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Merge pull request #32 from ajwheeler/broadening
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Broadening bug fixes and enhancements
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ajwheeler authored Jun 11, 2021
2 parents d529a94 + d77ce9f commit 81f86e0
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Showing 10 changed files with 419 additions and 18,934 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/constants.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,4 +14,3 @@ const bohr_radius_cgs = 5.29177210903e-9 # cm
const kboltz_eV = 8.617333262145e-5 #eV/K
const hplanck_eV = 4.135667696e-15 #eV*s
const RydbergH_eV = 13.595 #eV - this could be updated

138 changes: 95 additions & 43 deletions src/line_opacity.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,87 +1,138 @@
using SpecialFunctions: gamma

line_absorption(linelist, λs, temp, n_densities, atomic_masses, partition_fns,
ionization_energies; window_size)
line_absorption(linelist, λs, temp, nₑ, n_densities, partition_fns, ξ
; α_cntm=nothing, cutoff_threshold=1e-3, window_size=20.0*1e-8)
Calculate the opacity coefficient, α, in units of cm^-1 from all lines in `linelist`, at wavelengths
other arguments:
- `temp` the temerature in K
- `n_densities`, a Dict mapping species to absolute number density [cm^-3].
- `window_size` (optional, default: 20), the maximum distance from the line center at which line
opacities should be calculated in included.
- `ξ` is the microturbulent velocity in cm/s
- `partition_fns`, a Dict containing the partition function of each species
- `ξ` is the microturbulent velocity in cm/s (n.b. NOT km/s)
The three keyword arguments specify how the size of the window over which each line is calculated
is chosen.
- If `α_cntm` is passed as a callable returning the continuum opacity as a function of
wavelength, the line window will extend to 4 doppler widths or the wavelength at which the Lorentz
wings of the line are at `cutoff_threshold * α_cntm[line.wl]`, whichever is greater.
`cutoff_threshold` defaults to 1e-3.
- if `α_cntm` is not passed, defaults to `window_size`, which is 2e-7 (in cm, i.e. 20 Å) unless
otherwise specified
function line_absorption(linelist, λs, temp, n_densities::Dict, atomic_masses::Dict,
partition_fns::Dict, ionization_energies::Dict, ξ
; window_size=20.0*1e-8)
function line_absorption(linelist, λs, temp, nₑ, n_densities::Dict, partition_fns::Dict, ξ
; α_cntm=nothing, cutoff_threshold=1e-3, window_size=20.0*1e-8)
α_lines = zeros(length(λs))
#lb and ub are the indices to the upper and lower wavelengths in the "window", i.e. the shortest
#and longest wavelengths which feel the effect of each line
lb = 1
ub = 1
for line in linelist
while λs[lb] < line.wl - window_size
lb += 1
while λs[ub+1] < line.wl + window_size && ub+1 < length(λs)
ub += 1
mass = get_mass(strip_ionization(line.species))

#doppler-broadening parameter
Δλ_D = line.wl * sqrt(2kboltz_cgs*temp / mass + ξ^2) / c_cgs

ϕ = line_profile(temp, get_mass(strip_ionization(line.species)), ξ, line, view(λs,lb:ub))
#get all damping params from line list. There may be better sources for this.
Γ = (line.gamma_rad +
nₑ*scaled_stark(line.gamma_stark, temp) +
(n_densities["H_I"] + 0.42n_densities["He_I"])*scaled_vdW(line.vdW, mass, temp))

#doing this involves an implicit aproximation that λ(ν) is linear over the line window
Δλ_L = Γ * line.wl^2 / c_cgs

#cross section
σ = sigma_line(line.wl, line.log_gf)
σ = sigma_line(line.wl)

#stat mech quantities
#stat mech quantities
#number density of particles in the relevant excitation state
boltzmann_factor = exp(- line.E_lower / kboltz_eV / temp)
n = n_densities[line.species] * boltzmann_factor / partition_fns[line.species](temp)
#the factor (1 - exp(hν₀ / kT)) to account for stimulated emission
emission_factor = 1 - exp(-c_cgs * hplanck_cgs / line.wl / kboltz_cgs / temp)
levels_factor = boltzmann_factor / partition_fns[line.species](temp) * emission_factor

line_amplitude = 10.0^line.log_gf * n_densities[line.species] * σ * levels_factor

if !isnothing(α_cntm)
α_crit = α_cntm(line.wl) * cutoff_threshold
window_size = max(4Δλ_D, sqrt(line_amplitude * Δλ_L / α_crit))
lb, ub = move_bounds(λs, lb, ub, line.wl, window_size)
if lb==ub

ϕ = line_profile(line.wl, Δλ_D, Δλ_L, view(λs, lb:ub))

@. α_lines[lb:ub] += ϕ * σ * n * emission_factor
@. α_lines[lb:ub] += ϕ * line_amplitude

"the stark broadening gamma scaled acording to its temperature dependence"
scaled_stark(γstark, T; T₀=10_000) = γstark * (T/T₀)^(1/6)

the vdW broadening gamma scaled acording to its temperature dependence, using either simple scaling
or ABO
scaled_vdW(vdW::AbstractFloat, m, T, T₀=10_000) = vdW * (T/T₀)^0.3
function scaled_vdW(vdW::Tuple{F, F}, m, T) where F <: AbstractFloat
v₀ = 1e6 #σ is given at 10_000 m/s = 10^6 cm/s
σ = vdW[1]
α = vdW[2]

invμ = 1/(1.008*amu_cgs) + 1/m #inverse reduced mass
vbar = sqrt(8 * kboltz_cgs * T / π * invμ) #relative velocity
#n.b. "gamma" is the gamma function, not a broadening parameter
2 * (4/π)^/2) * gamma((4-α)/2) * v₀ * σ * (vbar/v₀)^(1-α)

#walk lb and ub to be window_size away from λ₀. assumes λs is sorted
function move_bounds(λs, lb, ub, λ₀, window_size)
while lb+1 < length(λs) && λs[lb] < λ₀ - window_size
lb += 1
while lb > 1 && λs[lb-1] > λ₀ - window_size
lb -= 1
while ub < length(λs) && λs[ub+1] < λ₀ + window_size
ub += 1
while ub > 1 && λs[ub] > λ₀ + window_size
ub -= 1
lb, ub

sigma_line(wl, log_gf)
The cross-section at wavelength `wl` in Ångstroms of a transition for which the product of the
The cross-section (divided by gf) at wavelength `wl` in Ångstroms of a transition for which the product of the
degeneracy and oscillator strength is `10^log_gf`.
function sigma_line, log_gf) where F <: AbstractFloat
function sigma_line(λ) where F <: AbstractFloat
#work in cgs
e = electron_charge_cgs
mₑ = electron_mass_cgs
c = c_cgs

*e^2/mₑ/c) *^2/c) * 10^log_gf
*e^2/mₑ/c) *^2/c)

line_profile(temp, atomic_mass, ξ, line, λs)
line_profile(λ₀, Δλ_D, Δλ_L, λs)
The line profile, ``\\phi``, evaluated at wavelengths `λs` in cm.
`temp` should be in K, `atomic_mass` should be in g, microturbulent velocity, `ξ`, should be in
cm/s, `line` should be one of the entries returned by `read_line_list`.
Note that this returns values in units of cm^-1, not Å^-1, and that
``\\int\\phi\\textrm{d}\\lambda = 1``.
A normalized voigt profile centered on λ₀ with doppler width Δλ_D and lorentz width Δλ_L evaluated
at `λs` (cm). Note that this returns values in units of cm^-1.
function line_profile(temp::F, atomic_mass::F, ξ::F, line::Line, λs::AbstractVector{F}
) where F <: AbstractFloat
#doppler-broadening parameter
Δλ_D = line.wl * sqrt(2kboltz_cgs*temp / atomic_mass + ξ^2) / c_cgs

#get all damping params from line list. There may be better sources for this.
γ = 10^line.log_gamma_rad + 10^line.log_gamma_stark + 10^line.log_gamma_vdW

#Voigt function parameters
v = @. abs(λs-line.wl) / Δλ_D
a = @. λs^2/(4π * c_cgs) * γ / Δλ_D

@. voigt(a, v) / sqrt(π) / Δλ_D
function line_profile(λ₀, Δλ_D::F, Δλ_L::F, λs::AbstractVector{F}) where F <: AbstractFloat
invΔλ_D = 1/Δλ_D
@. voigt(Δλ_L * invΔλ_D / 4π, abs(λs-λ₀) * invΔλ_D) / sqrt(π) * invΔλ_D

function harris_series(v) # assume v < 5
Expand All @@ -105,7 +156,8 @@ The [voigt function](
function voigt(α, v)
if α <= 0.2
if (v >= 5)
/ sqrt(π) / v^2) * (1 + 3/(2v^2) + 15/(4v^4))
invv2 = (1/v)^2
/sqrt(π) * invv2) * (1 + 1.5invv2 + 3.75*invv2^2)
H₀, H₁, H₂ = harris_series(v)
H₀ + H₁*α + H₂*α^2
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