Version: 1.0.4
API Scaladoc: SparkHelper
This library contains a bunch of low-level basic methods for data processing with Scala Spark. This is a bunch of 5 modules:
- HdfsHelper: Wrapper around apache Hadoop FileSystem API (org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem) for file manipulations on hdfs.
- SparkHelper: Hdfs file manipulations through the Spark API.
- DateHelper: Wrapper around joda-time for dates manipulations.
- FieldChecker: Validation for stringified fields
- Monitor: Spark custom monitoring/logger and kpi validator
The goal is to remove the maximum of highly used and highly duplicated low-level code from the spark job code and replace it with methods fully tested whose names are self-explanatory and readable.
The full list of methods is available at HdfsHelper.
Contains basic file-related methods mostly based on hdfs apache Hadoop FileSystem API org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.
A few exemples:
import com.spark_helper.HdfsHelper
// A bunch of methods wrapping the FileSystem API, such as:
assert(HdfsHelper.listFileNamesInFolder("my/folder/path") == List("file_name_1.txt", "file_name_2.csv"))
assert(HdfsHelper.getFileModificationDate("my/hdfs/file/path.txt") == "20170306")
assert(HdfsHelper.getNbrOfDaysSinceFileWasLastModified("my/hdfs/file/path.txt") == 3)
// Some Xml helpers for hadoop as well:
HdfsHelper.isHdfsXmlCompliantWithXsd("my/hdfs/file/path.xml", getClass.getResource("/some_xml.xsd"))
The full list of methods is available at SparkHelper.
Contains basic file/RRD-related methods based on the Spark APIs.
A few exemples:
import com.spark_helper.SparkHelper
// Same as SparkContext.saveAsTextFile, but the result is a single file:
SparkHelper.saveAsSingleTextFile(myOutputRDD, "/my/output/file/path.txt")
// Same as SparkContext.textFile, but instead of reading one record per line,
// it reads records spread over several lines:
SparkHelper.textFileWithDelimiter("/my/input/folder/path", sparkContext, "---\n")
The full list of methods is available at DateHelper.
Wrapper around joda-time for dates manipulations.
A few exemples:
import com.spark_helper.DateHelper
assert(DateHelper.daysBetween("20161230", "20170101") == List("20161230", "20161231", "20170101"))
assert( == "20170310") // If today's "20170310"
assert(DateHelper.yesterday() == "20170309") // If today's "20170310"
assert(DateHelper.reformatDate("20170327", "yyyyMMdd", "yyMMdd") == "170327")
assert("HH:mm") == "10:24")
The full list of methods is available at FieldChecker.
Validation (before cast) for stringified fields:
A few exemples:
import com.spark_helper.FieldChecker
The full list of methods is available at Monitor.
It's a simple logger/report that you update during your job. It contains a report (a simple string) that you can update and a success boolean which can be updated to give a success status on your job. At the end of your job you'll have the possibility to store the report in hdfs.
Have a look at the scaladoc for a cool exemple.
With sbt, just add this one line to your build.sbt:
libraryDependencies += "spark_helper" % "spark_helper" % "1.0.4" from ""
With sbt:
sbt assembly