- Shows all tickets available
select * from tickets;
- Check what competition the athlete attends
select g.name as 'Competition', g.id as 'Competition_id', g.time, g.location_name from athletegamerelationship agr
inner join athletes a on agr.athlete = a.id
inner join games g on agr.game = g.id
where a.id = {Athlete ID};
- Save Notification from the above query
insert into notifications (message, type)values('Your Event {Event Name} is at {Event Time & Date} in {Event Location}', 'R');
"R" means Reminder
- Save Game Notification Relationship
insert into gamenotificationsrelationship (game, notification) values({Game ID}, {Notification ID});
The Security department is notified to provide security guards and the necessary security equipment.
- Create Message for Security
insert into notifications (message, type)values('Security Guards are needed at {Event Name}', 'S');
"S" means Security
- Save Game Notification Relationship
insert into gamenotificationsrelationship (game, notification, securityMessage) values({Game ID}, {Notification ID}, 'Y');
- Get all scheduled ceremonies
select * from ceremonies where date(date)>=date(NOW());
Give me any question I will give an answer
2 Years of enterprise web application development, over a year of creating document management software and database architecture
select afr.id from athletefamilymemberrelationship afr
inner join athlete a on a.id = afr.athlete
inner join familymember f on f.id = afr.familyMember
where afr.active = 'Y' and a.id = {Athelete ID} and f.firstName = '{First Name}' and f.lastName = '{Last Name}';