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Angular component for showing loading spinners.


npm i --save drm-dynamic-loading
yarn add drm-dynamic-loading


Add module declaration in your module:

import { DynamicLoadingModule } from 'drm-dynamic-loading';

  declarations: [
  imports: [
    DynamicLoadingModule, // <- here
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Use the component:

<!-- declare the spinner -->
<drm-dynamic-loading component="component1">
      here goes the content once it's been loaded,
      it will appear once this loader is disabled

Import the service:

import { DynamicLoadingService } from 'drm-dynamic-loading';

Inject the service in your component and use it to start/stop loading:

// this will start loading spinner for "component1": <drm-dynamic-loading component="component1">
// ... do heavy work here

By default, it will create a blue android-style spinner.


You can edit spinner's color like that:

<!-- this changes the spinner color to red. Use any html color you like -->
<drm-dynamic-loading component="component1" color="red"></drm-dynamic-loading>

You can specify a custom spinner if you don't like the default one:

<drm-dynamic-loading component="component1">
      this is for custom spinners - they are not styled by default,
      so you need to provide your own styling.
    <!-- oyyyy avocados!! -->
    <img src="" width="100">

You can specify a global loader. Global loaders keep loading until no specific components are loading anymore.


loadingService.startLoading('component1'); // global loader starts loading
loadingService.startLoading('component2'); // global loader keeps loading
loadingService.startLoading('component3'); // global loader keeps loading
loadingService.stopLoading('component1'); // component2 and component3 are still loading, global loader keeps loading
loadingService.stopLoading('component2'); // component3 is still loading, global loader keeps loading
loadingService.stopLoading('component3'); // all components finished loading, global loader stops loading

A loader without a component is global by default:

<!-- this is global -->

However, if you want to make it global verbosely for the sake of clarity, use:

<!-- this is global -->
<drm-dynamic-loading [global]="true"></drm-dynamic-loading>
  • component: the component to listen for updates on loading state.
  • global: whether the spinner is global or not. Defaults to false if a component is specified, true otherwise.
  • color: spinner path color, supports any html color
  • backgroundColor: background color, supports any html color
  • showContentWhenLoading: if true doesn't hide the content while loading. Defaults to false.
  • stylePosition: CSS position. Can be static, relative, fixed, absolute, sticky. Defaults to relative.
  • zIndex: CSS z-index for spinner only, useful when your element already has an high zIndex and you want to place the spinner over it. Defaults to auto.

For a demo, download clone the project on github and run ng s -o.


A dynamic loading package for Angular






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