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Releases: airmessage/airmessage-android

AirMessage for Android 3.1.10

03 Jul 23:41
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  • Updated language strings for no activation
  • Updated dependencies

AirMessage for Android 3.1.9

20 Jun 13:18
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  • Resolved an invalid issue where the connection state would be prematurely set to connecting on fallback protocol attempts, even if the protocol couldn't be used. This would result in a problem where the app wouldn't connect to the server until the user restarted the app.

AirMessage for Android 3.1.8

17 Jun 21:49
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  • The conversation details sheet can now be scrolled
  • Don't fall back to older protocol versions if the proxy type isn't supported
    • This also helps resolve the "connection compatibility" error for users of AirMessage Cloud
  • MMS subject lines are now cleaned as part of the readMMSMessage helper function

AirMessage for Android 3.1.7

28 May 22:46
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  • Upgrade dependencies:
    • Flexbox: 2.0.1 -> 3.0.0
    • Firebase: 26.8.0 -> 28.0.1
    • ExoPlayer: 2.13.3 -> 2.14.0


  • ChatRenameAction now properly has agent and title set as nullable

AirMessage for Android 3.1.6

24 May 15:40
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  • The user's proxy type and a conversation's internal ID and service are now reported to Crashlytics
  • AirPacker now checks for large allocations before allocating memory
  • Dependency updates


  • Secure shared preferences are now excluded from backups (which could also cause decryption failures)
  • Fixed the conversation detail fragment's member detail composite disposables not being cleared when the fragment is destroyed

Code changes

  • Converted messaging files to Kotlin

AirMessage for Android 3.1.5

30 Apr 14:09
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  • Protocol 5.3 support


  • Incoming messages are now sorted into the conversation when received
  • Update dependencies

Code changes

  • Migrate helpers to Kotlin


  • Fixed the message sync error snackbar not appearing if the sync happened entirely while the Conversations activity was in the background
  • Fixed tapback messages updates not replacing older versions
  • Fixed tapback removals not updating in the conversation thread
  • Fixed a crash when removing your own tapback
  • Fixed a crash when querying MLKit with an empty list of messages

AirMessage for Android 3.1.4

26 Feb 13:42
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  • Reduced immediate reconnect times to 1 and 2 seconds
  • Reduced background reconnect interval to 10 minutes
  • Enabled immediate reconnections on user-initiated prompts


  • Fixed error handling while downloading attachment files
  • Fixed a crash when generating shortcut icons for no members (no longer sets observable list hint as 0, rather checks beforehand and creates an empty list single)
  • The system import service is now launched as a foreground service
  • Intent action checks are now performed for SMS provider update services
  • Fixed text message updates not applying while Conversations is in the background
  • Fixed the "stop" button on the connection not actually stopping the service

AirMessage for Android 3.1.3

16 Feb 23:30
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This update fixes an ANR when updating dynamic shortcuts

AirMessage for Android 3.1.2

16 Feb 14:37
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  • Fixed bad observer thread when saving initial mass retrieval details
  • Fixed a crash when launching the sync prompt fragment in landscape mode (mismatched view ID)
  • The app will now check for a destroyed activity before initiating a Glide load for a link preview
  • The app will now check for a valid host view before displaying a snackbar to indicate a started mass retrieval
  • Fixed a crash when generating a conversation icon for a conversation with no members
  • Fixed rendering of the lazy load progress indicator on Messaging
  • Fixed a crash when filler files would load before the conversation is ready
  • Fixed bad attachment queue state when restarting the Messaging activity
  • Fixed a crash when a message would fail to send over AM bridge with a non-AirMessage error
  • Fixed a crash when sending an inline notification reply failed
  • Fixed a crash when emitting a file fetch update to a cancelled receiver
  • Fixed newly created conversations showing a summary of "unknown" in the conversation list
  • Fixed "open" attachment views from being too wide

AirMessage for Android 3.1.1

15 Feb 15:36
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  • Fixed a bad implementation of Messaging attachments' Glide target that would cause a crash when setting a null image
  • Fixed disposing of background RecyclerView tasks when closing activities
  • Fixed crash when handling a ping broadcast while there is no connection manager assigned
  • Fixed a crash when receiving a contacts or message update in the conversation list during an intermediate load state update
  • Fixed a crash when applying invalid message modifiers to a message struct that has just been written to the database
  • Fixed a crash when displaying a conversation that has 0 members in the conversation list
  • Fixed a crash when fetching dynamic previews where the message preview is NULL
  • Fixed a crash when trying to connect with NULL connection parameters over TCP
  • Fixed a crash when trying to bind a non-message item's view on Messaging's RecyclerAdapter
  • Fixed a crash on the manual setup screen when receiving a connection update before the view is installed
  • The connection service will be automatically launched if the user clicks "reconnect" on an error details banner and the connection service isn't running
  • When adding a dynamic shortcut, multiple shortcuts can now be removed in order to make room
  • Fixed a crash when getting an instance of the Preferences activity from the fragment for its connection service
  • Fixed audio attachment files not applying updated metadata when processed for ExoPlayer