Comparative Visualization of Molecular Surfaces using Similarity-based Clustering
*.mmprj: MegaMol Project files These xml-based files can be invoked (with specific parameters given by the Configurator) with the megamol-console.
Configurator: C#/Mono Project files creator, with visual drag and drop interface for project generation. MM-Creator creates a xml-file (the *.mmprj files from above) which the megamol can understand.
StateFile: generated by the configurator upon first startup, holds all kinds of information about the mm-binary. is nessecary if you want to configure your project with the interface
- python:
- everything was written in python 3.6
- not tested in python<3.6 (or 2.7 for that matter)
- dependencies:
- numpy
- tensorflow
- sklearn
- skimage
- scipy
- cv2
- matplotlib for 2d plot-viz
- comvi C++:
- not sure
- probably only vanilla c++11/14 (?) apart from:
- glfw
- glew
- glad
- glm
- std_image
- stdlib
- opengl
- contains all relevant papers for:
- clustering
- viz
- feature extraction etc.
- contains all relevant papers for:
comvi Ausarbeitung:
- contains
sourcecode for the comvi paper
- contains
- contains:
- PCA (python):
- using dimensionality of extracted feature vector to cluster images
- should be ported to C++ for the final project
- SSIM (python):
- uses similarity measure wihout relying on feature vector to cluster images
- should be ported to C++ for the final project
- image-generation (python):
- will be used to generate images for the clustering
- performs: pdb aggregation, pdb generation, image generation
- comvi:
- C++ project that will be used as a 2D rendered as a plugin in Megamol
- PCA (python):
- contains:
- Contains Images to sample
- Delete when image-generation is up and functional for arbitraty pdb datasets
feature extraction
similarity measure (SSIM, cosine (with feature vector))
clustering with DBSCAN
dim. reduction
image generation
image exploration in clusterview