This is a repository for Airbnb Clone with Next.js: Next.js 13, React, Tailwind CSS, Prisma, MongoDB, NextAuth.
- Tailwind CSS design
- Tailwind CSS animations and transition effects
- Full responsiveness for all devices
- Credential authentication using NextAuth
- Google authentication using NextAuth
- GitHub authentication using NextAuth
- Image upload using Cloudinary CDN
- Client form validation and handling using react-hook-form
- Server error handling using react-toast
- Calendars with react-date-range
- State management using Zustand
- Page loading state
- Page empty state
- Booking / Reservation system
- Guest reservation cancellation
- Owner reservation cancellation
- Creation and deletion of properties
- Pricing calculation
- Advanced search algorithm by category, date range, map location, number of guests, rooms and bathrooms
- For example we will filter out properties that have a reservation in your desired date range to travel
- Favorites system
- Shareable URL filters
- Lets say you select a category, location and date range, you will be able to share URL with a logged out friend in another browser and they will see the same results
- Write POST and DELETE routes in route handlers (app/api)
- Fetch data in server React components by directly accessing database
- Handle files like error.tsx and loading.tsx which are new Next 13 template files to unify loading and error handling
- Handle relations between Server and Child components
Node version 18.14+
git clone [email protected]:alan10332000/next-airbnb.git
pnpm install
cp .env.example .env
npx prisma db push
pnpm dev
The images, content, etc. within this work are purely for personal practice and not intended for any commercial use.