❯ factorialsucks -h
factorialsucks - FactorialHR auto clock in for the whole month from the command line
factorialsucks [options]
--email value, -e value you factorial email address
--year YYYY, -y YYYY clock-in year YYYY (default: current year)
--month MM, -m MM clock-in month MM (default: current month)
--clock-in HH:MM, --ci HH:MM clock-in time HH:MM (default: "10:00")
--clock-out HH:MM, --co HH:MM clock-in time HH:MM (default: "18:00")
--today, -t clock in for today only (default: false)
--until-today, --ut clock in only until today (default: false)
--dry-run, --dr do a dry run without actually clocking in (default: false)
--reset-month, --rm delete all shifts for the given month (default: false)
--help, -h show help (default: false)
brew tap alejoar/tap
brew install factorialsucks
brew update
brew upgrade factorialsucks