This repository provides a Rust implementation of the Cryptobazaar auction protocol and, in particular, includes the code for all of the validity proofs, the AV protocol, and the results vector computation.
To replicate the microbenchmarks provided in Table 1 of the paper, follow the instructions below.
To setup Rust, please follow the official installation instructions.
There are six microbenchmarks, namely for the computation of the four validity proofs, the AV protocol, and the results vector:
Benchmark 1: Validity proof
$\pi_{x_i}$ (Table 1a)cargo bench --bench veceq
Benchmark 2: Validity proof
$\pi_{r_i}$ (Table 1a)cargo bench --bench nonzero
Benchmark 3: Validity proof
$\pi_{b_i}$ (Table 1a)cargo bench --bench lderivative
Benchmark 4: Validity proof
$\pi_{Z_i}$ (Table 1a)cargo bench --bench ipa
Benchmark 5: AV matrix
$Y$ (Table 1b)cargo bench --bench auctioneer_r1
Benchmark 6: Results vector
$R$ (Table 1c)cargo bench --bench auctioneer_r2