This project gets random information for learning purposes.
Navigating to the Site Hosted in Azure will result in random info.
To send an email, send a post request with email and password. This endpoint will send an email of random data given proper email credentials
POST /sendEmail
Content-Type: application/json
emailAddress: "[email protected]",
emailPassword: "vfc..wgjs"
Example, using Gmail and App-Specific Password
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"emailAddress\": \"[email protected]\",\"emailPassword\": \"vfc..wgjs\"}" -X POST
Clone Repo, Dockerize (command below), then host in Azure - App Service
npm run dockerize
Add more tool cheatsheets to server.js
- Add additional tools? (burp suite, wireshark, commandline tools, etc.)
Add Random
- ?? GTFO Bins
- ?? HackerOne Reports