Ais.Net.Models provides a series of C# 9.0 records which define the the message types, a series of interfaces that define common behaviours, and extension methods to help with type conversions & calculations.
Package | Status |
Ais.Net.Models |
The AIS.NET project contains a series of layers, from a low-level zero allocation, high performance NMEA AIS sentence decoder, to a rich high-level convenience C# 9.0 models of AIS message types, a receiver component that can listen to TCP streams of NMEA sentences and expose them as an IObservable<string>
of raw sentences or an decoded IObservable<IAisMessage>
, and finally a Storage Client implementation to persisting the raw NMEA sentence stream to Azure Blob storage for future processing.
The table below shows the messages, their properties and how they are mapped to interfaces.
Show AIS Message Types and .NET Interfaces
Message Type 1 to 3 | Message Type 5 | Message Type 18 | Message Type 19 | Message Type 24 Part 0 | Message Type 24 Part 1 | Message Type 27 | |
IAisMessageType5 | AisVersion | ||||||
ICallSign | CallSign | CallSign | |||||
IAisMessageType18 | CanAcceptMessage22ChannelAssignment | ||||||
IAisMessageType18 | CanSwitchBands | ||||||
IVesselCourseOverGround | CourseOverGround | CourseOverGround | CourseOverGround | CourseOverGround | |||
IAisMessageType18 | CsUnit | ||||||
IAisMessageType5 | Destination | ||||||
IVesselDimensions | DimensionToBow | DimensionToBow | DimensionToBow | ||||
IVesselDimensions | DimensionToPort | DimensionToPort | DimensionToPort | ||||
IVesselDimensions | DimensionToStarboard | DimensionToStarboard | DimensionToStarboard | ||||
IVesselDimensions | DimensionToStern | DimensionToStern | DimensionToStern | ||||
IAisMessageType5 | Draught10thMetres | ||||||
IAisMessageType5 | EtaMonth | ||||||
IAisMessageType5 | EtaDay | ||||||
IAisMessageType5 | EtaHour | ||||||
IAisMessageType5 | EtaMinute | ||||||
IAisMessageType18 | HasDisplay | ||||||
IIsAssigned | IsAssigned | IsAssigned | |||||
IAisMessageType18 | IsDscAttached | ||||||
IAisMessageType5 | ImoNumber | ||||||
IAisIsDteNotReady | IsDteNotReady | IsDteNotReady | |||||
IVesselNavigation | Latitude10000thMins | Latitude10000thMins | Latitude10000thMins | ||||
IVesselNavigation | Longitude10000thMins | Longitude10000thMins | Longitude10000thMins | ||||
IAisMessageType1to3 | ManoeuvreIndicator | ||||||
IAisMessageType24Part1 | MothershipMmsi | ||||||
IAisMessageType | MessageType | MessageType | MessageType | MessageType | MessageType | MessageType | |
IVesselIdentity | Mmsi | Mmsi | Mmsi | Mmsi | Mmsi | Mmsi | |
IAisMultipartMessage | PartNumber | PartNumber | |||||
IVesselPositionAccuracy | PositionAccuracy | PositionAccuracy | PositionAccuracy | PositionAccuracy | |||
IAisPositionFixType | PositionFixType | PositionFixType | |||||
IAisMessageType18 | RadioStatusType | ||||||
IAisMessageType1to3 | RadioSlotTimeout | ||||||
IAisMessageType1to3 | RadioSubMessage | ||||||
IAisMessageType1to3 | RadioSyncState | ||||||
IAisMessageType19 | RegionalReserved139 | ||||||
IAisMessageType19 | RegionalReserved38 | ||||||
IRaimFlag | RaimFlag | RaimFlag | RaimFlag | RaimFlag | |||
IAisMessageType18 | RegionalReserved139 | ||||||
IAisMessageType18 | RegionalReserved38 | ||||||
IAisMessageType1to3 | RateOfTurn | ||||||
IRepeatIndicator | RepeatIndicator | RepeatIndicator | RepeatIndicator | RepeatIndicator | RepeatIndicator | RepeatIndicator | RepeatIndicator |
IAisMessageType24Part1 | SerialNumber | ||||||
IAisMessageType19 | ShipName | ||||||
IShipType | ShipType | ShipType | ShipType | ||||
IAisMessageType1to3 | SpareBits145 | ||||||
IAisMessageType24Part0 | Spare160 | ||||||
IAisMessageType24Part1 | Spare162 | ||||||
IAisMessageType5 | Spare423 | ||||||
IAisMessageType19 | Spare308 | ||||||
IVesselSpeedOverGround | SpeedOverGround | SpeedOverGround | SpeedOverGround | SpeedOverGround | |||
IVesselNavigation | TimeStampSecond | TimeStampSecond | TimeStampSecond | ||||
IVesselNavigation | TrueHeadingDegrees | TrueHeadingDegrees | TrueHeadingDegrees | ||||
IAisMessageType24Part1 | UnitModelCode | ||||||
IAisMessageType24Part1 | VendorIdRev3 | ||||||
IAisMessageType24Part1 | VendorIdRev4 | ||||||
IVesselName | VesselName | ||||||
IAisMessageType27 | GnssPositionStatus | ||||||
IAisMessageType27 | Position | ||||||
IVesselNavigationStatus | NavigationStatus | NavigationStatus |
The C# record types then implement the relevant interfaces, which enables simpler higher level programming constructs, such as Rx queries over an IAisMessage
IObservable<IGroupedObservable<uint, IAisMessage>> byVessel = receiverHost.Messages.GroupBy(m => m.Mmsi);
IObservable<(uint mmsi, IVesselNavigation navigation, IVesselName name)>? vesselNavigationWithNameStream =
from perVesselMessages in byVessel
let vesselNavigationUpdates = perVesselMessages.OfType<IVesselNavigation>()
let vesselNames = perVesselMessages.OfType<IVesselName>()
let vesselLocationsWithNames = vesselNavigationUpdates.CombineLatest(vesselNames, (navigation, name) => (navigation, name))
from vesselLocationAndName in vesselLocationsWithNames
select (mmsi: perVesselMessages.Key, vesselLocationAndName.navigation,;
This project is available under the Apache 2.0 open source license.
For any licensing questions, please email [email protected]
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