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Bird-IoT Platform

Welcome to the Bird-IoT Platform! This project is designed to run on ESP32-based devices with a highly modular approach. It provides a system of plugins (each derived from a common interface) and a task system that allows easy scheduling and concurrency.

Note: This project is not seeing any regular updates. The intent of this repo is to share the concepts and code within.

Note: Be sure to configure your authorization headers. Look for TODO_ in the codebase

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Get the Docker Image

docker pull ajcasagrande/bird-iot:esp-idf-v4.0.2

Build a binary for the ttgo-display project

./ env=ttgo-display

Architecture Overview

The Bird-IoT Platform is built around a central IotApp singleton that:

  • Manages device profiles (GPIO pin assignments, hardware specifics).
  • Initializes core services (NVS, Wi-Fi, MQTT, safe mode, etc.).
  • Registers plugins (each plugin is a self-contained module providing some feature or driver).
  • Coordinates tasks (each plugin can schedule its own asynchronous task, e.g. for polling hardware or performing repeated actions).

Key Points:

  • Safe Mode: The platform supports a “safe mode” that can limit or bypass certain features if too many failed boots occur.
  • Profiles: A JSON or struct-based system describes board-specific pins (e.g., SDA, SCL, servo pins, etc.).
  • Startup Flow:
    1. System initializes
    2. NVS is set up
    3. Boot counters are incremented
    4. Wi-Fi and MQTT connect
    5. Plugins are setup (configure) and then start (run)
    6. Tasks begin periodic or event-driven execution

Plugin System

IotPlugin is the base class. Each plugin:

  • Has a name (e.g. "Console Plugin").
  • Implements any of these optional lifecycle hooks:
    • bool setup() — configure, allocate resources, and do any required initialization.
    • bool start() — start actual execution (e.g. begin tasks, open sockets, etc.).
    • void onWifiConnected() / onWifiDisconnected()
    • void onMqttConnected() / onMqttDisconnected()
    • bool handleMqttMessage(const char *topic, int id, const char *cmd, const JsonDocument& json)
    • bool handleCommand(const std::string &cmd) — for console or remote command handling.
    • void addFramesAndOverlays() — for UI-based plugins that draw on a display (OLED, TFT, etc.).

Plugin Registration:

  • Plugins are registered in IotApp via App.registerPlugin(...).
  • Once registered, they will be automatically setup() and start() in the platform’s initialization sequence.
  • A plugin can also register or spawn its own tasks for scheduling repeated or event-driven actions.

Task System

Most plugins rely on TaskClass (or Task<T> templated class) to schedule:

  • Periodic tasks with intervals (e.g. 1 second).
  • Single-shot tasks that run once after an initial delay.
  • Paused/resume functionality.
  • Pinning to a specific ESP32 core (coreId).
  • Exact timing vs. yield-based timing.

Key APIs in TaskClass:

  • configure(interval, stackSize, priority, coreId, useExactTiming, allowDuringOTA, initialDelay)
  • start() / pause() / resume() / remove()
  • _executeIfAllowed() — an internal guard to skip runs if paused or in an OTA update.

Any plugin can:

  1. Subclass TaskClass (or use Task<PluginType>) to create a periodic job.
  2. Start the task inside setup() or start().
  3. Implement the execute() routine that is called each time the task fires.

Supported Plugins and Features

Below is a summary of all major plugins/features discovered in this project. Many are conditioned by #if CONFIG_ENABLE_... macros in sdkconfig or Kconfig defaults.

Note: Not all plugins must be enabled at once. Each plugin can be individually toggled via build config to keep firmware lean.

Console Plugin

  • Description: Provides a serial console interface (via UART). It integrates with linenoise for command history, completion, etc.
  • Features:
    • Supports live command input on serial
    • Basic console commands (help, meminfo, etc.)
    • Ties into the CommandPlugin for additional commands

Command Plugin

  • Description: Allows execution of text-based commands from multiple sources (serial console, websockets, MQTT messages, etc.).
  • Features:
    • Provides a unified handleCommand(const std::string&).
    • Built-in commands: help, tasks, heap, ip, vcc, reset, version, and more.
    • Simplifies creating new commands in a centralized place.

Button Plugin

  • Description: Manages button inputs (GPIO pins). Each button is an instance of IotButton.
  • Features:
    • Schedules a background task to handle debouncing or event polling
    • Allows hooking custom callbacks on button press

SecureOTA Plugin

  • Description: Handles firmware over-the-air updates, with optional:
    • HTTPS downloads
    • MD5 or SHA256 checks
    • Rollback support and verification
  • Workflow:
    • On receiving an MQTT message with OTA details, it suspends non-critical tasks, downloads new firmware, and if successful, reboots into the new image.

Camera Server Plugin

  • Description: Sets up a minimal HTTP server that can serve camera frames or respond to a basic route (/).

HTTPS Server Plugin

  • Description: Embedded HTTPS server built on httpsserver library.
  • Features:
    • Creates a self-signed certificate
    • Serves static or dynamic content over TLS
    • Example handler for root / endpoint

BLE Beacon Plugin

  • Description: Configures an iBeacon on the ESP32 that broadcasts a custom UUID, major/minor, etc.
  • Features:
    • Use btStart() internally
    • Advertise indefinite iBeacon data
    • Optionally releases BT Classic memory

BLE Keyboard Plugin

  • Description: Emulates a BLE HID keyboard that can send key presses (including media keys).
  • Features:
    • Uses NimBLE or Bluedroid under the hood
    • sendKey(), sendMediaKey() for controlling remote devices from MQTT commands
    • Pairing/bonding optional

NimBLE Plugin

  • Description: Enables the NimBLE stack for BLE operations (lightweight alternative to Classic).
  • Features:
    • Creates a basic iBeacon advertisement
    • Hooks into the standard NimBLE host tasks

MDNS Plugin

  • Description: Registers an mDNS service so the device can be discovered locally via deviceid.local.
  • Features:
    • Optionally includes additional mDNS service TXT records (version, environment, etc.)

OLED Display Plugin

  • Description: Manages a SSD1306/SH1106 or similar small OLED display over I2C.
  • Features:
    • Uses OLEDDisplayUi for frames and overlays
    • Automatic progress bar for e.g. OTA
    • addFramesAndOverlays() allows each plugin to draw a portion of the UI

SPI Display Plugin

  • Description: Uses spilcd driver for ST7789 or similar SPI-based LCD.
  • Features:
    • Screen saver example
    • Optional backbuffer
    • Rotation settings

TFT Display Plugin

  • Description: Manages a TFT_eSPI-driven display (e.g. ILI9341, ST7735, ST7789).
  • Features:
    • Basic UI overlays, progress bars, screen saver
    • Adjust backlight brightness
    • Rotation toggles

Garage Plugin

  • Description: Simple garage door opener plugin using a relay or GPIO toggle.
  • Features:
    • MQTT command to toggle or double_toggle
    • Delays to simulate relay press

GPS Plugin

  • Description: Reads data from an attached GPS (e.g. UART NMEA).
  • Features:
    • Uses TinyGPS++
    • Maintains average speed, max speed, satellite info
    • Can draw overlays on TFT display

Hobbywing Task Plugin

  • Description: Interacts with a Hobbywing ESC or car ESC over a UART or TTL signal.
  • Features:
    • Captures raw data frames from ESC
    • Example logging of data (RPM, voltage, etc.)

IR Plugin

  • Description: Transmits 38kHz IR signals for devices (e.g. TVs or AC).
  • Features:
    • send_nec() and send_lg_ac() examples
    • Mark/space approach at 38kHz using raw GPIO toggling

RF Raw Plugin

  • Description: Captures raw edges from an RF receiver pin, logs timing for further decode.
  • Features:
    • Attaches interrupt
    • Collects microsecond-level timing for analysis

RF Sniffer Plugin

  • Description: Uses a 433/315MHz receiving library to decode pulses into recognizable codes (like “RC Switch” style codes).
  • Features:
    • Publishes discovered codes via MQTT
    • Optional raw capturing

RF Transmit Plugin

  • Description: Transmits 433/315MHz codes (like RC Switch).
  • Features:
    • MQTT command to send a code with a given bit length, pulse length, protocol, sync factors

Hunter Fan Plugin

  • Description: Sends Hunter Fan-style remote codes via a certain timing pattern on a GPIO.
  • Features:
    • Supports a specific pulse logic for older Hunter fans

Acurite Sensor Plugin

  • Description: Work in progress to decode Acurite temperature/humidity sensor signals in the 433MHz band.

Servo Input Plugin

  • Description: Uses RMT to read servo pulses from an RC receiver.
  • Features:
    • Multiple channels
    • Each channel has a duty() or pulse width in microseconds
    • Notifies changes via a background task

NTP Plugin

  • Description: Synchronizes system time via NTP servers.
  • Features:
    • Automatic updates after Wi-Fi is connected
    • Timezone support, time sync callback
    • Can show a time overlay on TFT or OLED


  • Description: Initializes SPIFFS filesystem.
  • Features:
    • Formats on failure (if needed)
    • Logs total/used space

Secure Websocket Plugin

  • Description: Creates an HTTPS server with websocket capability on port 443, using a certificate/key stored in the firmware.
  • Features:
    • 2-way TLS
    • Real-time data over wss

WebSocketCommand Plugin

  • Description: Allows receiving console-like commands over a websocket (usually on some port).
  • Features:
    • Forwards lines to the CommandPlugin::handleCommand()

WebSocketServer Plugin

  • Description: Similar to above, but might run on a simpler or different port (e.g. 81 or 8081).
  • Features:
    • Echo or dispatch commands
    • Maintains a map of connected clients

WebsocketClient Plugin

  • Description: Connects to a remote wss server from the device as a client.
  • Features:
    • Periodic keepalive
    • Data exchange in real-time

ConnectionStats Plugin

  • Description: Tracks Wi-Fi and MQTT connect/disconnect events:
    • Number of drops
    • Time of last connect
    • Optionally logs or publishes stats

RSSI Plugin

  • Description: Periodically polls Wi-Fi RSSI (signal strength).
  • Features:
    • Publishes min / max / average RSSI after a configurable interval
    • Optional logs

WifiScan Plugin

  • Description: Scans for nearby APs either on each channel or a single channel, then publishes results over MQTT.
  • Features:
    • Passive scanning
    • Displays SSID, RSSI, channel, auth mode

Example Basic Plugin

  • Description: A minimal plugin example with basic setup()/start() stubs.

Example Task Plugin

  • Description: Demonstrates scheduling an internal TaskClass to run periodically.

Example Sensor Plugin

  • Description: Illustrates a sensor plugin pattern with periodic polling and publishing (two tasks):
    • pollTask
    • publishTask

Closing Notes

This platform is highly modular. Each plugin can be toggled on/off via build flags (CONFIG_ENABLE_*).
Most plugins use their own TaskClass for concurrency.
To add a new feature:

  1. Subclass IotPlugin.
  2. Implement setup(), start(), and any relevant hooks.
  3. Optionally create a Task<YourPlugin> for periodic or event-based logic.
  4. Register the plugin with App.registerPlugin(new YourPlugin());.


Complete IoT platform for the ESP32 using ESP-IDF and FreeRTOS.

Supported Devices

  • IR
  • RF 433mhz / 315mhz
  • Hunter Fan Remote
  • Temp / Humidity
  • LG Portable AC
  • Garage Opener
  • Door Sensor (Reed Switch) x2


Install ESP-IDF

mkdir -p ~/esp
cd ~/esp
git clone --recurse-submodules --branch v4.0.2 [email protected]:espressif/esp-idf.git
cd esp-idf



  • D0 appears to control an on board RED led on the NodeMCU boards
  • D4 controls the very bright blue light on the ESP-12E module

Reed Switch

Plug one wire into GND and the other wire into a GPIO pin. D0 and D4 are some known working GPIO pins, however not all GPIO pins will work. Typically the reed switches I have are normally open switches, but this can be confirmed by running the software and checking.


  • Not all GPIO pins are good for i2c. Some known good ones are D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6.
  • Auto detection is supported, just setup the SDA_PIN and SCL_PIN


Wire into the Normally Open Pins which is the middle pin and the pin not connected by a white line. First and second pins if looking from the front.

LCD Character Display

  • Auto detect using i2c

RF433 Receiver

  • Connect GND, VCC to 5v (Vin), and the Digital Output pin to D2 on the nodemcu.
    • From left to right it is:
    • GND, D2, __, Vin, ................. __, __, __, (optional antenna)


Make targets

  • Create a new basic plugin make create-plugin name=<...> folder=<...>
  • Create a new Task plugin make create-task-plugin name=<...> folder=<...>

Note: name should include the suffix of Plugin or whatever. Note: folder is the sub-folder within plugins folder the plugin is to be put.




make udev-rules