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installation of aker gateway on two server with resilience by Dryusdan

anazmy edited this page Mar 9, 2018 · 1 revision

Installation of Aker gateway on two server with resilience

I explain how to install Aker gateway on two server with resilience. I use glusterfs to ensure data replication and KeepAlived to ensure same access when one server is down.

So, let's go !

Install Ubuntu server (like 16.04).

Configure SSH server ( /etc/ssh/sshd_config), copy all /etc/ssh directory on second server

Install and configure KeepAlived

I choose KeepAlived to ensure same access between server. KeepAlived use VRRP protocol to exchange a virtual IP when one server down.

Download KeepAlived on this website : I use KeepAlived 1.4.2 but this tutorial work on version 1.3.9. After download, decompress archive on /tmp and tip following command :

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install build-essential libssl-dev
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo apt purge build-essential && sudo apt autoremove

(I don't use package KeepAlived from ubuntu repo, the version is too old (october 2009), configuration file is not compatible.

Installation et configuration of glusterfs

GlusterFS is a solution for replicating disks between servers

First, install it !

$ sudo apt install glusterfs-server glusterfs-client attr

In the glusterd.vol file, add this line :

option transport.rdma.bind-address
option transport.socket.bind-address
option transport.tcp.bind-address

This restrict listening on this IP. (Of course, change IP by your server ip

Then, create folder for aker (and Gluster sharing)

# mkdir /etc/aker  
# mkdir -p /var/log/aker  
# mkdir -p /aker/{log,data}  

Restart glusterfs and do the same manipulations on second server

# service glusterfs-server restart 

Create cluster

On server 1, add serveur 2 on cluster with this command :

gluster peer probe

Than, create gluster volume :

gluster volume create akerLog replica 2 transport tcp force 
gluster volume create akerData replica 2 transport tcp force

More explication :

  • akerLog : is the name of volume. It is possible to name this volume with any word.
  • replica 2 : Is the number of replication
  • : The server of one of the replicates. Put here as many server as you want replication.

Start volumes :

gluster volume start akerLog
gluster volume start akerData

mount vikyles volume

mount /var/log/aker  -t glusterfs 
mount /etc/aker  -t glusterfs 

Execute mount command on second server, by changing the ip of course :)

If you want more information for GlusterFS, I recommend you this tutorial (in french, sorry guy)

Launch installation script

(Replace by last tag or master

Tip this command : :

$ cd /tmp
$ wget<tag here>.zip
$ unzip <tag here>.zip
$ cd bastion-x  
$ sudo bash  

Follow instruction

At the and of instruction, server restart.

The public SSH key will be displayed, please copy it in a place on top of it, it will be asked to you later.

Initial configuration of aker

Add groups, users and hosts

After restart, tip this command first on BACKUP server, then on MASTER server :

$ cd /tmp
$ wget<tag here>.zip
$ unzip <tag here>.zip
$ cd bastion-x
$ sudo bash

Follow instruction

Finish !

Actually, some details are not yet corrected, for exemple, you have some command to manipulate aker and... There are IP write in hard... So you must change this (ip write is slave IP)

Unoffial Aker commandq

Présentation of commands

akerUsergroups this command allows to manage user groups
akerReload This command creates a backup file (/etc/aker/host. json. back) and updates the current configuration of the bastion.
akerHost This command is used to manage hosts
akerUser This command is used to manage users

Comamnds usage

User group management



Hosts management


(interactif) or

akerHost add [hostname] [group] [hostgroupname]

[hostname] is the DNS name of host [group] is the usergroup who authorized to access on this host [hostgroupname] is the group where store host

User management

Public key of user was generated on /home//.ssh/


akerUser -a [username] [group] [sshPubKey]

`[username]` the username  
`[group]` the group of user (if you want add on multi group, please use interactif mode
`[sshPubKey]` public key of user