Hyperledger Global Forum workshop on deploying Hyperledger Fabric on Kubernetes in development and production.
You may wish to explore https://github.com/aidtechnology/nephos, which helps automate the deployment of similar examples as presented here.
In the workshop we demonstrate how to create a managed K8S cluster on Azure:
export GROUP=hgf-workshop
export LOCATION=westeurope
az group create -n $GROUP -l $LOCATION
az aks create -g $GROUP -n ${GROUP}-aks -s Standard_DS2_v2 --kubernetes-version 1.11.5 --node-count 5
az aks get-credentials -g $GROUP -n ${GROUP}-aks
Then you can install Helm, using
kubectl create -f ./helm-rbac.yaml
helm init --service-account tiller
Finally, add the incubator
repository, so you are able to install Kafka, etc.
helm repo add incubator https://kubernetes-charts-incubator.storage.googleapis.com/
helm repo update
We will start with the dev_example
, using Cryptogen to set up the identities and cryptographic material.
This is sufficient for Development purposes and will use a very simple setup of 1 peer and 1 (solo) orderer.
In the second part of the workshop, prod_example
, we will be using the Fabric CA to provide the identities and cryptographic material.
This uses as production-ready setup implementing Certificate Authorities persisting identities to PostgreSQL, multiple peers and multiple (Kafka-consensus) orderers.
If you use Azure AKS, you can just delete the resource group and associated AKS cluster in one fell swoop.
az group delete -n $GROUP
Our charts can be found at the official Helm Charts repository:
And also on our own open-source repository:
We also have a repository hosting the Fabric CA client Homebrew installer (for OS X):
Blockchain for Business - An Introduction to Hyperledger Technologies, where we have contributed the Hyperledger Composer chapter:
Blockchain for Blockchain Applications on Packt and Udemy:
In progress