Yii PowerPoint - Create and write presentations, with slides; slides are made up of text, images in PHP
You can see all examples and documentation:
On command line, type in the following commands:
$ cd yiiAppPath/protected
$ composer init && composer install (optional if not have composer.json)
$ composer require alejandrososa/yii-power-point dev-master
Assuming that the vendor is installed in yiiAppPath/index.php
// Include the vendor's autoloader:
$vendor = dirname(__FILE__) . '/protected/vendor/autoload.php';
Now we import the vendor installed in the library main.php Edit the protected/config/main.php adding the following:
//(optional path alias for images)
Yii::setPathOfAlias('images', dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).'/images');
return array(
// autoloading model and component classes
'import' => array(
// application components
'ppt' => array(
'class' => 'AlejandroSosa\\YiiPowerPoint\\PowerPoint'
The first step in our controller is import Power Point class
// in your Controller
(use optional, only to call constants defined in PowerPoint)
use AlejandroSosa\YiiPowerPoint\PowerPoint;
class SiteController extends Controller {
Now in your action
* Create PPT
public function actionCreatePPT()
$options = [
'fileName' => 'myFirstPPT',
'fileProperties' => [
'creator' => Yii::t('app', 'MyCompany'),
'title' => Yii::t('app', 'State Budget 2016'),
'subject' => Yii::t('app', 'Resumen General'),
'description' => Yii::t('app', 'Any description')
'layout' => [
'background' => Yii::getPathOfAlias('images') .'/ppt/bg.png'
$slides = [
'texts' => [
'text'=>Yii::t('app', 'Delivery'),
'height'=>143, 'width'=>793, 'ox'=>120, 'oy'=>180,
'bold'=> true, 'size'=>44, 'color'=>PowerPoint::COLOR_CYAN,
'text'=>Yii::t('app', 'State Budget 2016'),
'height'=>143, 'width'=>793, 'ox'=>170, 'oy'=>240,
'bold'=> false, 'size'=>40, 'color'=>PowerPoint::COLOR_BLUE,
Yii::app()->ppt->generate($options, $slides);
General Purpose in options
Property | Definition | Type |
height | height of the graph in pixels | integer |
width | width of the graph in pixels | integer |
ox | X coordinate, horizontal position on the slide | integer |
oy | Y coordinate, vertical position on the slide | integer |
Property | Definition | Type |
options | Includes the following properties | array |
path | Absolute path of the image | string |
name | Name of the image (optional) | string |
decription | Description of the image (optional) | string |
Property | Definition | Type |
text | Text you want to insert | string |
options | Includes the following properties | array |
align | Text alignment | string, you can access the constants from PowerPoint::TEXT_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL_CENTER |
bold | Bold text | boolean, default is false |
color | Text color | string, default is COLOR_PRIMARY_TEXT. You can access the constants from PowerPoint::COLOR_BLUE |
size | Text size, default is 14 | integer |
Property | Definition | Type |
height | Height of the table in pixels | integer |
width | Width of the table in pixels | integer |
ox | X coordinate, horizontal position on the slide | integer |
oy | Y coordinate, vertical position on the slide | integer |
header | Row that represents the header of the table, array with the columns it contains | array |
columns | Array of columns, contains text and column style | array |
text | Text you want to insert into column | string |
style | Includes the following properties into column, | array |
background | Background color of column | string, default is COLOR_WHITE. You can access the constants from PowerPoint::COLOR_WHITE |
height | Height of column in pixels | integer, default is 20 |
width | Width of colum in pixels | integer, default is 100 |
align | Text alignment of column | string default is center, you can access the constants from PowerPoint::TEXT_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL_CENTER |
bold | Bold text of column | boolean, default is false |
color | Text color of column | string, default is COLOR_PRIMARY_TEXT. You can access the constants from PowerPoint::COLOR_BLUE |
size | Text size of column, default is 14 | integer |
borderWidth | Border width of column, default is 1 | integer |
borderColor | Border color of column, default is COLOR_GREY. You can access the constants from PowerPoint::COLOR_WHITE | string |
rows | Row that represents the header of the table, array with the columns it contains | array |
columns | Array of columns, contains text and column style or only text | array or string |
style | Like the header, you can use the style properties in the rows at the general level for all rows | array |
Nota: Styles can be applied at the general level for all rows or at a specific level for a column, you can see sample_tables
Property | Definition | Type |
title | Title of chart | string |
series | Array of data series composed of key and value array('2015'=>150) | array(string=>integer) |
seriesTrends | Array of data series trends composed of key and value array('2015'=>150) | array(string=>integer) |
options | Includes the following properties | array |
type | Type of chart to create | string, you can access the constants from PowerPoint::TEXT_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL_CENTER |
seriesName | Names of the data series, the name quantity must be equal to the number of data series | array |
trendsName | Names of the data series trends, the name quantity must be equal to the number of data series | array |
showSeriesName | Visibility of data series names, default is true | array |
showTrendsName | Visibility of data series trends names, default is true | array |
showPercente | Displays the percentages of the data series, default is true | boolean |
showValue | Displays the values of the data series, default is true | boolean |
showSymbol | Show symbol in data series, default is true. Only in Scatter | boolean |
typeSymbol | Show symbol in data series, default is true. Only in Scatter | boolean |
titleItalic | Title in italic format, default is false. | boolean |
legendItalic | Title of legend in italic format, default is false. | boolean |
legendBackground | Background color of legend | string, default is none. You can access the constants from PowerPoint::COLOR_WHITE |
legendVisible | Show legend of data series, default is true. | boolean |
legendOx | X coordinate of legend, horizontal position on the chart | integer |
legendOy | Y coordinate of legend, vertical position on the chart | integer |
The other examples to create tables and graphs can be found in vendor/alejandrososa/yii-power-point/samples
If you notice a bug, think about some improvement, then please write me