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update curvilinear
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alanlujan91 committed Jun 6, 2024
1 parent 164a231 commit 3865701
Showing 1 changed file with 264 additions and 0 deletions.
264 changes: 264 additions & 0 deletions src/multinterp/curvilinear/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np

from multinterp.backend._numba import nb_interp_piecewise
from multinterp.grids import _CurvilinearGrid
from multinterp.utilities import asarray, empty, empty_like, interp, take
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,3 +114,265 @@ def _backend_numba(self, args, axis):
def warmup(self):
"""Warms up the JIT compiler."""

class Curvilinear2DInterp(_CurvilinearGrid):
"""A 2D interpolation method for curvilinear or "warped grid" interpolation, as
in White (2015). Used for models with two endogenous states that are solved
with the endogenous grid method.
values: numpy.array
A 2D array of function values such that values[i,j] =
x_values: numpy.array
A 2D array of x values of the same size as values.
y_values: numpy.array
A 2D array of y values of the same size as values.

def __init__(self, values, grids, backend="scipy"):
super().__init__(values, grids, backend=backend)

def update_polarity(self):
"""Fills in the polarity attribute of the interpolation, determining whether
the "plus" (True) or "minus" (False) solution of the system of equations
should be used for each sector. Needs to be called in __init__.
# Grab a point known to be inside each sector: the midway point between
# the lower left and upper right vertex of each sector
g0 = self.grids[0]
g1 = self.grids[1]
s0m1 = self.shape[0] - 1
s1m1 = self.shape[1] - 1
size = s0m1 * s1m1

x_temp = np.reshape(0.5 * (g0[:-1, :-1] + g0[1:, 1:]), size)
y_temp = np.reshape(0.5 * (g1[:-1, :-1] + g1[1:, 1:]), size)
y_pos = np.tile(np.arange(s1m1), s0m1)
x_pos = np.reshape(np.tile(np.arange(s0m1), (s1m1, 1)).T, size)

# Set the polarity of all sectors to "plus", then test each sector
self.polarity = np.ones((s0m1, s1m1), dtype=bool)
alpha, beta = self.find_coords(x_temp, y_temp, x_pos, y_pos)
polarity = (alpha > 0) & (alpha < 1) & (beta > 0) & (beta < 1)

# Update polarity: if (alpha,beta) not in the unit square, then that
# sector must use the "minus" solution instead
self.polarity = polarity.reshape(s0m1, s1m1)

def find_sector(self, x, y):
"""Finds the quadrilateral "sector" for each (x,y) point in the input.
Only called as a subroutine of _evaluate().
x : np.array
Values whose sector should be found.
y : np.array
Values whose sector should be found. Should be same size as x.
x_pos : np.array
Sector x-coordinates for each point of the input, of the same size.
y_pos : np.array
Sector y-coordinates for each point of the input, of the same size.
# Initialize the sector guess
m = x.size
x_pos_guess = np.full(m, self.shape[0] // 2, dtype=int)
y_pos_guess = np.full(m, self.shape[1] // 2, dtype=int)

# Define a function that checks whether a set of points violates a linear
# boundary defined by (x_bound_1,y_bound_1) and (x_bound_2,y_bound_2),
# where the latter is *COUNTER CLOCKWISE* from the former. Returns
# 1 if the point is outside the boundary and 0 otherwise.

# Identify the correct sector for each point to be evaluated
these = np.full(m, True)
max_loops = sum(self.shape)
loops = 0
while np.any(these) and loops < max_loops:
# Get coordinates for the four vertices: (x_coords[0],y_coords[0]),...,(x_coords[3],y_coords[3])
x_temp = x[these]
y_temp = y[these]

offsets = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1)] # A, B, C, D
x_coords = [
self.grids[0][x_pos_guess[these] + dx, y_pos_guess[these] + dy]
for dx, dy in offsets
y_coords = [
self.grids[1][x_pos_guess[these] + dx, y_pos_guess[these] + dy]
for dx, dy in offsets

# Define checks list
comps = [
(y_temp, np.less, np.minimum, [y_coords[0], y_coords[1]]), # down
(y_temp, np.greater, np.maximum, [y_coords[2], y_coords[3]]), # up
(x_temp, np.less, np.minimum, [x_coords[0], x_coords[2]]), # left
(x_temp, np.greater, np.maximum, [x_coords[1], x_coords[3]]), # right

# Generate moves list using list comprehension
moves = [op(vec, func(*coords)) for vec, op, func, coords in comps]

# Check which boundaries are violated (and thus where to look next)
c = np.sum(moves) == 0

comps = [(0, 0, 1, 1), (3, 3, 2, 2), (2, 2, 0, 0), (1, 1, 3, 3)]

for i in range(4):
moves[i][c] = violation_check(

# Update the sector guess based on the violations
x_pos_next = x_pos_guess[these] - moves[2] + moves[3]
x_pos_next[x_pos_next < 0] = 0
x_pos_next[x_pos_next > (self.shape[0] - 2)] = self.shape[0] - 2
y_pos_next = y_pos_guess[these] - moves[0] + moves[1]
y_pos_next[y_pos_next < 0] = 0
y_pos_next[y_pos_next > (self.shape[1] - 2)] = self.shape[1] - 2

# Check which sectors have not changed, and mark them as complete
no_move = np.array(
x_pos_guess[these] == x_pos_next,
y_pos_guess[these] == y_pos_next,
x_pos_guess[these] = x_pos_next
y_pos_guess[these] = y_pos_next
temp = these.nonzero()
these[temp[0][no_move]] = False

# Move to the next iteration of the search
loops += 1

# Return the output
x_pos = x_pos_guess
y_pos = y_pos_guess
return x_pos, y_pos

def find_coords(self, x, y, x_pos, y_pos):
"""Calculates the relative coordinates (alpha,beta) for each point (x,y),
given the sectors (x_pos,y_pos) in which they reside. Only called as
a subroutine of __call__().
x : np.array
Values whose sector should be found.
y : np.array
Values whose sector should be found. Should be same size as x.
x_pos : np.array
Sector x-coordinates for each point in (x,y), of the same size.
y_pos : np.array
Sector y-coordinates for each point in (x,y), of the same size.
alpha : np.array
Relative "horizontal" position of the input in their respective sectors.
beta : np.array
Relative "vertical" position of the input in their respective sectors.
# Calculate relative coordinates in the sector for each point

offsets = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1)] # A, B, C, D
x_coords = [self.grids[0][x_pos + dx, y_pos + dy] for dx, dy in offsets]
y_coords = [self.grids[1][x_pos + dx, y_pos + dy] for dx, dy in offsets]

polarity = 2.0 * self.polarity[x_pos, y_pos] - 1.0
a = x_coords[0]
b = x_coords[1] - x_coords[0]
c = x_coords[2] - x_coords[0]
d = x_coords[0] - x_coords[1] - x_coords[2] + x_coords[3]
e = y_coords[0]
f = y_coords[1] - y_coords[0]
g = y_coords[2] - y_coords[0]
h = y_coords[0] - y_coords[1] - y_coords[2] + y_coords[3]

denom = d * g - h * c
mu = (h * b - d * f) / denom
tau = (h * (a - x) - d * (e - y)) / denom
zeta = a - x + c * tau
eta = b + c * mu + d * tau
theta = d * mu
alpha = (-eta + polarity * np.sqrt(eta**2.0 - 4.0 * zeta * theta)) / (
2.0 * theta
beta = mu * alpha + tau

# Alternate method if there are sectors that are "too regular"
z = np.logical_or(np.isnan(alpha), np.isnan(beta))
# These points weren't able to identify coordinates
if np.any(z):
these = np.isclose(
f / b, (y_coords[3] - y_coords[2]) / (x_coords[3] - x_coords[2]),
# iso-beta lines have equal slope
if np.any(these):
kappa = f[these] / b[these]
int_bot = y_coords[0][these] - kappa * x_coords[0][these]
int_top = y_coords[2][these] - kappa * x_coords[2][these]
int_these = y[these] - kappa * x[these]
beta_temp = (int_these - int_bot) / (int_top - int_bot)
x_left = (
beta_temp * x_coords[2][these]
+ (1.0 - beta_temp) * x_coords[0][these]
x_right = (
beta_temp * x_coords[3][these]
+ (1.0 - beta_temp) * x_coords[1][these]
alpha_temp = (x[these] - x_left) / (x_right - x_left)
beta[these] = beta_temp
alpha[these] = alpha_temp

return alpha, beta

def __call__(self, x, y):
"""Returns the level of the interpolated function at each value in x,y.
Only called internally by HARKinterpolator2D.__call__ (etc).
xa = np.asarray(x).flatten()
ya = np.asarray(y).flatten()

x_pos, y_pos = self.find_sector(xa, ya)
alpha, beta = self.find_coords(xa, ya, x_pos, y_pos)

# Calculate the function at each point using bilinear interpolation
f = (
(1 - alpha) * (1 - beta) * self.values[x_pos, y_pos]
+ (1 - alpha) * beta * self.values[x_pos, y_pos + 1]
+ alpha * (1 - beta) * self.values[x_pos + 1, y_pos]
+ alpha * beta * self.values[x_pos + 1, y_pos + 1]
return f.reshape(np.asarray(x).shape)

def violation_check(x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2):
return ((y2 - y1) * x - (x2 - x1) * y > x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) + 0

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