This isn't like your usual to do app, it is much more than that, yet simple to use!
Do you have a final goal that you've been working towards? And this goal has multiple tasks which are not manageable in a single list? Or do you have multiple goals each having it's own to-do list and you want to track your overall progress?
Then you've reached the right place. Try out the app
- Login/Sign up to use the app.
- Create and manage different categories of tasks for your goal
- Create and manage tasks under each category
- Get the satisfaction of checking everything off on all your lists!
- Compatible on all screen sizes.
- Bonus: Enjoy the cutest UI for a to-do app
- No CSS Framework used. Re-usable styled JSX components. Have a look at them and feel free to use.
- Resuable DnD list without node module.
- Make styled components responsive for all screen devices easily.
- Theming and keyframe animations using styled components.
- Modals using portals in React.
- Redux for state management.
- Firebase for authentication and database (client-side).
- React-router for navigation along with authentication.
- Unit tests using jest and enzyme.
- CI/CD using CircleCI and Netlify.