A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by starred.
- awesome
- awesome-list
- blockchain
- computer-science
- design
- devops
- discord
- education
- font
- gamedev
- hacktoberfest
- iot
- learning
- open-source
- others
- programming
- project-management
- python
- react
- ruby
- security
- solidity
- svelte
- web
- website
- ElizaLo/Product-Management-and-Leadership - Product Management and Leadership Guide
- rajavijayach/awesome-product-management - A collection of awesome things regarding Product Management
- unchase/awesome-russian-it - 📖 🎧 📺 📆 Список полезных русскоязычных ресурсов, связанных с ИТ - https://awesomeit.ru
- prakhar1989/awesome-courses - 📚 List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!
- brettkromkamp/awesome-knowledge-management - A curated list of amazingly awesome articles, people, applications, software libraries and projects related to the knowledge management space
- yuhenobi/awesome-product-manager - A curated list of awesome resources for product managers to learn and grow.
- bjpcjp/awesome-product-management - A list of product management resources, curated from 10 years of bookmarks.
- dend/awesome-product-management - 🚀 A curated list of awesome resources for product/program managers to learn and grow.
- ttt30ga/awesome-product-design - A collection of bookmarks, resources, articles for product designers.
- jyguyomarch/awesome-productivity - A curated list of delightful productivity resources.
- RunaCapital/awesome-oss-alternatives - Awesome list of open-source startup alternatives to well-known SaaS products 🚀
- vinta/awesome-python - An opinionated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- markets/awesome-ruby - 💎 A collection of awesome Ruby libraries, tools, frameworks and software
- ElizaLo/Product-Management-and-Leadership - Product Management and Leadership Guide
- rajavijayach/awesome-product-management - A collection of awesome things regarding Product Management
- unchase/awesome-russian-it - 📖 🎧 📺 📆 Список полезных русскоязычных ресурсов, связанных с ИТ - https://awesomeit.ru
- prakhar1989/awesome-courses - 📚 List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!
- brettkromkamp/awesome-knowledge-management - A curated list of amazingly awesome articles, people, applications, software libraries and projects related to the knowledge management space
- ronakganatra/awesome-developer-marketing - A living document of hand-picked resources for marketers working on dev-centric products.
- yuhenobi/awesome-product-manager - A curated list of awesome resources for product managers to learn and grow.
- bjpcjp/awesome-product-management - A list of product management resources, curated from 10 years of bookmarks.
- dend/awesome-product-management - 🚀 A curated list of awesome resources for product/program managers to learn and grow.
- ttt30ga/awesome-product-design - A collection of bookmarks, resources, articles for product designers.
- jyguyomarch/awesome-productivity - A curated list of delightful productivity resources.
- RunaCapital/awesome-oss-alternatives - Awesome list of open-source startup alternatives to well-known SaaS products 🚀
- hkalant/awesome-edtech-tools - An ongoing curated list with awesome tools and resources for instructional designers.
- markets/awesome-ruby - 💎 A collection of awesome Ruby libraries, tools, frameworks and software
- OpenSourceUniversity/platform - Decentralized Education 4.0 platform
- shikha-16/Women-in-Technology - A collection of resources for women in tech, consisting of - courses, learning guides, amazing sites and repos, blogs, programs and events. scholarships, etc.
- prakhar1989/awesome-courses - 📚 List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!
- unchase/awesome-russian-it - 📖 🎧 📺 📆 Список полезных русскоязычных ресурсов, связанных с ИТ - https://awesomeit.ru
- ttt30ga/awesome-product-design - A collection of bookmarks, resources, articles for product designers.
- avevlad/russia-it-podcast - Список русскоязычных подкастов на тему информационных технологий
- shikha-16/Women-in-Technology - A collection of resources for women in tech, consisting of - courses, learning guides, amazing sites and repos, blogs, programs and events. scholarships, etc.
- OpenSourceUniversity/platform - Decentralized Education 4.0 platform
- kalvilabs/kalvi - 📚🏫🚀 Open Source Infrastructure for Online Education. Easily launch educational platforms, craft online courses, sell mock tests, handle live classes, and foster communities - all without building from
- studentinsights/studentinsights - We work within school communities to make open, secure, student-centered data systems. Say [email protected]!
- elmsln/elmsln - ELMS - create and sustain innovation in education. Dream with us!
- edrys-org/edrys - Edrys is an open and modular remote teaching platform (and the first live LMS)
- classroomio/classroomio - The Open Source Education Platform. A Simple and Beautiful Alternative to Moodle LMS, EdX, Thinkific and Teachable
- learningequality/kolibri - Kolibri Learning Platform: the offline app for universal education
- ttt30ga/awesome-product-design - A collection of bookmarks, resources, articles for product designers.
- unchase/awesome-russian-it - 📖 🎧 📺 📆 Список полезных русскоязычных ресурсов, связанных с ИТ - https://awesomeit.ru
- Hexlet/ru-local-communities - Список русскоязычных it-комьюнити по городам
- tlbootcamp/tlroadmap - Тимлид – это ❄️, потому что в каждой компании он уникален и неповторим.
- Kaustubh-Natuskar/moreThanFAANGM - This repository contains opportunities for you to apply to more than 400 product base companies(NOT JUST FAANGM) & good start-ups.
- shikha-16/Women-in-Technology - A collection of resources for women in tech, consisting of - courses, learning guides, amazing sites and repos, blogs, programs and events. scholarships, etc.
- hexlet-basics/exercises-ruby -
- hexlet-basics/exercises-javascript - Free Javascript courses
- hexlet-basics/hexlet-basics - Interactive Programming Courses
- ttt30ga/awesome-product-design - A collection of bookmarks, resources, articles for product designers.
- classroomio/classroomio - The Open Source Education Platform. A Simple and Beautiful Alternative to Moodle LMS, EdX, Thinkific and Teachable
- RunaCapital/awesome-oss-alternatives - Awesome list of open-source startup alternatives to well-known SaaS products 🚀
- avito-tech/playbook - AvitoTech team playbook
- ProductHired/open-product-management - A curated list of product management advice for technical people.
- scottcolfer/product-management-handbook - A white label product management handbook for government digital services
- espetey/pminterviewquestion - A web app to generate a practice Product Manager interview.
- alphagov/Product-Managers-Learn-By-Doing - Things you should know how to do, to be a successful Product Manager
- msmanek/getting-a-gig-pm-edition - Guide for getting a gig in product management as a tech major.
- orbit-love/orbit-model - A framework for building high gravity communities 🪐
- fempire/women-tech-speakers-organizers - A list of women tech speakers & organizers. Add yourself or others by submitting a PR! PS if you do add someone, make sure to tell them! :) #fempire
- obsidianmd/obsidian-releases - Community plugins list, theme list, and releases of Obsidian.
- OpenMindClub/awesome-scholarly-productivity -
- shahedbd/awesome-project-management - Awesome lists about Project Management interesting and useful topics.
- antonarhipov/awesome-apm - A list of awesome APM products (commercial and OSS)
- dehenne/awesome-visibility - Curated list to achieve visibility for your product
- hugo53/awesome-ProductManager - A curated list of awesome book, tool and other resource for Product Managers. Inspired by 'awesome-' repos.
- Yandex-Practicum/algorithms-theory-examples - Примеры кода на разных языках для курса Алгоритмы для разработчиков.
- getmentor/getmentor.dev - Getmentor.dev rewritten on NextJS
- akraeva/awesome-stars - A curated list of my GitHub stars!
- akraeva/akraeva - Anna Kraeva Profile
- akraeva/hexlet-html - learning html & css
- akraeva/exercises-ruby -
- akraeva/hexler-ruby - my code-basics Ruby problem solving
- akraeva/exercises-javascript - JavaScript
- akraeva/hexlet-js - my code-basics JS problem solving
- akraeva/itcode_internship - IT CODE backend course
- akraeva/python_stepik -
- akraeva/python_stepik_practice -
- akraeva/stepik_algorithms - Free cours on stepik.org ( https://stepik.org/course/1547/syllabus )
- akraeva/leetcode -
- unchase/awesome-russian-it - 📖 🎧 📺 📆 Список полезных русскоязычных ресурсов, связанных с ИТ - https://awesomeit.ru
- yegor256/pmba - Project Management Beyond Agile (Lecture Notes), course for BSc students in Innopolis University, 2023
- RunaCapital/awesome-oss-alternatives - Awesome list of open-source startup alternatives to well-known SaaS products 🚀
- vinta/awesome-python - An opinionated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- OpenSourceUniversity/platform - Decentralized Education 4.0 platform
- markets/awesome-ruby - 💎 A collection of awesome Ruby libraries, tools, frameworks and software
- hexlet-basics/exercises-ruby -
- unchase/awesome-russian-it - 📖 🎧 📺 📆 Список полезных русскоязычных ресурсов, связанных с ИТ - https://awesomeit.ru
- OpenSourceUniversity/platform - Decentralized Education 4.0 platform
- classroomio/classroomio - The Open Source Education Platform. A Simple and Beautiful Alternative to Moodle LMS, EdX, Thinkific and Teachable
- avevlad/russia-it-podcast - Список русскоязычных подкастов на тему информационных технологий
- classroomio/classroomio - The Open Source Education Platform. A Simple and Beautiful Alternative to Moodle LMS, EdX, Thinkific and Teachable
- shikha-16/Women-in-Technology - A collection of resources for women in tech, consisting of - courses, learning guides, amazing sites and repos, blogs, programs and events. scholarships, etc.
To the extent possible under law, akraeva has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.