Small user console class for embedded systems based on arduino framework (C++11)
Developed and tested with PlatformIO IDE
Console used for parsing and handling commands from user console interface based on different interfaces (serial port, telnet etc.) It implements the next format of command line:
Tested on the next platforms:
- espressif8266
- espressif32
- ststm32
Just add the files console.cpp and console.h to your project and enjoy.
#include "console.h"
Console con(&Serial); // Serial is descendant of Stream.
// Serial is default, you can just write: Console con;
void handler1(ArgList& L, Stream& S) // command line is "command1 45:32 start"
String a1 = L.getNextArg(':'); // delimiter is semicolon, the first arg is "45"
String a2 = L.getNextArg(); // delimiter is space, the second arg is "32"
String a3 = L.getNextArg(); // the third arg is "start"
String an = L.getNextArg();
// if L.getNextArg() returns an empty string then no more arguments in the command line
void handler2(ArgList& L, Stream& S)
void test(ArgList& L, Stream& S)
{ // you can enumerate all argumenth by the next code
String p;
int i=0;
while(!(p = L.getNextArg()).isEmpty())
S.printf("arg%d = \"%s\"\n", i++, p.c_str());
void wrong_command(String& L, Stream& S)
S.print("what is the commamd? ");
con.onCmd("command1", handler1);
con.onCmd("command2", handler2);
con.onCmd("test", test);
con.start(); // prompt will appear here
void setPrompt(const String p = '>')
void start(void)
virtual bool begin(void)
Prepares working. It may be overrided by a descendant class Returns true if OK.
virtual void run(void)
bool busy(void)
returns true if you start input a command. It is useful if your program continuously outputs some info and when you need input a command the program will stop output the info.
Stream& stream(void)
Stream& operator()(void)
Returns a reference to console stream. Usage: con().println();
void onCmd(const String&, const Handler)
here Handler is function address: typedef void (*Handler)(ArgList&, Stream&)
. ArgList - command arguments list, Stream - console stream referense.
void onUnknown(HUnknown u)
here UHandler is function address: typedef void (*UHandler)(String&, Stream&)
. String - whole command line
String getNextArg(const char del = ' ')
returns the first argument delimited by the del symbol from the next one. Each next call of the method allows you get the hext argument. If the function returns an empty string it means no more arguments in the command line. The arguments list can be accessed in command handlers only. Default delimiter is space.
bool isEmpty(void)