Usage and Explanation of each file
- has different type of inheritance explained using a class example.
- has a very useful function to delete any folder contents programatically, either you can run it in terminal/command prompt giving path to folder as input like below : '/Users/akanshajain/Downloads/FolderYouWantToDelete/'
or just take the function clearfolder() and use it anywhere in your code.
Cool Stuff/ contains code files having some of the cool tricks we can do using python. For ex, Creating PPT.
datetime.ipynb explains
- conversion to and from python's datetime object,
- extraction of day, month, hour, minutes etc,
- creating timeseries dataset using pandas and numpy,
- visualisation of timeseries data using plotly.
examples/ contains code files of some example programs utilising concepts of python. For ex, banking system.
- has a very useful function to transfer any folder contents programatically to another folder, either you can run it in terminal/command prompt giving path to both folder as input like below :
python 'Desktop/folderOne/' 'Desktop/folderTwo/'
or just take the function moveFiles() and use it anywhere in your code.