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Releases: alertlogic/nepal-core

Continuous Delivery release for @al/[email protected]

12 Feb 23:53
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ENG-0000 - Updated Location Dictionary with internal API bases (#396)

This change will cause embedded instances of the XDR console to use
.fortra domains.

For `embedded-development` environment:

For `embedded-integration` environment:

Also gave AlErrorHandler a nice little overhaul, allowing logs to be
emitted to specific categories which can be enable or disabled via
terminal commands.

This enables all: `al.error.enable("*")`
This disables all: `al.error.disable("*")`

Continuous Delivery release for @al/[email protected]

07 Feb 19:18
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ENG-0000 - Suppress Missing Account Info (#395)

Added a safety check for authentication scenarios when a session exists
but we haven't mapped from a Fortra identity to an AIMS identity yet.

Also adds the local development alias for foundation-ui's local option.

Continuous Delivery release for @al/[email protected]

06 Feb 20:41
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ENG-0000 - Update `AlSession` to enforce non-zero account Id

This updates `AlSession`'s constructor to enforce both timestamps and account IDs for session
information found in localStorage.

Continuous Delivery release for @al/[email protected]

06 Feb 16:05
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ENG-0000 - Add Runtime Configuration for Link Truncation

Defaults to off.  It is is enable, the routing layer will reduce any
links it generates to itself to only the anchor fragment and query
string.  Hypothetically, this should universally be the case -- and if
it auditions well in the embedded fortra-platform version of magma it
should soon become so.

Continuous Delivery release for @al/[email protected]

03 Feb 20:28
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ENG-57434 - Foundation Support

Amongst other things, adds better location/correlation for embedded
environments, which now have the distinct IDs `embedded-integration` and
`embedded-development`.  This makes it easier to correlate with the
insight API stack(s), which are be re-exposed within the fortra domain
space at a slower rate.

Also included a bunch of nice-to-haves:
    - Logging verbosity can now be modified via terminal and remains
      persistent.  This avoids having to do separate builds with a
      different verbosity value of `true`.
    - Minor restructuration: moved navigation-related functionality into
      a top level position, grouped utilities better, repathed
      everything, and stripped down some interfaces by removing historic
    - Overhauled AlLocatorService's logic to rationalize aliased node pairing
      and URL construction where we were running in a subdirectory.  In
      other words, if we're acting as,
      all links for AlLocation.MagmaUI will reference that domain; if
      we're acting in,
      all links will reference that subdirectory.  Also, optimized the
      node-seeking method `getNodeByURL()` by disqualifying non-matches
      via simple string comparison and minimizing the use of regular
    - Removed a bunch of unused stuff, including TV4 and all support for
      response validation in AlDefaultClient.

Continuous Delivery release for @al/[email protected]

16 Dec 14:41
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ENG-0000 - Misc Enhancements

Removes logging; prevents use of keycloak-js when an explicit aims_token
query parameter is provided; nicens "mock mode."

Continuous Delivery release for @al/[email protected]

18 Nov 22:32
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ENG-0000 - Implicit Residency Awareness

Slightly tweaks the behavior of the base API client's `prepare()`
function to use residency-aware lookups for specific residency zones,
even if they are not in the default list of residency-aware services.
This allows the original default behavior to remain, but lets individual
client methods choose their type of residency behavior on a case-by-case

Continuous Delivery release for @al/[email protected]

05 Nov 15:53
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ENG-0000 - Fix Residency Calculation (#389)

The `residency` property of `APIRequestParams` was being ignored except
for the single case of residency-aware services, where the value
`'default'` is actually a placeholder for the current residency.  This

  - Doesn't provide a default value for `residency` in global request
  - Substitutes the current residency for `default` or undefined
    residency for residency-aware services,
  - Allows the functional residency of non-residency-aware services to
    be overridden explicitly without disabling endpoints resolution.

Continuous Delivery release for @al/[email protected]

23 Oct 18:33
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ENG-56653 - Centralize Error Description/Support Terse Errors (#388)

Consolidates the "error translator" code from magma into
`AlErrorHandler`, and updates that logic to be syncronous.

Adds the option to describe errors with either a full/verbose or
short/terse variant of most error messages, particularly HTTP responses
from APIs.

Adds a categorical filter for logging output, using localStorage to
retain toggled categories.

Also, related to ENG-56630: added another pattern  match for newer Auth0
URLs and better logging.

Continuous Delivery release for @al/[email protected]

23 Oct 13:19
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ENG-56603 - More Diagnostics