For this attack we wanted to observe how an amplifier network is able to CPU throttle a virual machine/server and increase the response time.
For this PoC we created a setup of vms for linux and windows using a Ubuntu 18.04.6 Server image from We are going to configure 2 network adapters on them: Bridged Adapter and Host Only Adapter.
First we boot only one vm and we install the required packages:
sudo apt-get install nmap hping3 thc-ipv6 python3-pip ssh
Then we are going to install the required python modules:
pip install scapy
Then we have to make sure that the following network tunables are disabled:
Notice: depending on the OS version some of those may not be enabled/installed already.
Then we have to clone the vms an change their names and hostnames in order to distinguish them.
In the folder scripts
we can find the python scripts used to test if the infrastructure is
In proofs
are added screenshots and recordings with our attempts.