nodes> is a positive integer denoting the number of nodes, and
    • <edges> is another positive integer denoting the number of edges.
  • After that, there must be exactly e lines of the format a s t w, where each line represents one edge. Here:
    • a is a fixed character constant indicating that the line describes one edge (as opposed to c representing a comment line),
    • s is the source node of the edge, and
    • t is the target node of the edge. In this format, nodes are indexed from 1, so both s and t must be in the range from 1 to n (Internally, nodes are indexed from 0, so during loading, each node ID is automatically decremented). In this format, each edge is considered to be a directional edge, so if we want a bidirectional edge between s and t, we must provide two lines, one for an edge from s to t and one for an edge from t to s, both with the same weight.

The expected suffix for DIMACS graph files is .gr although it is not enforced.

Adjacency Matrix (ADJ) input format

One of the three input formats that can be used to describe the input graph for the preprocessing.

A CSV file that represents an adjacency matrix of a graph.

  • The file is expected to not have a header.
  • The file must have its amount of rows equal to its amount of columns.
  • Each value on row i and column j represents the weight of a directed edge from node i to node j.
  • Weights are expected to be valid positive integers, or nan for where there is no edge joining the nodes.

CSV input format

A pair of files named nodes.csv and edges.csv located in the same directory.

  • Path to the directory containing these files must be specified in the input_path argument.
  • nodes.csv represents a list of all n nodes identified by numbers from 0 to n-1 (id column) and optionally (for A* benchmarking) columns x (longitude) and y (latitude).
  • edges.csv is a list of edges. The required columns are u (source edge identifier), v (target edge identifier) and cost (edge weight, non-negative integer or floating point number).
  • In this format, each edge is considered to be a directional edge, so if we want a bidirectional edge between u and v, we must provide two lines, one for an edge from u to v and one for an edge from v to u, both with the same weight.
  • Values must be separated by a Tab character (\t).

The Query Set Input Format

For easier benchmarking, the user can provide a set of queries which will be used for the benchmark in a very simple plain text format:

  • The file begins with a line that contains only a single integer cnt denoting the number of queries.
  • The first line is followed by exactly cnt lines in the format s g each denoting one query. s and g are both positive integers. When benchmarking without mapping, s and g must be in the range from 0 to n-1 where n is the number of nodes in the graph. When benchmarking with mapping, s and g can be arbitrary positive integers as long as they fit in the long long unsigned int datatype (usually 64 bit).

The mapping file format

If your application internally for some reason uses some node IDs that are not in the range from 0 to n-1 (where n is the number of nodes in the graph), you can use a mapping file that will allow the application to transform node IDs from your application to IDs in the range from 0 to n-1. Using those mapping files, you can let the C++ application do all the mapping work, so will not need to change the IDs in your application. The mapping file is a plain text file in the following format:

  • The file begins with a line XID n where XID is a fixed string which serves as a magic constant and n is the amount of nodes in the graph.
  • The first line is followed by exactly n lines each only containing one integer i. The j-th line represents the original ID of the (j-2)-th node. So the second line contains the original ID of the node with the ID 0 in our application. The third line contains the original ID of the node with the ID 1, and so on up to the line n+1 contains the original ID for the node with the ID n-1 in our application.

Integration With Other Languages

Integration of this library into an application written in languages other than C++ and Java is also possible, but it will require you to generate new 'glue code' for the desired language using a tool called SWIG. You will also need to change the CMakeLists.txt file in order to compile the library for such usage. The steps required for the integration with a different language are briefly described here.


If you want to use the library with SiMoD, you can consult the Amod readme for step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish this.


Most of the code in this project was written as a part of the master's thesis of Michal Cvach.

The code for the distance matrix computation was taken from the APSP-in-parallel project