Verifier for http crate and https support #358
13 warnings
Message level | Amount |
Internal compiler error | 0 |
Error | 0 |
Warning | 13 |
Note | 0 |
Help | 0 |
- rustc 1.72.1 (d5c2e9c34 2023-09-13)
- cargo 1.72.1 (103a7ff2e 2023-08-15)
- clippy 0.1.72 (d5c2e9c 2023-09-13)
Check warning on line 1057 in trustchain-core/src/
github-actions / clippy
unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
--> trustchain-core/src/
1035 | pub const TEST_CREDENTIAL: &str = r##"{
| ___________________________________^
1036 | | "@context": [
1037 | | "",
1038 | | "",
... |
1056 | | }
1057 | | "##;
| |___^
= help: for further information visit
help: try
1035 ~ pub const TEST_CREDENTIAL: &str = r#"{
1036 + "@context": [
1037 + "",
1038 + "",
1039 + ""
1040 + ],
1041 + "credentialSchema": {
1042 + "id": "did:example:cdf:35LB7w9ueWbagPL94T9bMLtyXDj9pX5o",
1043 + "type": "did:example:schema:22KpkXgecryx9k7N6XN1QoN3gXwBkSU8SfyyYQG"
1044 + },
1045 + "type": ["VerifiableCredential"],
1046 + "image": "some_base64_representation",
1047 + "credentialSubject": {
1048 + "givenName": "Jane",
1049 + "familyName": "Doe",
1050 + "degree": {
1051 + "type": "BachelorDegree",
1052 + "name": "Bachelor of Science and Arts",
1053 + "college": "College of Engineering"
1054 + }
1055 + }
1056 + }
1057 ~ "#;
Check warning on line 656 in trustchain-core/src/
github-actions / clippy
unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
--> trustchain-core/src/
642 | pub const TEST_ROOT_PLUS_2_DOCUMENT_METADATA: &str = r##"
| ______________________________________________________^
643 | | {
644 | | "canonicalId": "did:ion:test:EiAtHHKFJWAk5AsM3tgCut3OiBY4ekHTf66AAjoysXL65Q",
645 | | "method": {
... |
655 | | }
656 | | "##;
| |___^
= help: for further information visit
help: try
642 ~ pub const TEST_ROOT_PLUS_2_DOCUMENT_METADATA: &str = r#"
643 + {
644 + "canonicalId": "did:ion:test:EiAtHHKFJWAk5AsM3tgCut3OiBY4ekHTf66AAjoysXL65Q",
645 + "method": {
646 + "recoveryCommitment": "EiCy4pW16uB7H-ijA6V6jO6ddWfGCwqNcDSJpdv_USzoRA",
647 + "updateCommitment": "EiAsmJrz7BysD9na9SMGyZ9RjpKIVweh_AFG_2Bs-2Okkg",
648 + "published": true
649 + },
650 + "proof": {
651 + "proofValue": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NksifQ.IkVpQTNtT25QRklDbTdyc2ljVjRIaFMtNjhrT21xMndqa2tlMEtkRnkzQWlWZlEi.Fxlbm8osH2O5KOQ9sS21bypT_WoWxVD8toCU4baBnLk_gOxiOy_n3cMFMVANJ8usPrKAfRFeC27ATTkWBYZzuw",
652 + "id": "did:ion:test:EiBVpjUxXeSRJpvj2TewlX9zNF3GKMCKWwGmKBZqF6pk_A",
653 + "type": "JsonWebSignature2020"
654 + }
655 + }
656 ~ "#;
Check warning on line 637 in trustchain-core/src/
github-actions / clippy
unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
--> trustchain-core/src/
630 | pub const TEST_ROOT_JWK_PK: &str = r##"
| ____________________________________^
631 | | {
632 | | "kty": "EC",
633 | | "crv": "secp256k1",
... |
636 | | }
637 | | "##;
| |___^
= help: for further information visit
help: try
630 ~ pub const TEST_ROOT_JWK_PK: &str = r#"
631 + {
632 + "kty": "EC",
633 + "crv": "secp256k1",
634 + "x": "7ReQHHysGxbyuKEQmspQOjL7oQUqDTldTHuc9V3-yso",
635 + "y": "kWvmS7ZOvDUhF8syO08PBzEpEk3BZMuukkvEJOKSjqE"
636 + }
637 ~ "#;
Check warning on line 627 in trustchain-core/src/
github-actions / clippy
unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
--> trustchain-core/src/
613 | pub const TEST_ROOT_PLUS_1_DOCUMENT_METADATA: &str = r##"
| ______________________________________________________^
614 | | {
615 | | "proof": {
616 | | "type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
... |
626 | | }
627 | | "##;
| |___^
= help: for further information visit
help: try
613 ~ pub const TEST_ROOT_PLUS_1_DOCUMENT_METADATA: &str = r#"
614 + {
615 + "proof": {
616 + "type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
617 + "id": "did:ion:test:EiCClfEdkTv_aM3UnBBhlOV89LlGhpQAbfeZLFdFxVFkEg",
618 + "proofValue": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NksifQ.IkVpQXM5dkx2SmdaNkFHMk5XbUFmTnBrbl9EMlNSSUFSa2tCWE9kajZpMk84Umci.awNd-_O1N1ycZ6i_BxeLGV14ok51Ii2x9f1FBBCflyAWw773sqiHvQRGHIMBebKMnzbxVybFu2qUEPWUuRAC9g"
619 + },
620 + "canonicalId": "did:ion:test:EiBVpjUxXeSRJpvj2TewlX9zNF3GKMCKWwGmKBZqF6pk_A",
621 + "method": {
622 + "published": true,
623 + "recoveryCommitment": "EiClOaWycGv1m-QejUjB0L18G6DVFVeTQCZCuTRrmzCBQg",
624 + "updateCommitment": "EiA0-GpdeoAa4v0-K4YCHoNTjAPsoroDy7pleDIc4a3_QQ"
625 + }
626 + }
627 ~ "#;
Check warning on line 611 in trustchain-core/src/
github-actions / clippy
unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
--> trustchain-core/src/
602 | pub const TEST_ROOT_DOCUMENT_METADATA: &str = r##"
| _______________________________________________^
603 | | {
604 | | "canonicalId": "did:ion:test:EiCClfEdkTv_aM3UnBBhlOV89LlGhpQAbfeZLFdFxVFkEg",
605 | | "method": {
... |
610 | | }
611 | | "##;
| |___^
= help: for further information visit
help: try
602 ~ pub const TEST_ROOT_DOCUMENT_METADATA: &str = r#"
603 + {
604 + "canonicalId": "did:ion:test:EiCClfEdkTv_aM3UnBBhlOV89LlGhpQAbfeZLFdFxVFkEg",
605 + "method": {
606 + "updateCommitment": "EiDVRETvZD9iSUnou-HUAz5Ymk_F3tpyzg7FG1jdRG-ZRg",
607 + "published": true,
608 + "recoveryCommitment": "EiCymv17OGBAs7eLmm4BIXDCQBVhdOUAX5QdpIrN4SDE5w"
609 + }
610 + }
611 ~ "#;
Check warning on line 457 in trustchain-core/src/
github-actions / clippy
unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
--> trustchain-core/src/
450 | pub const TEST_ROOT_PLUS_1_SIGNING_KEY: &str = r##"
| ________________________________________________^
451 | | {
452 | | "kty": "EC",
453 | | "crv": "secp256k1",
... |
456 | | }
457 | | "##;
| |___^
= help: for further information visit
help: try
450 ~ pub const TEST_ROOT_PLUS_1_SIGNING_KEY: &str = r#"
451 + {
452 + "kty": "EC",
453 + "crv": "secp256k1",
454 + "x": "aApKobPO8H8wOv-oGT8K3Na-8l-B1AE3uBZrWGT6FJU",
455 + "y": "dspEqltAtlTKJ7cVRP_gMMknyDPqUw-JHlpwS2mFuh0"
456 + }
457 ~ "#;
Check warning on line 448 in trustchain-core/src/
github-actions / clippy
unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
--> trustchain-core/src/
441 | pub const TEST_ROOT_SIGNING_PK: &str = r##"
| ________________________________________^
442 | | {
443 | | "kty": "EC",
444 | | "crv": "secp256k1",
... |
447 | | }
448 | | "##;
| |___^
= help: for further information visit
help: try
441 ~ pub const TEST_ROOT_SIGNING_PK: &str = r#"
442 + {
443 + "kty": "EC",
444 + "crv": "secp256k1",
445 + "x": "7ReQHHysGxbyuKEQmspQOjL7oQUqDTldTHuc9V3-yso",
446 + "y": "kWvmS7ZOvDUhF8syO08PBzEpEk3BZMuukkvEJOKSjqE"
447 + }
448 ~ "#;
Check warning on line 439 in trustchain-core/src/
github-actions / clippy
unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
--> trustchain-core/src/
433 | pub const TEST_RECOVERY_KEY: &str = r##"{
| _____________________________________^
434 | | "kty": "EC",
435 | | "crv": "secp256k1",
436 | | "x": "_Z1JRmGwvj0jIpDW-QF0dmQnAL8D_FuNg2WxF7uJSYo",
437 | | "y": "orKbmG6L6kRugAB2OWzWNgulXRfyOR06GTm353Er--c",
438 | | "d": "YobJpI7p7T5dfU0cDRE4SQwp0eOFR6LOGrsqZE1GG1A"
439 | | }"##;
| |________^
= help: for further information visit
help: try
433 ~ pub const TEST_RECOVERY_KEY: &str = r#"{
434 + "kty": "EC",
435 + "crv": "secp256k1",
436 + "x": "_Z1JRmGwvj0jIpDW-QF0dmQnAL8D_FuNg2WxF7uJSYo",
437 + "y": "orKbmG6L6kRugAB2OWzWNgulXRfyOR06GTm353Er--c",
438 + "d": "YobJpI7p7T5dfU0cDRE4SQwp0eOFR6LOGrsqZE1GG1A"
439 ~ }"#;
Check warning on line 431 in trustchain-core/src/
github-actions / clippy
unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
--> trustchain-core/src/
425 | pub const TEST_NEXT_UPDATE_KEY: &str = r##"{
| ________________________________________^
426 | | "kty": "EC",
427 | | "crv": "secp256k1",
428 | | "x": "hm_Pj46yibXbFNyARPXfOKIAEI_UKqfmZwzZDfbUSSk",
429 | | "y": "Djxgs6Ex71m6K0QCrn4l2naNo4F6IYXfu0LrBhW2RQU",
430 | | "d": "rAUu7DWaQ2ceSap_NzJNj1YOD2yP_bf1JqabuQJz6rc"
431 | | }"##;
| |________^
= help: for further information visit
help: try
425 ~ pub const TEST_NEXT_UPDATE_KEY: &str = r#"{
426 + "kty": "EC",
427 + "crv": "secp256k1",
428 + "x": "hm_Pj46yibXbFNyARPXfOKIAEI_UKqfmZwzZDfbUSSk",
429 + "y": "Djxgs6Ex71m6K0QCrn4l2naNo4F6IYXfu0LrBhW2RQU",
430 + "d": "rAUu7DWaQ2ceSap_NzJNj1YOD2yP_bf1JqabuQJz6rc"
431 ~ }"#;
Check warning on line 423 in trustchain-core/src/
github-actions / clippy
unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
--> trustchain-core/src/
417 | pub const TEST_UPDATE_KEY: &str = r##"{
| ___________________________________^
418 | | "kty": "EC",
419 | | "crv": "secp256k1",
420 | | "x": "2hm19BwmXmR8Vfuw2XbGrusm89Pg6dyExlzDfc-CiM8",
421 | | "y": "uFjW0fKdhHaY4c_5E9Wkk3cPi9sJ5rP3oyl1ssV_X6A",
422 | | "d": "Z2vJqNRjbWvJX2NzABKlHI2V00HWmV2KNI5P4mmxRbg"
423 | | }"##;
| |________^
= help: for further information visit
help: try
417 ~ pub const TEST_UPDATE_KEY: &str = r#"{
418 + "kty": "EC",
419 + "crv": "secp256k1",
420 + "x": "2hm19BwmXmR8Vfuw2XbGrusm89Pg6dyExlzDfc-CiM8",
421 + "y": "uFjW0fKdhHaY4c_5E9Wkk3cPi9sJ5rP3oyl1ssV_X6A",
422 + "d": "Z2vJqNRjbWvJX2NzABKlHI2V00HWmV2KNI5P4mmxRbg"
423 ~ }"#;
Check warning on line 415 in trustchain-core/src/
github-actions / clippy
unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
--> trustchain-core/src/
399 | pub const TEST_SIGNING_KEYS: &str = r##"[
| _____________________________________^
400 | | {
401 | | "kty": "EC",
402 | | "crv": "secp256k1",
... |
414 | | ]
415 | | "##;
| |_______^
= help: for further information visit
help: try
399 ~ pub const TEST_SIGNING_KEYS: &str = r#"[
400 + {
401 + "kty": "EC",
402 + "crv": "secp256k1",
403 + "x": "aPNNzj64rnImzI60EP0iln_u5fyHZ1k47diqmlUrwXw",
404 + "y": "fbfKhw08ZtGy9vbyJo6kiFohhGFIrnzZIUNDvEQeAYQ",
405 + "d": "sfsIThyN_6EKPjhQasF8yR27-qlQPUTGiP4QtkPTKM8"
406 + },
407 + {
408 + "kty": "EC",
409 + "crv": "secp256k1",
410 + "x": "gjk_d4WRM5hFD7tP8vvXhHgp0MQkKwFX0uAvyjNJQJg",
411 + "y": "e5lq0RW41Y5MH1pOTm-3_18GcxKp1lO4SfbzApRaVtE",
412 + "d": "U7pUq3BovVnYT1mi1lds60wbueUKb5GobV_WvjOuY14"
413 + }
414 + ]
415 ~ "#;
Check warning on line 305 in trustchain-core/src/
github-actions / clippy
unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
--> trustchain-core/src/
291 | pub const TEST_TRUSTCHAIN_DOCUMENT_METADATA: &str = r##"
| _____________________________________________________^
292 | | {
293 | | "canonicalId" : "did:ion:test:EiCBr7qGDecjkR2yUBhn3aNJPUR3TSEOlkpNcL0Q5Au9ZQ",
294 | | "method" : {
... |
304 | | }
305 | | "##;
| |___^
= help: for further information visit
help: try
291 ~ pub const TEST_TRUSTCHAIN_DOCUMENT_METADATA: &str = r#"
292 + {
293 + "canonicalId" : "did:ion:test:EiCBr7qGDecjkR2yUBhn3aNJPUR3TSEOlkpNcL0Q5Au9ZQ",
294 + "method" : {
295 + "published" : true,
296 + "recoveryCommitment" : "EiDZpHjQ5x7aRRqv6aUtmOdHsxWktAm1kU1IZl1w7iexsw",
297 + "updateCommitment" : "EiBWPR1JNdAQ4j3ZMqurb4rt10NA7s17lztFF9OIcEO3ew"
298 + },
299 + "proof" : {
300 + "id" : "did:ion:test:EiCBr7qGDecjkR2yUBhn3aNJPUR3TSEOlkpNcL0Q5Au9ZQ",
301 + "type" : "JsonWebSignature2020",
302 + "proofValue" : "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NksifQ.IkVpQmNiTkRRcjZZNHNzZGc5QXo4eC1qNy1yS1FuNWk5T2Q2S3BjZ2c0RU1KOXci.Nii8p38DtzyurmPHO9sV2JLSH7-Pv-dCKQ0Y-H34rplwhhwca2nSra4ZofcUsHCG6u1oKJ0x4AmMUD2_3UIhRA"
303 + }
304 + }
305 ~ "#;
Check warning on line 286 in trustchain-core/src/
github-actions / clippy
unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
warning: unnecessary hashes around raw string literal
--> trustchain-core/src/
277 | pub const TEST_SIDETREE_DOCUMENT_METADATA: &str = r##"
| ___________________________________________________^
278 | | {
279 | | "canonicalId" : "did:ion:test:EiCBr7qGDecjkR2yUBhn3aNJPUR3TSEOlkpNcL0Q5Au9ZQ",
280 | | "method" : {
... |
285 | | }
286 | | "##;
| |___^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_raw_string_hashes)]` on by default
help: try
277 ~ pub const TEST_SIDETREE_DOCUMENT_METADATA: &str = r#"
278 + {
279 + "canonicalId" : "did:ion:test:EiCBr7qGDecjkR2yUBhn3aNJPUR3TSEOlkpNcL0Q5Au9ZQ",
280 + "method" : {
281 + "published" : true,
282 + "recoveryCommitment" : "EiDZpHjQ5x7aRRqv6aUtmOdHsxWktAm1kU1IZl1w7iexsw",
283 + "updateCommitment" : "EiBWPR1JNdAQ4j3ZMqurb4rt10NA7s17lztFF9OIcEO3ew"
284 + }
285 + }
286 ~ "#;