Bash script to search for and loot exploits of detected open services.
To run the script correctly you must have installed:
- Searchsploit
To begin with, when executing the tool we will see the following:
Options [-h] Show this help panel
[-v] Show version
[-g] Pass IP or domain as argument; performs search for exploits for general version of services.
[-e] Pass IP or domain as argument; performs search for exploits for especific version of services. Warning: if you don't get a result, try -g only
The tool has two main modes:
- general: The IP or domain of the target is passed as an argument and a search for exploits is performed for the services detected in their general version and name. E.g. ftp service
- specific: The IP or domain of the target is passed as an argument and a search for exploits is performed for the services detected in their specific version, taking into account the specific service name and version number. E.g. ftp vftpd 2.3.4