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Matthew Wardrop edited this page Dec 14, 2018 · 1 revision

Knowledge Repo Roadmap

This is an informal roadmap containing an unordered list of work items that we would like to accomplish, but do not necessarily have the resources to do so. You should use this roadmap to align your pull requests and suggestions, but you should not treat this roadmap as limiting to any particular endeavour.

  • Improved tooling for starting knowledge servers (kr)
  • Migrate to using React for the user interface on top of the Python Flask backend.
  • Create a proper filter/sort interface for the main feed.
  • Integrate Adnotatio for Google Docs style inline comments.
  • Store dependencies and scripts for creating virtual environments inside of the portable knowledge post format, for a truly reproducible workflow even when custom libraries are used.
  • Support for uploading portable knowledge posts directly through the user interface.
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