![Notion Inspired minimalistic portfolio](/akashdathan/portfolio/raw/main/docs/demo-home.png)
Notion inspired minimalistic portfolio using NextJS and TailwindCSS
Introduction · One-click Deploy · Tech Stack + Features · Author
This is the code for a minimalistic notion inspired portfolio, feel free to fork it or create a PR to improve it.
You can deploy this template to Vercel with the button below:
You can also clone & create this repo locally with the following command:
npx create-next-app portfolio --example "https://github.com/akashdathan/portfolio"
- Minimalistic Home Screen
- Blog section lists the articles published on dev.to
- Perfect Lighthouse Score
- Custom 404 Page
- Uses NextJS with Typescript and TailwindCSS
- Notion Avatar Maker to generate notion style avatar
- favicon.io to generate favicons
- Akash Dathan (@akash_dathan)