$ go build ./main.go
The netflow exporter needs to set FLOW_END_REASON (id:136) and BIFLOW_DIRECTION (id:239) in order to handle long flow properly.
Set your interface and ip:port, requires sudo to start.
You can find stanislav
binaries on the release tag
./stanislav -tolerance 20 -nCompare 1 -ip "" -port 2055 -network eno1 -export "./peng_result.csv" -ja3 "./resources/ja3/ja3_fingerprints.csv" -geoip "./resources/GeoLite2-City.mmdb" -c2 "./resources/c2/c2Server.csv" -verbose 1
Usage: flow-periodicity [options]
-bin uint
number of bin in your bitmap (default 16)
-bucket string
bucket string for telegraf
-c2 string
file path of malicious ip
-export string
file path to save the peng result as csv
-flowPath string
dir path to load flows of nProbe
-geoip string
file path of geoip db
-influxPort uint
influxPort number (default 9999)
-influxUrl string
influx url (default "http://localhost")
show the list of all your network interfaces
-ip string
ip of netflow collector
-ja3 string
file path of malicious ja3 fingerprints
-nCompare int
number o time windows to compare to evaluate a possible periodicity (default 1)
-network string
name of your network interface
-org string
organization string for telegraf
-pcap string
pcap file to read
-port string
port of netflow collector (default "2055")
-size uint
size of your bitmap (default 1024)
-timeFrame string
interval time to detect port scans. Number + (s = seconds, m = minutes, h = hours) (default "15s")
-token string
auth token for influxdb
-tolerance float
maximum % tolerance before flag possible periodic flow. (default 20)
-verbose uint
verbosity level. (1=low,2=medium,3=high)
output version