Hot-fix 3.43.3 Blue Manakin
Resolved issues
Issues with the administrative location dropdown when adding multiple locations corrected #3612
Corrected a problem where various fields were incorrectly marked incomplete when publishing some projects #3605
Removed the organisation report incorrectly being shown in project reports page #3603
Resolved a problem with some users not being able to delete their own project updates #3600
Fixed ordering of Indicators and dimensions to match the order in which they are entered into section 5 of the project editor #3586
Prevented the parent project from being changed after the child project has imported the results framework from the parent #3161
EUTF Africa specific issues
Set EUTF to be the reporting organisation for all of their projects, and prevent this from being changed #3609
Made the IATI suffix field read-only and ensured that it maps to the subtitle field #3607
Code maintenance
Fixed problem with local development environment consuming 100% CPU when idle in MacOS #3597
Corrected problem with REST calls failing in the local development environment #3595
Data maintenance
- Added a management command to merge organisations #3580