Simple cross-platform (Windows/Linux) header-only library for binary and json serialization based on popular libraries msgpack and nlohmann-json
#include "twin_pack.h"
using namespace std;
using twin_pack::ISerializableObject;
using twin_pack::property_value;
* Inherit class from ISerializableObject
class TestMessage : public ISerializableObject
int a;
double b;
std::string c;
* property_value class based on boost::variant
property_value d;
std::vector<property_value> m_vector;
std::map<std::string, property_value> m_map;
* Inherit class from ISerializableObject
* In public part of class add macro PACK_IT :
* first arg - class name,
* other args - fields of class need to be serialized
PACK_IT(TestMessage, a, b, c, d, m_vector, m_map)
int main()
using nlohmann::json;
TestMessage test_message;
test_message.a = 12;
test_message.b = 34.56;
test_message.c = "hello world";
test_message.d = 123;
test_message.m_vector = {12323.f, 123123213, 4, 56.67, "eve", true};
test_message.m_map = {
{"1", 123123123},
{"2", 3434.3434},
{"3", 12},
{"4", 0},
{"5", true},
{"6", "QWERTY23123"},
{"7", false}
//error message
std::string msg_error;
//serializing to json
json first_json;
bool ok = test_message.serialize(first_json, msg_error);
std::cout << first_json.dump(2) << std::endl;
//restoring from json
TestMessage restored_from_json;
ok = restored_from_json.unserialize(first_json, msg_error);
//serializing to binary
std::stringstream stream;
ok = restored_from_json.serialize(stream, msg_error);
//restoring from binary
TestMessage restored_from_binary;
ok = restored_from_binary.unserialize(stream, msg_error);
//serialize to json for comparing
json output_json;
ok = restored_from_binary.serialize(output_json, msg_error);
std::cout << output_json.dump(2) << std::endl;
if (first_json == output_json)
std::cout << "\nequal\n";
return 0;
twin_pack requires boost, msgpack, nlohmann-json libraries. Tests depend on googletest framework and are linked with it, so if you want to build them (BUILD_TESTS=ON), you need to have this dependency installed.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DBoost_DIR=boos_dir -Dnlohmann_json_DIR=nlohmann_json_dir -Dmsgpack-cxx_DIR=msgpack_dir -DGTest_DIR=gtest_dir -DBUILD_TESTS=ON
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<path to vcpkg>\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake -DBUILD_TESTS=ON
twin_pack is licensed under MIT Software License, see the LICENSE file for details.