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🎲 Cache npm version

Caching module for asynchrounous callback functions.


npm i @alesmenzel/cache

Storages (built in)

See examples directory too see the usage of each storage.

code description
new RedisStorage(redisClient) Redis storage, requires redis module to work.



Set up the cache service with appropriete storage, in our case it is redis. Function createCache accepts the storage and also options, those can be overridden when registering a function (see code below).

const redis = require('redis');
const { createCache, RedisStorage } = require('@alesmenzel/cache');

const redis = redis.createClient('redis://localhost:6379');
redis.on('error', err => {
  // handle error

const Cache = createCache({
  storage: new RedisStorage(redis),
  ttl: '30min', // time to keep the cache in storage
  precache: '25min', // if we call the cached function after 25minutes and before the cache is expired (30min), it will seamlessly recache and update the ttl for another 30mins (when precaching, the data are returned from cache immediately and the original function is run in the background)
  prefix: 'cache', // prefix all cache keys
Cache.on('error', err => {
  // handle error (e.g. when storage fails, or original function call fails in precaching)

Registering a function

The following code illustrates our service we want to cache. Note, that the function must always have a callback as its last parameter.

// Function to cache, must have a callback as last parameter
const getSum = (a, b, next) => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    next(null, a + b);
  }, 5000);

Here we create the actual caching function. Function Cache.register accepts the function to cache and options as the second parameter. Those options will override the default configuration (set in createCache) for this particular caching function.

// Expensive function we want to cache
const myCostlyFunction = (a, b, next) => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    next(null, a + b);
  }, 10000);

// Here we use the `register` function from the configuratino example
// Notice we can override the global TTL and precache options
const { cache, clear } = Cache.register(myCostlyFunction, {
  ttl: '60min',
  precache: '45min',
  key: 'app:myCostlyFunction'

// `cache` is a wrapper function that accepts the same parameters as your original function
// `clear` is function that lets you clear the cache (it will delete cache for all
// inputs of the function)
cache(10, 30, (err, sum) => {
  // returns `sum = 40` from the original function (because no cache was found)

// Imagine some time passed (e.g. 30min)
// We call the same function with the same parameters
cache(10, 30, (err, sum) => {
  // returns `sum = 40` from the cache (because we set the ttl to 60min)

// More time passes (e.g. another 20min)
cache(10, 30, (err, sum) => {
  // returns `sum = 40` from the cache (because we set the ttl to 60min)
  // but also requests new data from the original function because we are in precache phase
  // Note that we still return cached data immediately and call the original
  // function in the background.


Create cache options

Any option that is used on register can also be set as a default value in createCache.

name description default
storage Storage engine to use. Choose from the built-in MemoryStorage or RedisStorage. Otherwise you can iplement a custom one (see (storages)[./src/storage]) -
options Global options (see cache options below) {}

Register cache options

name description default overridable
key Key is used to uniquely identify a memoized function, by default it uses filepath to the function and its position in the file to determine uniqness. Note that the path is taken from the process´s cwd. (e.g. /src/service/data.js:58:18) If you want to control the name, set it to a unique string per register function. md5(<function-filepath>:<row>:<col>) true
ttl Time to live in seconds or a ms string like 2h. 3600 seconds (1 hour) true
precache Time in seconds or ms package string like 24hours. It defines the after which it should precache the function if you call it. (e.g. You can update the cache before it expires, so there are no "down times" after the cache expires.) Set to null or -1 to disable. null (disabled) true
hash Hashing function is used to stringify arguments of a function and create unique arguments key. Note that by default it uses fast-stable-json-stringify to guarantee the same result for objects with different key order. key => md5(stringify(key)) true
timeout Time in seconds to wait for storage to return any data before calling the original function. Cache needs to be fast, in case it does not return any data in time, it should call the original function. Set to null or -1 to disable. null (disabled) true


This package is developed under the MIT license.